Tuesday, December 30, 2008

105 Interactions!

This means I took 105 phone calls today, isn't that crazy? i'm kind of proud, since that is the highest i got, but most of those count as calling for help on a phone call, but i didn't really call a lot for help today, so that's pretty cool!

work was pretty busy, needless to say, but i am excited that i go to work at 11:30 tomorrow, and get done at 3:30! HOORAY!

so guess what, i left my lights on in my car all day, but my car still started, way cool! i am just so excited for new years, still not sure where its going to be, but that is okay!

i am just ready to go travel somewhere, and i know lisa is too, its just so hard when we both work the same hours, but we shall see! i had my prayer time tonight and just thanked the Lord for Lisa, she is uch a great Christian to be around! hooray!

i will try and write before the new year, but if not, 2008 was great, and now onto a great 2009! :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

another BUSY and boring Monday!

I wish it was Christmas again! but at least i got through the day, and pretty soon its New Years Eve, which is always fun! WHOO HOO!

i am thinking that Sara and i are going to go to my parents house, and bring in the new year with food, laughter, and Troy Bolton (we are starting a tradition of watching hsm 1, since it was during new years!) yah!

can't wait! Hopefully work picks up, and it sounds like I can come into work a little later, and work until 4:30, SWEET! :)

also we always get fake alcohol, which is so much better than the real stuff, i hope you agree with this. also spent 15 minutes in my quiet time, i guess it depends on how long the chapter is, and my prayer time, my goal is to get up to half an hour, because i know i need to spend that time with the Lord!

well have a great night, and remember to be safe on new Years eve!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

i have to go back to work! ICKY!!

so today was good, i went to Calvary again, and ran into the Nehrings who live in St. Cloud and are trying churches in the area, and the sermon was really good, basically about how much time do you spend with the Lord. I did my devotion and prayer in ten minutes, and our pastor was talking about doing 45 to 60 minutes, AHHH!!! although i am reading psalms, and i've been reading short passages! haha! but it was good, like God saying "You spend your whole day doing nothing, and give me about 10 minutes!" so it is defintely something i want to work on.

Then after church i met Lisa and her sister at Applebees for lunch, and then we went to Crafts Direct and i got some Christmas stuff for my Christmas album, yah!

then i came home chilled in front of the TV, and then went out and did some more shopping! after that i came home, and forgot to close my garage door, and then Sara called to tell me that it was still up, which was HILARIOUS!

then i found out the Sound of Music was on TV, and while watching it my dad called to tell me that it was on, HILARIOUS!

so it was a good chill day, now just getting ready for the week to start! YUCKY! at least New Years is this week! YAH!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm home!

It is nice to be back and get into a routine again, but basically i chilled today, and then jackie left this afternoon, and i met up with Suzie and Lesley at Triple R in Kimball, and it was really good too! we had a lot of fun, mostly talking about being single, which is great to have other single girlfriends!! :)

then after dinner i packed up my stuff, and came home and have been unloaded since! now i am whomped and going to bed! my tape is fixed, HOORAY! :)

well i am going to bed, and after church tomorrow Lisa and i are going out to eat, and then to Crafts Direct! WHOO HOO!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Guess what i did today?

NOTHING, nothing! Absolutely nothing, nothing is too difficult for thee!!! haha!

we watched Prince Caspian, The Phantom of the Opera, and Pirates of the Carribean 2! It was pretty fun!

then tomorrow i am going to get supper with Suzie and Lesley, and probably go home and settle back in! Also i think my mom fixed my injured skating tape, so i hope that works! HOORAY!

well have a great weekend everyone! :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wow, what a Christmas!!!

So let me start with yesterday morning, so we got up, and basically when its Christmas, it means to eat all day! mom did put out a fruit bowl, which i am still looking at COMPLETELY full a day later! :)

we had so much fun, dad went and got pizza, and we ate it while in the hog house watching home alone 1 and 2, mostly parts, but that is okay!

then after that mom and jackie did my hair, which was fun! after that we went to church, and i talked to lesley, so that was good! we also hung out with the mags and caught up with other members of the church.

then it was FINALLY time to get home and open PRESENTS, hooray! we read the Christmas story, and then opened our gifts. I got LOT's of SKATING movies and books, HOORAY! we always have so much fun exchanging gifts, and dad liked all of ours, even though we didn't get a good list from him, oh well!

then after opening presents, we played our traditional game, that mom and dad create. This years was called "Family Matters" and it was trivia about ourselves, and it was 30 questions, and we got $10 for each question that was answered correctly, and we ended up getting 21/30, WHOO HOO!!! Thanks daddy!

after that we went to bed, and i had to come downstairs to get something, and found out that Santa had arrived already "SANTA!" (quoted from Elf!)

then this morning i got up early for the Today Show, since Sasha was on, and then went back to bed. We then got up and opened Santa gifts, which included my parents. We got my dad a stuff Mickey, and he loved it, and rocked it, it was so CUTE! i also got my skating tickets from "santa!"

then after that we got the house ready for the fam, and boy was it CRAZY! the white elephant went good, i got a SUPER soft blanket, that i LOVE!

then i watched skating, which was good, but i wrecked on of my favorite skating tapes, but i am hoping that i can get it fixed! if you know of anyone that can fix it, please let me know!

then after everyone left, we went out to the hog house, to our neighbor kev's house, and watched the Dark Knight, which was good, and played Disney Scene it, and i was on a team with my dad, who doesn't watch disney movies, just likes the theme parks, and so we lost, but it was still fun! great day was had, but please pray for my daddy's back, as he has to work tomorrow! HILARIOUS! I think i am still getting coffee or something with Suzie and Lesley, but i guess we shall see! hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sommers family traditions live on!

So i could not sleep last night, since I was so excited to go shopping, but morning came quickly, but then jackie called to say that she was going to be late, HOORAY for me! but before she came i went and did some errands, and then when jackie got to my house, we hit the mall and other shops, and we did find some great stuff! we always like to go together, since our parents are so hard to shop for!

then after shopping FOREVER, we drove home, which took forever because of all of the holiday traffic, and then i FINALLY got home, and my family drove me crazy the moment i walked in, but we then proceeded to do our Christmas tradition of lightlooking and caroling, HOORAY! we went to a new place, the millers and sung carols to them, then went light looking, and there was a super cool house done up to music on a radio station, then we went to edmonson's and when we knocked on the door, pete opened the door, and told us to hang on, then he opened it and they caroled to us, it was pretty funny! then dad had this idea to give them some money, and we threw dollar bills at them, HILARIOUS! the kids loved it!

then we went to the big house with the lights, and found out that this is the last year they are doing it, isn't that sad? i'm not sure what we are going to do, but we will survive!

then we went to mcdonalds, and went in, this year, because of dad's back, and kevin brought some bread in for the chicken nuggets, which is tradition. we usually eat in the car and make chicken sandwiches, but we hid out in the back of the restaraunt, which was hilarious! then mom burped REALLY loudly, and a guy next to us started to laugh. Also jackie rented Camp Rock from the red box, and we watched it, i was kinda disapointed, but still love Joe Jonas, poor guy has a HORRIBLE name though!

then after that mom and dad needed to go to the grocery store, so when they went there, we went to home depot, since kevy needed to get some lights, and we get there at like 5 minutes till closing time, but he got what he needed, and we then went to cold stone, which is another tradition: chocolate ice cream with kit kats! YUMMY!

also someone said something about "kevy's place" like it was super far away from the house, and i was like kev's house at 8471 1/2? it was HILARIOUS, yah!

after eating ice cream we came home, played with the kitties, me and jackie did, and chilled and watched camp rock! cannot wait for tomorrow, Merry Christmas Eve day!

bye! :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

this LONG week is over, of course I am kidding since i worked one day! haha!

So today was LONG, but great! its just UPS messing up shipments, but I can now officially say that framing is over, as orders need to be in by December 24th, and I am not going back to work until Monday! watch, $10 bucks says I get a call from a cons wanting her order to be included for the framing deadline, haha!

now i am just packing things up, and getting things ready to hang out with my sister, and get our Christmas shopping complete. My dad's back still hurts, and he's not sure what our plans for Christmas are going to be. The funny thing is that i told him if he wanted to cancel having the whole Sommers family come over on Christmas day, that would be okay with me, and he said 3 other people told him the same thing, meaning my sister, brother, and my mom. Jackie and I just want to chill, mom hates cleaning for everyone, and kev just got a big screen TV that he wants to watch all day! haha! I thought it was HILARIOUS, and died laughing! plus skating is always on Christmas day, of course, SUPER inconvient, but maybe this year i will get to watch it. i told dad we could always do Christmas some other time, like over the weekend, and he said he would think about it!

i do want to carry on our tradition of like looking, but i guess we shall see!

well wish me luck out shopping tomorrow! have a great week, and a MERRY Christmas! :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

pod party was AMAZING! I LOVE my co-workers!

so today was FABULOUS, unfortunately i didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but i got up for church, and walked to Calvary, since i wasn't sure about the weather, and it was FREEZING and slippery, but i made it, and i'm glad i did. i love the Christmas season since every sermon is about Jesus birth, and its always interesting to hear different pastors, and this one was good!

then after church i braved the weather, got Jill the rest of her Christmas gift, yes I can now say that i had her as a secret santa!!!

then i came back to my place and was about to take a nap, when lisa texted me and told me that her thing got done early, so we could come over whenever, so i took a quick cat nap, and then got ready for the PARTA! it was so much fun, andrea brought her son AJ, and he is such a cutie!!

we exchanged gifts, lisa had me and got me a bunch of cool stuff! HOORAY! we also had fun scrapbooking, and i am getting further in my book, but feel like i am spending too much time on grand canyon! oh well! :)

then after the party i came home, and found out that my dad's back is not feeling well, so please pray for him! i don't want him to be in pain for Christmas, and we might not be able to do all of our traditions, which would make me SOOOO sad! so PLEASE PRAY!!!

well, i am going to have a good week (8 hours total!) haha! HOORAY!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I had everything planned to get my christmas shopping done,and then i wake up, after SLEEPING in, which was the highlight of my day, and find out that there is a snow storm outside, so i was stuck inside all day, AHHHHH man!

so i basically did nothing, i did hang out with my roomate Jamie for awhile, we played my HSM game and watched some Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, brings back memories of when i was little, and as long as we took our bath on saturday night, we could watch dr. quinn, haha!

i think its stopped snowing, so i am hoping to get some sleep and check out Jubilee tomorrow morning, and then get some shopping in, and try to get home since i need some of my pictures to complete my gift for my secret santa, which i cannot say, because she might be reading this! :)

then we have out pod Christmas party at 3:00, but i do have a back up plan if the weather is yucky, which i am hoping it isn't! for now i am just chillin' and watching the movie Elf, I LOVE that movie!! :)

well enjoy the snow, hopefully its stops though! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

8 more hours of work and then i get 6 days off!! HOORAY!

so today was another not good, but survived day! ughhh, i am so sick of those types of days!!!

it was slow, and then the 1st shift leaves and it was still slow, so they made a GO HOME list, which we haven't had in AGES, which is good for business, but i miss it being slow and being able to talk to my podmates!!!

but the sad part was that i never got to go home, since my number was never picked, but Andrea and Lisa's were, grrrr! at least jill was still around!

i did eventually survived, HOORAY, and then i decided to go shopping, so i went to Target and ran into my mom working! haha! so i hung out with her for a bit, which was fun. i was asking her if they have a CD that she wants, which was pretty funny, she was like Go look! haha! and of course, i didn't find it! oh well!

i still have a couple more days to shop, and cannot wait to hang with my pod on sunday, and just gotta get through work on monday, and then i have 6 days, yes this is correct, 6 days off! WAAAHOOOO!!!!

well, i am planning to go shopping tomorrow, even though tonight was insane at walmart, which is weird, but since its the holidays, its busy! plus its supposed to snow like crazy, so wish me luck in the weather! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Whew, another day is over! two more work days and then I've got 6 days off!


today was not horrible, but it was not great either! although we did get word that we can wear casual until the new year, YAH! i just hope that isn't our Christmas present, i am still hopping that they will give us something, like they did last year! we got a bunch of scrapbooking supplies!

i cannot wait for the weekend, which includes our pod Christmas party and more Christmas shopping and chillin with my family over the holidays SOON, i cannot wait! WHOO HOO!

also i started thinking about my Christmas album, which is EXCITING!

two more work days! WAAAHOOOOO!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday blahs, is it Christmas yet?

So today was not good! the only highlight was when i got a call from a consultant in Louisana, who said that there was snow where she is and she was so excited, i was like "Hey, you can have some of our snow!" it snowed another million inches, which is still pretty, but i want to play in it, maybe i should go buy me some snow pants or somethin!!!

so driving home in the bad weather was good, didn't go in the ditch, HOORAY!

i am just getting so excited for Christmas, i have plans to do some last minute shopping, so that will be nice!

peace out! :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday is OVER, hooray!

So yah, today wasn't horrible, but it was pretty busy! YUCK! plus lisa lost her voice, so that was sad! she actually lost it over the weekend, even though when we hung out Saturday she had one!! haha!

so basically just a normal day, i did take next tuesday off because i am going to go to jackie's and do some last minute shopping, so that will be good!

i have a bad case of the hiccups right now, SO ANNOYED!

but i am excited, lesley and i are going to get brunch on saturday morning, since she is in town from school, so that will be fun! she goes to school in TN, so i don't think she knows a lot of people, and i've been meaning to hang with her, but i moved last summer, and forgot that she moved back to school, so....

but it will be good!

PS Happy b-day momma!!!! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow day!!!

So i wake up to get ready for church and look outside and there was SO MUCH SNOW, I knew that i couldn't walk or drive into church, so i went back to bed, which was nice, and slept in!

when i woke up, i basically lounged around all day, which i enjoyed very much! our landlord did eventually come to plow us out, but i had no where to be, which was nice, it was like a good snow storm, although it would've been fun to go out and play in it, but i don't have any winter gear, and it would've been more fun to do it in the back of our farm at home, so i will have to see if kevy will take us for a snowmobile ride or something! YAh! i am getting so excited for christmas.

some bad news though, someone hacked into my facebook account and sent a bunch of weird messages to all of my friends, who would do something so stuff like that?? seriously!! so i reset it, but one friend was like "What are you talking about?" it was funny, but i immediately told him it wasn't me, and he was all like "oh okay!"

then just spent the afternoon watching skating and chillin, i knew it would be an INDOOR day, so i was prepared, and glad that i didn't have to go out in the snow! Hooray!

well have a great week everyone, and remember we only have like a week and a half until Christmas, it will be here and gone so fast! AHHHH!!!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

BUSY day!

Oh man, it started early!!! lisa came over and we hit the mall, BUSY BUSY!!! we did some Christmas shopping, but mostly looked around!

then we went to fashion bug, which is where they had a HUGE sale going on, so we shopped there FOREVER, but it was fun!

then she had stuff going on, so i continued my shopping and got a lot done, i guess its true what they say that you get more done on your own!!

i finally found something for my brother, he's the hard one to get for, so yah!

then i went home since i was served with JURY DUTY PAPERWORK, AHHHHHH!!!! i've been regreting this day for a long time! haha!!!! so i went home to fill it out, since tomorrow there is going to be a big storm, and when i got there, i found out Suzie was there, that was a nice surprise, so we hung out, and then i went looking through some of our old Christmas family photos, for my Christmas Scrapbook (i'm obsessed, i know!)

then after that i came home and went grocery shopping, since I am being prepared to be stuck at my place, and planning on going to calvary, so i can walk right over, man I think of it all, don't I?

well, now its LATE, and i am exhausted, so I am going to get to sleep, and hope for some snow, and maybe play in it, that would be fun!!!

have a great rest of the weekend, enjoy!!! :)

a much better day!!

So today was great, except for the whole WORK part, HA! it did eventually get slow, so that was nice, so basically my pod and i talked, but i do feel kinda bad for wishing it to be slow, since our president, i think, is feeling pressure for business to get better! but i just like it to be slow to catch up on my pile of FOLLOW-up, ahhhh! and my lead asks why my follow up is so bad, all i get is follow up! oh well!

when work was over, i came home and chilled! then jackie ended up being on facebook and we chatted for an hour, just writing each other back and forth, pretty great!!!!!!!

i MUST go to bed, as lisa is going to be at my house at noon tomorrow, that may not be early, but it tis for me!
also, the employee sale was this morning, but this one decided to almost oversleep for work, whoopsie! at least i have great co-workers who watch my back and get me the stuff i wanted, which was a lot and cost me $1.30, isn't that AMAZING?!?!?! I LOVE my discount!

thoughts? (just kidding, this is for jackie who has been known to repeat this, okay it just started, but still!) haha! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

ah carumba, what a day!

It was horrible, just LONG!!!!!! some consultants drive me nuts, they constantly COMPLAIN!!! pipe it down already!

but i am just so excited for Christmas, whoo hoo!!! nothing can get me down, i am officially going to shop with lisa and hang out with her on Saturday, which will be SUPER fantastic, and maybe scrapbooking.

also i am going to chill with my roomate jamie after work on friday night, we want to go see HSM 3, but i don't think it plays that late, oh well!

then on sunday i plan to chill out, and go home and visit my fam, so that will be cool! well, i am exhausted, and i am hoping that i will be able to get up and go to our work employee sale tomorrow morning, so we shall see!

its' almost the weekend, HOORAY! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exciting day was HAD, hooray!

So it started out great, i went to our b-day meeting, and we had great cake, and got to talk to our president for about an hour, so that was nice to chat with her about stuff!

then afterward andrea, jill and i went to find a pop machine, and on the way out jill opened a door that was alarm activated! haha, it was HILARIOUS! :)

then we went back to work, and it went so quickly, which is always nice! then i got off work early, and went to kmart, target, and shopko and got a start on Christmas presents, but also got myself some stuff, oh well! :)

now i am chillin and i can smell that the weekend is almost here, still not sure what i am doing, but thats okay! cannot wait for Christmas, two more weeks, and i only have 8 more days of work and then i get like a week off, HOORAY!

have a great week everyone! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

its the middle of the week!

so i am still just UBER uber excited for Christmas, hooray! I think i am going to go shopping with Lisa this weekend, probably instead of jackie, since she is in the cities!

work went good, except i had this guy call in who isn't even a consultant, yelling at me about something random, he was probably drunk, so whatev!

i do work early tomorrow for the rescheduled b-day meeting, so that is exciting, then i work until 8:30, so i am going to get off early, and do some shopping! whoo hoo!

nothing much else going on! have a great week! :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

A GOOD monday, they are hard to come by, believe me!

so today was really a good day! basically it was slow when i got into work, and it did pick up when the first shift left, but it was a steady busy, which i don't mind! i am getting my follow-up done, which is GREAT too!

i am just getting so excited for Christmas, i realized that i work early on wednesday for our postponed b-day meeting, so that is exciting, and then i hope to do some Christmas shopping since i get off early. i better start sometime soon! haha! i LOVE Christmas!

well, nothing else going on. Plans so far for the weekend include doing some SHOPPING, whether in the cities with jackie or not, depends on the weather. hopefully the weather gets better, its been snowing A LOT!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


so basically i did nothing today, which was FABULOUS! i did go to church, and actually decided to drive over there since the weather was so bad, so i did go to Calvary, but the message is still about Job and that is what i am reading in my bible, so its been going good.

after church i chilled, did some more chillin, i wanted to go shopping, but it ended up snowing ALL DAY, and we got so much snow, i did venture out later on, but the roads were so slick, i just came home right away. Oh well! I plan to go shopping next weekend for sure!

so i've been just watching some tv, and for some reason i don't feel so great, so i did take a nap too, which was nice! all around lazy day, but i still have to get some Christmas decorations up! YAH! I LOVE Christmas!

well have a great night everyone! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Beautiful day was had! All day, even getting up EARLY!

So today was fabulous, and i will tell you why:

It started out SUPER early, but i got up, and got to "work" early, and melissa and i came in together, which was good! jill was pretty shocked that i did get up early. We had so much fun scrapbooking. andrea even came and brought AJ, he is such a cutie pie! Anyways, i did get about 5 pages done in my scrapbook, so thats good!

then after scrapbooking jill, lisa, melissa, and i went to tgif's which was DELICIOUS, and we had so much fun talking and hanging out. Then after that i got a call from jackie saying that she is going to be coming home, so i of course wanted to go. So i went over to sara's and we did wii fit, which told me i hadn't done it since like September, WHOOPS! but then sara had a purse party to go to, so i came home and chilled out, and then sara came over when she was done and we went to my parents house, which was so much fun. She hadn't seen the hog house yet, so i showed her that, and then jackie brought pizza's, which weren't very good, and then we hung out and it was so much fun. i LOVE my family, we are wonderful! i am so excited for Christmas. jackie also brought Des, so that was good!

well, i am going to bed now, since i am WHOMPED! been a great day, and oh i went to walmart to get some necessities, and oh my goodness, i hope i am prepared to get in line tomorrow for shopping! oh well, i will be joyful and have a good attitude!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

CRAZINESS of a day!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (screaming, just like Zac Efron!!!)

it was just that most of our systems were down, so people had problems with EVERYTHING, and i am in follow -up (things to check with consultants!) up to my EYEBALLS, literally!!

I'm just glad that tomorrow is Friday, hooray! and i am so excited for the weekend. i did come home for lunch and my parents came over, and my dad brought me toothpaste, HOORAY for toothpaste!

so just please pray for me to get through tomorrow, and then scrapbooking at work, and hanging out with co-workers, and sara, and doing some christmas shopping and decorating, MAN try fitting all that in, then i just talked to jackie and we have to START Christmas shopping for Mr Fussy pants (our dad!) and our pod christmas party is coming up, and i still have to get those gifts. tons of stuff going on, and not enough time.

it was nice when i was leaving with my parents, my mom jumped out of the car and opened my door and hugged me, she's so cute, although she stole my jacket, saying that mine is too dirty, and that she was going to clean it, but her's is so UGLY! oh well, gotta love your parents!

well PRAY FOR ME! bye!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How does everything not go well............

Grrr, let me explain! So today went great, except I had issues with my contacts/eyes all day, so i came home for lunch and took them out! the work part went good, but it was just like "Why in the world is there something else wrong!" haha! oh well.

work went good, talked to dad and he and my mom are going to be in town tomorrow, so i am going to come home for lunch and hang out with them for a few minutes, and then go back to work, i did let him now i need toothpaste and a hammer to fix my coffee table that he assembled, haha!

i am so excited for the weekend, i am going to scrapbook at work (for overtime, HOORAY!) and then afterward hang out with Sara, do some Christmas decorating, and i think we might be going to lunch somewhere as co-workers, which would be FUN! yah!

then i need to do some Christmas shopping, i have yet to really start! so yeah for that! nothing much else going on, i will keep you updated on my health status for tomorrow, haha!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i hate being SICK, it sucks!

So basically i was dog sick yesterday, and had to stay at work, otherwise i would lose my holidays hours, so basically it was HORRIBLE, and then today i felt good, but i got a headache for most of the day, GRRRRRRRRRR!!!

i better feel good tomorrow, all i've eaten in the past couple of days, since i don't want to throw it up, is a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some crackers, at least when you are sick you don't really eat! haha!

well i am excited about scrapbooking this weekend, and decorating my place for Christmas, whoo hoo! pray that i feel better! bye! :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving updates!

Hey all!

First i will give you the low down on today, it was good. Had problems getting up, what else is new, so I walked over to calvary, although that is something that i am going to try to stop doing, because it makes it seem like church isn't important to me, but it is! the music was great though!

then i came home, went to fashiom bug, and found nothing, of course with a coupon! then i met up with jill at gold's gym. she got a couple free passes, so we used the jacuzzi, which was SOOO nice, and my aunt was actually there, funny! then we checked out midtown, which was better, in terms of the amount, so i think that would be great! i'm pretty excited! jill and i were thinking we could work out after work, since its open later, and then go in the hot tub and relax after work! plus they have raquetball too! we also might do a water aerobics class, which i think would be fun.

then after that jill and i went to burger king, and talked and hung out. it was a lot of fun, Lisa wasn't feeling well, so she didn't go with. way sad!

then i got home, and chilled and have been cleaning and went through my scrapbooking stuff, and organized, which was nice! took out Hawaii stuff, and put in Arizona stuff! yah for vacations! :)

now for thanksgiving, we actually had so much fun driving there, mom made a quiz called "How well do you know your childhood home" which was crazy weird, like "How many knobs in the kitchen?" how many pictures of dad in the office". i didn't win, but it was still fun, then we did quizes on jackie, mom, and kev, and i started on mine for the way home, but totally forgot about it, better do it for Christmas!

then we just chilled and napped, and we left at about 5:00 wednesday night, and got to St. Clair at about 3:30 in the morning. my work day was not good, TOO early in the morning, and i didn't take a lunch, so i decided to go to subway, and it was SUPER busy, then i tried mcdonalds BUSY there too, and so i went to a random gas station and got a small pizza that was not very good, even though it said fresh and warm on the outside, NOT!! haha!

anyways, back to our trip, we then slept at my aunts house, and she got us up at 8:30 in the morning, AHHH! i was like "don't wake me up, because i smell bad (because we didn't shower when we got there!) and everything!

we did get up, and our cousin jason, who is so hilarious and wonderful drove us over to grandma's, so of course we started to hug everyone! i did find out that my cousins that i didn't know because they were just born are ADORABLE. will loves swords, so everything was a sword to him, so of course, he loved Kevy! kate loved me, and everytime jackie tried to hold her, she would come to me, it was SOOOOO cute! morgan is sooo cute too!

so we hung out at grandma's, catching up with everyone, including my hilarious uncle rob, who we don't see alot, but hes' great! then we went over to my uncle's church for thanksgiving dinner, since there were so many of us, and the meal was really good, and we had fun hanging out with everyone. jackie and i found a room in the church for sunday school that had leather coaches, so we ran off and took a little nap, which was nice. of course they set up a tv screen projector for the dallas game, and they did win, so kevin was happy about that!

then we went back to grandma's and chilled some more, and played with the kids. then we had our white elephant gift exchange, which was fun! i ended up getting a mountain climbing bag from my cousin, and he was laughing cuz i got it, but its pretty cool! no complaints though because i do need a bag. then my crazy grandma had us play this crazy game, where she would read a story, although she forgot it, and made things up as she went, and everyone gets a gift, and when she said left or right, we passed the gift left or right and then you open what you got, although with grandma they were alot of knick knacks from around her house, haha, she's trying to downsize. the nicest part though was getting $100 in silver coins from her for christmas, THANK YOU grandmother!

then mom gave her this table she refinished for her, that grandma bought when we were shopping at home, and she was surprised because mom kept telling her she hadn't gotten to it yet, and when she asked mom to refinish her coffee table, dad said no, since it was big, but then mom told grandma to give dad a sad face, so dad said it was fine, which was so cute!! haha!

after that dad took a nap, since we were leaving that night, turns out we spent 27 or 31 minutes, i forgot, my dad figured it out, more driving then visiting with family! haha!

we then left around 11:30, and dad drove all night, although he needed to stop, and mom drove for him, and then mom kept saying "we will be okay, even though i cannot see!" which freaked me out, but it was funny, since she needs to get glasses, and has been saying that for years, literally!!! haha!

we all pretty much slept on the way home, and when we got back home, i slept some more. it was a nice, but very QUICK trip, but it was still good! nice to be home, now just getting ready for the week ahead!

have a great night everyone! :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Scrapbooking day!

So today was a good day, i slept in and then sara came over, and we went to walmart and developed some pictures, and then went back to my place and literally scrapbooked all day, it was so much fun!

she got a bunch of pages done, and i got some planned out, and a few done! haha! it was really fun though, and then tomorrow i am meeting jill and lisa at golds gym and we are going to talk about memberships, so that will be fun!

well i am SUPER tired, so i am going to go to bed! g'night! thanksgiving details are coming tomorrow! haha, i hope! :)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tired, but good trip!

I won't go into the details now, since I'm EXHAUSTED, but we had a good trip, left St. Clair at about 11:30 last night, and got back home about 10:00 this morning, so it was nice to travel while we were sleeping, and we did have fun, and i have the most adorable cousins!!!

I will post pictures later. After sleeping FOREVER, suzie came over, and we hung out and talked, and played pool in kevy's hog house, which was fun!

then i came back here, and am planning to scrapbook with Sara tomorrow, and lisa on sunday! so hooray!

happy belated thanksgiving, and i will post trip details tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ugggghhh, waking up early! haha!

Just kidding, you guys know I have to complain about something!

So the day started out BADLY! I'm talking about waking up in the middle of the night, and thinking that I had to get up to get ready for work, and this was like at 3:00 in the morning, so that was weird, so I even turned on my light, thinking "Okay, having the light on will help me wake up, but then I turned it off, so its kinda weird. whatev!

then i get up for work, which took FOREVER! I absolutely HATE getting up in the morning, its the worst thing in the world, plus its cold and still dark out!

when i get to work, its slow, and then about 5 minutes later it picks up and NEVER stops! AHHHHH!!!

then i go to subway for lunch, and its SUPER packed, so is mcdonalds, so i end up going to this gas station, and getting some crappy pizza, that says on the box hot and fresh, pa, YAH RIGHT! So now I am starving and tired, and the last thing i want to do is travel, but I will probably sleep, so hopefully everything goes well, we got a van though, so HOORAY!!! Now I can at least lay down!

Well have a great Thanksgiving everyone, and keep in mind my sarcasm with this post! haha! :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

uggggh, tuesdays too!


the day started with lisa saying "Wow, its not busy today!" and then all of the sudden it got busy and never stopped! GRRRR!!!

but i have good news, my family got a van from our neighbors, so we won't be squished like SARDINES, HOORAY! this is fabulous, now i am excited! :)

except I have to work tomorrow morning, ick! it was funny as I was leaving I told andrea i was working at 7:45 tomorrow, and she says "AM?" it was pretty funny!

now i am getting excited to see my relatives that i haven't seen in awhile, so that will be fun. well i better continue doing 50 things at once, so i get to bed! haha

byebye i will post more when i get back! :)

ughhh, mondays! YUCK!

so yeah, nothing special or too difficult, just that it was a BUSY, BUSY day! yuck! but i suppose its good for buisiness!

i was just excited because after work, we just decided to go to Perkins, since we were all whomped from the day of work, but then, the good news, we decided to join the YMCA and work out a couple mornings a week before work, how cool is that? I know it will be great, and very motivating.

Now i am just looking through some Sound of Music information on Austria, I would so LOVE to go there, it would be WONDERFUL! Hopefully we do end up going!

gotta get to bed, g'night! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

happy b-day to me!!!!


so my day was pretty great! it started out with getting up early, and discovering that i was freezing all night, and that there were blankets at the foot of the bed, that i didn't see, GRRRR!!

then it proceeded with getting yelled at for taking a super long shower, some things never change! haha!

then church was good, Jon Albert has been preaching since Vern is not longer pastor, and it was good, bascially they are studying the new testament and so it was an intro, and it was good. i am considering going home on saturdays night, but not sure yet. i will hopefully work it out with God.

then i helped mom and kev with sunday school, and the little girls just adore Kevin, it was cute. They sit on his lap, and there was a cute girl named Destiny, who LOVED me, and whenever i moved she moved with me (on my lap!) pretty fun!

then dad told his sunday school class that its my b-day, so they sang to me, EMBARASSING! but then afterward it was fun to catch up with people too!

then after church we drove home, since kevy drove us in, so nice! then we hung out, while i fought kev for the computer, some things never change!

then i ended up taking a nap, tell me "who sleeps on there b-day?" oh well, it was a much needed nap, especially with my mom too, that was nice!

then when i got up, i left, but not before kevy and dad tried fitting into my car, in the area behind the front seats, it was pretty funny! All i gotta say, is its going to be a long trip, and pretty crazy!!! i hope we don't kill each other!!

then i got together with sara, and we were supposed to go to fashion bug, but it was closed, oh well! we then went to Crafts Direct and i got more paper for my new album, since i finally finished my Hawaii one, crazy right?

then we went to La Casita, for my free meal, and then we came back to my house, and opened gifts. She got me a HSM game, and a Rudolph set, with a Hoops and Yoyo card, it was TERRIFIC!!!!!! we had fun playing the game, and then doing some scrapbooking, she got two more pages done, whoo hoo! then she had to go though, since she works early, but i have to work early on Wednesday, ICKY!!!! oh well!

please pray for my week to go well, and any b-day wishes for comments, would be most appreciated! haha!

have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

FABULOUS b-day celebration!

so it started with me sleeping in past what Jackie told me to sleep in till, haha! oh well!! i then got ready, and drove home. Then me and jackie made my brownie "cake" since i don't like cake, and then mom, dad, jackie and i had godfathers, YUMMY, and then went out to the hoghouse and watched the sound of music, which was SO MUCH FUN! i think we are thinking of planning a trip to Austria, which would be so wonderful, who knows if it will happen, but i know my dad would LOVE to go! :)

we had so much fun singing and quoting the movie, its funny that my dad loves the movie! which is great! it was just so much fun, my family is AMAZING. i cannot begin to thank God for them.

then dad and i just watched some of the Suze Orman financial show, and jackie got me the HSM soundtrack HOORAY, and then mom gave me money for a new coat, and so did grandma and my aunt, i am going to go shopping with Sara tomorrow, so hopefully I get a cute jacket! YAH!

we are going to do some scrapbooking, and maybe get my coat! YAH! exciting!

well, that was my news for my pre birthday, i will let you know about my actual b-day! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

good way to end the week!


its the weekend, and almost my birfday!!! YAH!

work was actually pretty good today, i didn't end up going home early, but we had a lot of fun chatting, even though it got kinda busy toward the end of the day! GRRRR!!

but now I am just chillin and getting ready to go home tomorrow, so excited to hang out with Jackie, and my fam. We are not sure what we are going to do, but i know it will still be FABULOUS!!

i cannot believe Christmas is soon, this is crazy! I better start shopping soon too!

now i might go to Mexican Village for my free b-day meal with sara for lunch, and my free La Casita meal with Lisa for supper, haha, funny! but we shall see, not sure what is going on for my plans with dad! who knows? I LOVE that i am so busy now, its a good feeling!

so, wish me a happy b-day, and I will say thank you! peace n' love! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

today was okay!

It was just kinda awkward! like we had our team meeting, and then a girl mentioned about our Christmas party getting cancelled, and since she is pregnant, she started to cry, and was like "They should at least reward us since all this stuff has happened!" and now i am getting a bunch of calls about the bankruptcy protection, and a lot of people seem to think we are going under, which is very scary, i don't want to loose my job or the people i work with! its a tough situation, and i was excited about our Christmas party too!

the day ended up being good though, it was pretty slow, so i actually went through my desk and sorted a lot of stuff, so that was good!

i am SOOOOO glad that its almost the weekend, HOORAY! and amen to that! haha!

have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i got my haircut, and its SHORT!

so work was weird all day, since i had to work early, i was even late! this was my first time being late! EEEEEKKKKK!!!

i kept telling myself i needed to get moving, and of course i couldn't wake up, and all that stuff, oh well! i stayed a bit later to make up for it, but then i thought that i should go get my hair cut, so i did, and it looks great! i LOVE it!

nothing exciting happened at work, we had a meeting with our trustee's, whoever they are, I still have not a clue what is going on at work, oh well, what else is new?

it was just weird to go to lunch early, and to leave early, but nice too! :)

so that is pretty much it, but very excited to hang with the fam this weekend, HOORAY! :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Total opposite day!

It always seems as though mondays are SUPER bad and busy, and then Tuesdays are super slow, so much in fact that i got to go home early because i got to go home early and was surprised to see Kristi Yamaguchi and Mark Ballas dance together on the DWTS results show, WHOO HOO!!! great day was had!

i've just been chillin, and getting excited for the weekend, plus my sore throat is going away HOORAY! and things are looking up! yah!

nothing much else going on, i will of course inform you, if there is! i've got an idea, why doesn't someone comment, that would be fun!

Thanks! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

the COMPLETE opposite day was had today!

so today basically in a nutshell, SUCKED! It was SUPER busy, and it never let up. Bad call, after bad call, sprinkled in with some good calls, is not my idea of fun! oh well.

monday is over, and i am just excited to celebrate my b-day with my family this coming weekend, good times, this is what i would call fun! :)

so please pray that the week gets better, plus we have a b-day meeting on wednesday, so that should be fun! HOORAY!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Beautiful day, in the neighboorhood, would you be mine?

Just kidding! but today was great, i got up for Joy Christian, and I really LOVE this church, the sermon was about hell, and it really got me thinking that Hell was not created for me, by my loving God, it was created for Satan! GRRRR!! Don't be afraid of that silly Devil either. Also something that really got me thinking was to do all good acts of kindness in secret, so that when you die you get your reward of Heaven, how cool is that? its then that made me forgive a debt from a friend, NO MORE DEBT! It feels good!

it really got to me, and made me really think of recommitting myself to the Lord, and then the pastor even said that if you are no bold enough to witness make sure you have someone else do it, and i was thinking "No one else should be witnessing to my closest friends, I should do it!" so i've decided to try, so please pray! YAH!

so anyway, after church i came home and watched skating, and chilled out! Good times, did some laundry and went through my Christmas stuff that i brought home with me yesterday, so that is always fun.

then i went back to Joy for Sub 30, which is basically a mini church service for 18-30 year olds on Sunday nights, so I went, and it was good. Even though I sat by myself and before sitting the pastor was like "hug your neighbor" and so a cute guy in front of me turned around and asked if anyone had hugged me yet, and I was like "No, but that's okay!" i'm such an idiot, and he was cute too! then the sermon was about the church just being a building, and that we need to get people to Christ, and not just come back to the building with the same believers, so now I am now planning to witness to someone, or encourage someone or just be joyful, even when work is hard, or a consultant just got done KILLING me with anger, okay not literally, but still, i am going to try and will post my results next Sunday, on my b-day, since we are going to share the following sunday because next Sunday's Sub 30 has been cancelled due to the challenge, i do have to say though that i left right after, i have such a bad habit of doing that, its like i get scared to meet new people, so i told Lisa about it online, and she wants to go with me next time, so hopefully that helps me stay calm, and stay there! :)

well, pray for my week at work, I can't wait for my b-day next Sunday! HOORAY! it sounds like the fam is getting together on Saturday to celebrate, and then i think sara and i are going to hang out and get my free b-day meal at Mexican Village, YAH! cu guys later! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

FANTASTIC day was had!

You know when you are younger, and you get sick of your parents and siblings, and the fighting and everything, i just had such a great day going home to visit with my parents, it was a very fun distraction!

i slept in, which was FABULOUS, and then when i got home mom and i started researching gifts for jackie, since she is usually the hardest person in the family to shop for, or i was researching and mom was wrapping, then when dad got back from his walk, we hung out, and watched some crazy roller coaster special about the craziest rides, it was FREAKY!

then we had pizza, and watched Suze Orman, the financial expert, it never interested me before, but it was fun to watch. theres a segment called, "Can i buy it" or something like that, and it is so funny the things people ask Suze if they can buy.

also, my daddy is so sweet he took me around the house looking for any freebies i can take with me, he gave me a bunch of cereal and toliet paper or terlit paper, as he calls it! HOORAY! he always is doing that, my parents are great.

also HILARIOUS story, so i took some water bottles to fill up, since the water in st. cloud is gross, and they are pretty nice bottles, but my dad loves the handles that are imbedded into them, and he was like "how about those handles?" and it was SOOOO funny, my mom and i cracked up laughing! my dad is so goofy!

so its official, we are planning on going to grandma's for thanksgiving, we are leaving after i get done with work on wednesday, and then leaving grandma's on thursday night, so it might be a bit over 24 hours, haha! why we are going, i'm not sure, but i do now traveling with the five of us in my car, is going to get a big hectic! i guess we shall see how it goes!

well i better get some sleep, have a great night!

its the weekend, HOORAY!

so today was pretty good. my throat still hurts, and i feel as though i am going to lose my voice soon. but tomorrow i am going home, and going to chill with my family, which is exciting!

i did find out that lisa got rear ended this morning, so that was a bummer, but shes okay and it was the other persons fault.

i did get off work early, HOORAY! i talked to my family and i think we are all still planning to go to my grandma's, its just going to take FOREVER to get there, and be really uncomfortable since its the 5 of us traveling my CAR! AHHHH!!! it should be fun though.

please pray for my throat. i am going to try to go to bed, but when i do that it usually hurts more, grrr! so annoyed!

well have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

very DRAINING day!

So we found out today that Creative Memories filed for a "protective" chapter 11 bankruptcy, which means that we are getting rid of our debt. They said everything is fine and that we will still have our jobs and everything, but i am just praying about it. it was tough to here that those who invested in our stocks, don't get any profit anymore, i am SOOOO glad that i didn't invest! my dad kept bugging me to as well, so there dad!!! way to go mr. financial advisor, jk!

so having the president round us all up, we knew something was going on. i didn't think it was as bad as it was though, wow! after finding out it just drained me and the day seemed to go on and on and on. AHHHH!!

i am so tired, but my throat still hurts. PRAY FOR ME TO BE HEALTHY BY MY B-DAY, it would suck to be sick then! GRRR!

also pray for my company. i don't want to lose my job, but i will do whatever God has planned for me!

nighty night!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What an AMAZING week, so far, and its Thursday!


work has been going so well this week, i keep waiting for someone to blow up at me, but they haven't! then i find out we are going to a b-day meeting at work next week, and that since it is early, we are going to get paid for it, how cool is that, and then we get off work early. HOORAY!

so i am still just excited to go home on Saturday, so hooray for that! nothing much else going on! i am in attack mod to get rid of my cold, and my sore throat, so bring on the cough drops and then grape juice, that is usually best for a sore throat right? i HATE when i get sick since i am always on the phone, GRRRRRRR!!! oh well!

my b-day is in 10 days, YAH! bye!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another amazing day, FANTASTIC!

Things are going so great at work, its wonderful! I still tell consultants bad things and they say "thank you, or thanks for checking!" its really great. Plus, this is the great part, in our meeting today we were told that we are going to have a Creative Memories facebook page, so we are all encouraged to join facebook, how cool is that?

so things are going really well, and planning to hang out at home this weekend, so excited to hang out with my momma! also since so many of the pod have b-days, we are going to go bowling, so that will be fun. it got slow later on tonight, and so i found out that jill and i are the bad bowlers, and andrea and lisa are the good ones! i'm pretty excited!

lot's of fun b-day stuff coming up, and i can't wait for my HSM 3 soundtrack JACKIE! haha!

night everyone! :)

Monday, November 10, 2008


I had a FANTASTIC day, and its MONDAY! i know! it was busy, but all of my calls that i had to tell the consultant bad news, they took it so well! it was FABULOUS! i didn't get a mean consultant all day, and that is a record on mondays! :)

im really excited about this weekend, i am going to go home and just chill with my family! nothing beats cuddling with my mom and having her be there, when you are going through stuff!

i am just so excited for my b-day, and to be with my family, i think we might be getting my mom to go see HSM 3 with me and jackie, that would be SOOOOOOOOO fun! YAH! HOORAY!

i don't think kevy is going to watch sound of music, but oh well, that means he has to get me a gift!! YAH!

well i am going to go! please pray that this monday wasn't a fluke, and that my week goes well! LOVE!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scrapbooking Day!

what a great day! So i woke up late, what else is new, but did get up (YAH!!!) for Joy Christian Center, which was great!

the sermon was about death, and they actually brought in some funeral directors from the area, and that was interesting. i think the one part of the sermon i enjoyed was when the pastor was talking about how when we have a loved one that is dying and we are not wanting them to leave, and that they (we all do) have people up in heaven who want us to come be with them! i thought that was a nice thought! of course they did the invitation again, which the sob music, and i almost cried, i really like that church!

then after church i came back home, chilled for a bit, my sister sent me a link to a song i really like, so that was great. then i packed up for Lisa's to scrapbook. I am almost done with my book, just a couple more pages, and then i assembled my first CM album, which was very CRAZY, but i think its okay!! haha!

we had a lot of fun though, its always fun scrapbooking with them! then i came home, called home and had a good cry with my mom (another story for another blog!) then i just mediated and that was nice! now i am just chillin and getting ready for the work week!

i think my fam and i are going to celebrate my b-day next weekend, so that is pretty exciting. my sister is getting me the HSM 3 soundtrack, so i cannot wait to hear it! haha!

well have a great week everyone! love ya!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

CHILL out day! HOORAY!

so today was FANTASTIC, i did nothing! which was wonderful, and watched skating! so i went to bed earlier than i usually do on friday nights, and got up earlier than i usually do on saturday afternoons, and chilled out, did some cleaning!

oh, i bought a cute little fake Christmas tree, so i've started to assemble that too! then the skating show i went to in phoenix aired, so that was great to see! my dad kept calling me, when he thought he might see us, that was pretty funny!

after the skating, i did some grocery shopping, didin't get my haircut though, maybe tomorrow! I am pretty tired, so i am hoping i go to sleep soon, i guess i am becoming an old person loser, since its only 8:00, but oh well!

have a great weekend everyone! :)

Forgot to right some more stuff down!

I don't know what i was thinking but before we got to the movie, a guy almost hit my car!!!! FUNNY, after i was like "I'm okay!"

then during the movie when all the seniors in the graduation robes form a wildcat symbol, and little girl in the audience was like "Woah!" pretty funny!

what else happened Sara????

after shopping and our feet DYING, we bought some taco stuff, and had a fiesta at Sara's. We were going to scrapbook, but we were both womped (tired!) so we decided to call it a night! sorry i got off track!



So where can i start, how about at the beginning SUPER early this morning. Okay, i will! So i got up SUPER early because Kristi Yamaguchi was on the today show promoting her tv show which is airing TOMORROW, HOORAY!

then sara and i got together, and she came over and watched some youtube videos of HSM, and then we did a forward quiz thingy, which was HILARIOUS!

then we started shopping, and i will try to remember all the places we went, but my feet are still sore. We started at the mall, and did some of our "hint hint" shopping! we then went to KFC, and HURRIED to HSM 3, which was FABULOUS once again, and this time i got into singing the songs. there were a bunch of people there, which bugged me, but there was a lady and boy talking during the movie, and they were closer to sara, so she was annoyed by that!

after the movie we did more shopping: Hallmark, Crafts Direct (i got a small Christmas tree, HOORAY!) fashion bug (which i found some cute stuff, but forgot my coupon, so i might go back tomorrow! i'm also thinking of getting my haircut, so we shall see!

then Sunday i am planning on trying out the Jubilee Church, which is SUPER early, but the church i usually go to is meeting somewhere else, so I HAVE to go to Jubilee, and then the pod and i are getting together to scrapbook! HOORAY!

catch Kristi's special on NBC tomorrow afternoon, and see if you can find me! i was in the 4th row! haha!

have a great weekend, now to everyone! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know i always say it, but what a difference a day makes, we had so much fun at work today, it was pretty slow, and we had fun in our team meeting, and the fact that i don't work tomorrow, is WONDERFUL!

I also got to leave early too, that is ALWAYS fun!

then i did some shopping, and i am so excited for all of the Christmas stuff that is in stores, HOORAY! also love the Christmas music, HOORAY! Love the holidays!

also our pod is planning our Christmas party, and we did a secret santa drawing, and I got Jill, so that will be fun! (i hope she doesn't read this blog, although i don't think anyone does!) but that is okay, because it is kinda like a journal!

anyway, i am tired, so i am going to go to bed, and am going to hang out and do some shopping with Sara, and watch HSM 3, which i am SOOOOO excited about!

nighty night!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WHAT A horrible DAY!

It was so bad, and it started bad! I overslept, i looked (and felt like crap) i get to work and my first call is an annoying consultant, and then i get her again! OH MY GOSH, why me?

then she freaks out and hangs up, and practically the whole day it was one bad call after the other! i am dead serious. i maybe was rude to the first consultant i talked to, so i did send an apology email, but seriously i am so excited for tomorrow to be over!

at least the holidays are coming up, HOORAY! i am trying not to stress out, and just breathe! pray for me please!

note to shelf, don't sleep 11 hours, because you will not get up, WHOOPSY! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama is the new president, i don't think i can even spell his name!

HAHA! I am pretty sad that he become president, because i did vote for McCain/Palin, but i did watch John's speech when it was announced, and he was very gracious!

it was crazy to be home last night, and this morning. my old bed, is SOOO uncomfortable, but it was nice to chill out, and then i woke up in my EMPTY room, thanks to Kevy, and got ready to go vote with dad. its cool to vote, but i feel let down because this is the second time i've voted and the first time George Bush won, so its weird to lose, but i know that God is the real leader of EVERYONE, and that he must've had this planned for awhile now, so i guess i can't worry about it! God will take care of it!

after voting, i drove home got ready for work, and work was okay, it was SLOW, and then they let a bunch of people go early, and then it got busy again, AHHHH! There is no happy medium. then i kept getting shipment after shipment problem, and finally got some resolved, then my boss sends me a super nice email about me doing well, which was very helpful!

so now i am just getting ready to see HSM 3 soon, watching my skating special this weekend, scrapbooking with my pod, and hanging out with Sara. It looks to be a very good weekend, HOORAY!

YAH for long weekends! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

i am bloggin from home, which is kinda weird!

and watching scrubs, i miss that show, because i don't get that stupid channel, oh well!

work went good, it was SOOOOOOOO busy though, AHHHHHHHHHH! hopefully it starts slowing down. i am sleeping at home tonight, so i can get up and vote tomorrow with my dad, go John McCain!!!!!!

i know that whoever wins, God has planned this out, so i just need to pray that i accept what happens.

its kinda weird to be at home, but nice too! I LOVE my family! i am so excited about Christmas coming up, also my b-day, and thanksgiving, and new years! YAH!

have a great night!

Sunday, November 2, 2008



what a great day, but "let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start!"

Church was really, really good this morning, i went to calvary, and the sermon was continuing from last week about david and his big sin, and how we all sin! it was just a really good sermon!

then i came back, did some grocery shopping, and got ready for Jackie and Des to pick me up for the movie, then we met Lisa, and watched the movie! it was great, i still think my favorite is the first one, but number three is my next favorite, i still don't care too much for #2. it was so exciting though, and all of the guys are SOOOOOOOOOO cute! it was a good movie.

then jackie, des, and i went to kimball, and that was SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun too! we had a pizza party with the fam, and then we checked out kevy's new "hog house!" which is turning out, and then we played with the kitties, and just hung out, it was a lot of fun. i am so excited about the holidays, we always have so much fun together!

well, that was my great day! now please pray for me for the week, EEKKK! i am thinking it is going to be busy! but at least i have friday off, and get to watch HSM 3 AGAIN with Sara, hooray! :)

have a great week!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Adventurous day with Lisa, which is ALWAYS fun!


so it did kinda start earlier, but we went to kimball to go to Erin's baby shower, and little Avery Ann is SOOOOO cute, and looks like her momma, dark hair and all! erin also looks SUPER skinny again, SUPER jealous! :)

we had fun, and a lot of people thought it was cool that lisa and i came, and that lisa and i work together and that her and erin went to school together! It was good to see some of the ladies at the church too!

then we went home for a bit, saw the hog house, kevy is sure making some more progress with it, and then we went to maple lake, which has this GIGANTIC playground, that my mom used to take us kids too, so that was fun!

then we came back to st.cloud and went to lisa's and started our HSM movie marathon, which was TONS of fun! i am SOOOO excited to go see it tomorrow, YAH! :)

now i am home, and we get an extra hour of sleep, HOORAY!

well, i am going to call it a night pretty soon, and try to see the last church that is on my list, hopefully! :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Pretty crappy day, don't want to talk about it.........

i am SOOOOOOOO excited about this weekend, jackie is coming over on sunday and we are going to watch hsm 3, YAH! sooooo excited! :)

so glad to get away from work for the weekend, and sara and i have friday off next week, so it will be nice to have a long weekend! HOORAY!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

it's almost the weekend, HOORAY!

So guess what my big news at work was........

We decided to get rid of CUSTOM FRAMING, hooray for me, but not so good for those that depend on it! it was tough to talk to some of the consultants about it, but i am glad because its so hard to visualize what they want to do, when you can be SUPER creative with it. it wasn't very profitable, so we decided to knix it, which i am glad about! HOORAY!

i have to say that today was a pretty good day too, except it keeps getting busier and busier, i hope it dies down again after the holidays, but i LOVE when its slow, its so fun with my pod!

i am SOOOO excited for the weekend. i am going to erin's baby show on saturday morning with lisa, then we are going to watch hsm 1 and 2, to catch her up, and then on sunday my sister is coming home and we are going to see hsm 3! YAH!! so excited!

well have a great night everyone, and happy halloween! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Happy 1 year CM anniversary to me! WHOO HOO! I have great news too, but i can't share right now, but it is great! What a special gift CM gave me on my 1 year! haha! :)

so the day was CRAZY busy, a lot of people were doing courtesy calls about month end, so lots of people off the phone, and consultants calling in! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

but then it was fun to go out to applebee's with the pod, YAH! andrea brought Anthony, and he is such a little cutie! she puts him in this little snowsuit, which is SOOOOOO funny!!! it was a lot of fun!

well, just getting ready for work tomorrow and friday, and then enjoying the HSM weekend that I am going to have, HOORAY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My one year anniversary is tomorrow, isn't that crazy?

I remember last year being SOOOOO nervous about starting a new job, and sad about leaving my co-workers at PCI. Of course, i love them, but it was really hard! i cannot believe its a been a year. so to celebrate my podmates and i are going to applebee's, half off appetizers, BABY!

YAH! today was much better, it was so not busy, usually its just mondays that are busy and then it slows down, which was the case for awhile, and then at 4:30, the first shift leaves, then it got busy! also when its lunch time, everyone goes at the same time, me even, when my schedule indicates it, but its really horrible since so many calls get left out there, oh well!

so i still don't know what is going on this weekend, but i am pretty excited for it!! YAH!

well, have a great week, and we shall chat later! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Glad Monday is over!

It was SOOOOO busy, like all day, but still a good day, SUPRISINGLY!

Nothing much else to say, lisa and i are going shopping for Erin's little girl AveryAnn tomorrow morning, so i best be going to bed, since the baby shower is on saturday morning!

nighty night! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great day, despite not doing anything! haha!

(except posting my arizona trip, just kidding!)

so my day started out kinda slow, i went to bed early last night and got like 12 hours of sleep, so i thought i would bounce right up for church, not so!

i set my alarm to try Jubilee Worship first, that didn't happen, so i set if the next hour for Joy Christian, and then that didn't happen, so my only option was Calvary down the road, which turned out to be really good. The sermon was about david and bathseba, which i had never really dived into what happened, so that was good. the songs are really good there too, they sing old hyms, but liven them up with a band, so maybe God had planned for me to go there, i just don't want to go there for convience, like i want to check out crossroads sat night service, but i think that is kinda bad, plus sara said she thought i would never do that, and that kinda got to me!

then after my walk home in the snow, of course, i actually got my car in the garage with Leanna's, my other roomate, hooray, and then just chilled! i've been doing sit ups and stretches, while watching TV, so i think that has been good. i am going to try to eat good this week, which is not going to be easy, since i pick it with the junk food holiday of the year, WHOOPS!

i did do some shopping, even though i didn't need to get a lot since my dad dropped by yesterday, YAH, and i watched some more skating, which wasn't as great as yesterday, but i will take what i can get, since there is like no skating on tv anymore, i sure miss the good ole days!

so its been nice to chill out, and i feel good and ready for the week!

have a great week! :)

Arizona Trip Review FINALLY!

HAHA, so here is a detailed account of what we did on our trip:

I drove to my parents house Friday afternoon, and we drove to get mom at work, and dad ran over a wire fence type thing, which was so funny. He's such a great driver, that I thought he was just backing up, and I didn't say anything, and then he asked what he hit, and told him it was a fence thingy, it was pretty funny!

we finally got to the airport in one piece, and we got through security and decided to get something at burger king. so dad and i took some coupons and it turned out the lady didn't speak the best english, but she said we don't have those sandwiches, so dad and i went all the way back to our gate, and got different coupons for whoppers, since that is there trademark, and we come back and ask if they have whoppers and the lady says no, then her english speaking manager says, yes we do have those! it was funny! we had bogo's, and she couldn't figure out how to get everything working. so it took awhile, and i told my dad i wanted onion rings, but didn't want to ask her. since it took a while we got a free pop, and so i put coke in mine and dad put diet coke in his and mom's, but i acidentally got them mixed up, so we tested mom since she seems to think she knows best about diet/regular pop! it was pretty funny!

finally we got on the plane, flight was a bit bumpy, but we made it! Another state to check off! then we got our rental car, and drove to a town called Tusayan, which is about 3 1/2 hours from phoenix, and where the Grand Canyon is.

We found our hotel, and almost ran over an elk, so that was exciting, my mom wanted us to go back and get a picture, but we couldn't find it! oh well!

we finally found our hotel, the Red Feather Lodge, which was pretty dumpy, but we checked in at about midnight and knew that we would sleep and get up at about 5:30 for the grand canyon the next morning.

the checkout guy was very french, and my dad left his ID in the car, and when he went to go get it the guy was like "He doesn't think i would let him check in without an id, would he?" then he was like "don't tell your dad i said that!" haha!

we then fell asleep, and we all woke up before the alarm, and it turns out we were about 5 minutes from the canyon, so that was cool!

we wanted to check out Mather Point first, since that is the most popular viewpoint, but we missed it! whoops! it was SOOOOO cold, it was like 20 degrees, but the view was AMAZING! i got a lot of great pictures of the sunset. it was GORGEOUS! everyone must see the grand canyon.

then after seeing the sunset and getting into our cars to warm up, we drove back to the hotel to have breakfast and clean up. the contenintal breakfast was really good, they also had these super cool toasters too!

then we refreshed up and went back out to the canyon, it turns out the visibility was a lot better than it was the day before, but still not great, but i thought it was great! we went to some more viewpoints including Yaki point, which my dad liked saying, and then we went to a gift shop, and then they have a ranger type station where you can get information, and they had this funny sign that said if you are looking for the North Rim (reminder, we were on the south rim) its 5 1/2 hours north. i thought that was pretty funny, since when we got to Tusayan, there were like no signs for the canyon, so the whole time we were wondering if we were in the right spot, and then all of the sudden, out came the little town with a million hotels!

we found out from the rangers, that to hike down would be able 5 1/2 hours, and to hike back up about 7 ot 8, since they say to take breaks, and my mom who thought we should hike, changed her mind after that. there was also a water fountain that said, "do not drink, its frozen!" haha!

after that we went to a grand canyon store and got some food for the drive to Las Vegas, and mom and i both bought grand canyon sweaters, it was pretty funny since we though we should split one, and then we decided not to, and then we looked at other sweaters, dad was getting pretty impatient since he wanted to head to vegas.

then mom found the mules, and took a million picture of them too! Haha!

after this we looked at a couple more view points, and then, since we checked out of the hotel, we headed for Vegas. Nothing like a Sommers family vacation, in and out! :)

the ride to vegas was so pretty, since we got into phoenix it was dark, so i was excited to see the mountains around us. dad also taught me how to read mile markers, which showed how bored i was, but i wanted to watch the views, but mom slept!

we finally started to see signs for vegas, but out first stop before vegas, was the hoover dam. they don't let trucks drive over it, and they have a police block, where you could get your car checked randomly before crossing, which we didn't have to! haha!

so the first thing we did was stop right over a scenic viewpoint, and there is a gift store, and then you can park your cars, and walk over the bridge. So we did that, and found out that as you walked across you walked in Nevada, YAH for me, picture op of me being in Nevada and Arizona! YAH! :)

it was pretty cool though, i think dad was more into it, and there were construction crews working on a bridge above the dam, and everytime there crane moved them, mom would be like "careful!" it was funny. they had a giftshop and i found cactus earrings, but didn't get them since they were pretty expensive, and i figured i could wait to get them, turns out i never found them, sad! but i did get a cute cactus keychain!

they do give tours of the dam, but its expensive, my dad said they used to be free before 9-11, and just so you know the dam is about 700 feet high, WOWZA!!!

then after that we drove to vegas, we got there right before it got dark, but it was crazy since here we were in the middle of a desert, and theres a huge CITY! it was cool seeing the strip up close and personal. i found a road we needed, hwy 15, which i took a picture of since we live on hwy 15! :)

my dad said that he didn't mind the traffic, since he could point things out, but after being in it for awhile, he soon changed his mind, when he first said it my mom and i looked at each other, since he is notorious for freaking out about traffic jams! the first thing i noticed on the strip was the mandalay hotel, which is where a lot of skating shows are.

it was very cool and busy, reminded me alot of times square in NYC. we finally found our hotel, and they had the most comfortable beds. since my eyes were bugging me, and i forgot my contact container/solution, dad went out to get me some, while mom and i took a nap. funny right, what do you do when you get to vegas: take a nap! we were so tired though!

then dad came back, and we had some food we bought earlier, and then walked around. vegas is very pretty, but there are all these guys who walk around handing out naked women posters, which was very gross. plus a million casinos, dad lost $5 in our hotel casino, right away. i didn't gamble though. we did go over to the bellagio and they have this amazing water show, that they put up to music, so that was cool to see.

then we went to Caesar's Palace, and the Forum, or there shops with the most expensive stores, but it was cool to see. We also checked out some casinos, but they were so smokey and gross. vegas was cool, but i don't really recommend going, especially if you have a gambling addiction, or a wedding addiction, tons of chapels! haha!

after that we went to Downtown vegas for more hotels and then there is something called the Fremont Street Experience, and it was almost like the outside of a mall, they had a guy who was spray painting beautiful pictures, very cool! then every once in awhile they dim the lights, and they have a big canopy wall over you that shows pictures, that was pretty cool. I also saw an ABC store, which i LOVE, since they are all over Hawaii! so i had to tell sara!

then we basically went back to the hotel and crashed! the beds were so COMFORTABLE, a big improvement from the previous night! haha!

then the next morning we left for Phoenix, or Po nex, as my dad called it. but first, a stop into California, for literally 5 minutes. We took pictures with the welcome sign, and i guess i forgot that i was in the desert, because i was hopping there would be something touristy, but NOTHING! its still fun to say that i've been to california though!

then now it was on to Po nex, it was very deserty, lots of cacti (i didn't think that was a word, but it was, darn it!) lots of slow people, which dad called Milly and Tilly, or Mr. Milly or Tilly, if it was slow guy, since my mom hates mountains my dad would attempt to pass them, just to freak her out, which is funny since she grew up EVERYWHERE in the US, practically and was around mountains alot!

anyway the scenery was so beautiful down south! we then made a stop over in Sun City, which is where some church friends have a house, so we went there for a bit, and it was nice to have the internet to check into things back home.

after that we drove to our hotel, and i freshed up for the show! YAH!

after the show, since i already posted that review, we came back and ordered pizza, and then mom and dad feel asleep, but i just chilled out, since i knew our flight was leaving the next afternoon, so we didn't have to get up early and go anywhere, so that was nice.

the next morning, we got ready, and then i wanted to find some touristy shops, so we went to a walmart, and i was thinking it would be like the walmart in orlando that has amillion disney touristy things, but this one had nothing, but we ran into a Savers, so mom had to go there, which was pretty funny. where do you shop in the south: the forums expensive shops at Caesars palace, or Savers! haha!

after that we got to the hotel, and they had a gift shop, so i did all my shopping at the airport, and then after we got through security, mom almost got busted for bringing the pizza from the night before, but we got it through, and then dad did his walking around the airport for his daily walk, and then we flew home! nice quick trip, but SOOO fun! afterward i remembered that we didn't even fight at all! haha!

well these are my recommendations: anything SKATING, and the grand canyon!

sorry this review took so long, but enjoy! :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

FANTABULOUS day! I will start at the beginning, which was this morning!


so i didn't really sleep at all last night, literally!! i started to add my arizona pics on facebook, and couldn't stop, so by this time one of my roomates was leaving for work, and i knew my dad was going to stop buy and take my car for a routine check-up, or what he actually does is drive it around, so he doesn't have to use his gas, but he knew right away that i hadn't slept all night, haha! but he brought me some goodies, and then of course he took a piece of pizza, of course. i was all like "this is crazy, no one is going to steal a piece of pizza!" oh well! it was good to see him, and he gave me halloween candy for me and my roomates, he's so sweet. also i gave him a 911 call for laundry detergent, and he came through for me, i told sara and she was like "send him my way when he leaves your place!" haha!

sara and i chatted on facebook, and she practically yelled at me to go to bed, so this was at about 10:00 in the morning, so i slept until 2:30, watched skating (first show of the season, HOORAY!) sasha was in it, so that was cool!

then i did some cleaning: i did dishes, laundry, vaccummed! then after the skating, i went for a walk around the neighborhood, it was pretty nice out, and i have a pretty cute neighbor who was playing basketball outside!

then i was just chillin, when sara called me and was like "I gotta go to fashion bug now!" turns out she decided to change her halloween costume, so she went with being a baby and wanted to get some pajamas at FB, but they closed in about 10 minutes, so she basically picked me "roadside pick up!" we went there, found what she was looking for, and then she dropped me off, since i didn't sleep i know i am going to need to take a sleep pill, which is funny because when she wrote to me this morning on facebook, she was like "didn't you take a sleeping pill?" its not like i am obsessed or a drugie, its just i take them mostly saturday nights, when i need to get up for church!

so that was my day, man it was LONG, since i only slept about 4 hours, oh well! it was great, and just the kind of relaxing day i needed!

well, i am going to dive into a book and hopefully fall asleep soon! have a great night! :)

I PROMISE i will blog about my trip tomorrow (or later today!)

I actually haven't gone to bed yet, whoopsie! I just posted all of my trip pictures, so as soon as I get some sleep i will post my review! No worries people, right! haha!


Friday, October 24, 2008

FANTABULOUS day was had, hooray!

it started off not so well, you know how i was planning to get up and go to the library this morning, didn't work out! i kinda OVERSLEPT, but i still made it on time! YAH!

work was really fun, it was pretty slow, but i LOVE when its slow, we all get a chance to catch up. Once lisa was even like "What's up pod?" it was pretty funny!

i also called info depot about a question, and got Tricia, who worked with me when i started, we kinda laughed about how i started a year ago and was SOOOO nervous! she said congrats, because i don't call a lot, i guess you could say i don't call because i ask my info depot pod around me! haha!

i also got off work early, which was nice. i did some shopping, and have just been chillin out. i also did some exercises, and by this i mean some (not a lot) of sit ups, and some stretching. next week i am planning to work on eating healthy and trying to get to bed early, so pray for me, its hard, but i am getting pumped!

i think i am going to go to the library tomorrow, and then chillin out, and i kinda want to go for a walk around my house, just to take in the autumn, before snows, and see my surroundings, i can't believe i haven't done that already!

well, nothing much else to say! i will probably do some pre winter cleaning too! have a great weekend everyone!

God bless!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

TERRIFIC day was had, man it just gets better and better as the week goes on!

and its almost FRIDAY! HOORAY!

we had a lot of fun right when work started, i cannot believe this but our pod forgot to start decorating for halloween, and its next week, whoops! so jill brought in a bunch of decorations, so that was fun!

then we had our team meeting, which is ALWAYS fun, then after that it was SOOOO slow, so we basically hung out, good times at CM with nothing to do!

i am so excited for the weekend, i am planning to go to the library before work tomorrow, if i can get up, and get some books, and chill out! YAH!

well, HSM 3 just hit theatres a minute ago, but i am planning to go next weekend with my seestor, HOORAY!

well thats about it, i will keep you updated with what i am doing this weekend, which won't take long, skating season starts, so it will be nice to see some new routines!

TGIF (thank goodness its friday!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week is getting better, HOORAY!

I am so glad, it was pretty slow today, but hey I will take it!! :)

and now i am getting closer to the weekend, hooray!

nothing much else going on, i am tired, so i think i am going to pack it in! nighty night!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day was better, so that was good!

It wasn't as horrible, but it still wasn't great, oh when is it going to get better? i sure hope so SOON!

i did talk to my family today, so that was nice. part of it was because i need laundry detergent, but also because i WUV them.

Funny thing happened, last night suzie told me she was going to come over, and i didn't give her specifics on where i lived, but she still tracked me down and woke me up! HAHA! so funny!

also found out that erin had her baby last night, YAH!!

other than that, just getting excited for the weekend, its hump day (def: its wednesday, so we are half way through the week, and going down!) haha!

cu guys later! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another bad day, i think that's become a new record!

I just need to depend on God, and listen to hoops and yoyo with there panic button, i think i am going to get it, and it was funny because someone had it at work, so yah!

well after work was great, i met suzie at applebee's, so it was fabulous to catch up with her!! now i am just chillin!!

well wish me luck, or better yet pray for me to get through the rest of the week!!! Thanks! :)

PS Trust me arizona review trip is coming up, i did write it all down!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Collegeville Orchards

So today was the day that i hung out with my podmates and we went to collegeville orchards for a day to hang out!

the morning started out a bit on the slow side, i overslept so i went to calvary, which is three houses down, so i walked, it was actually a lot better than it was last time, so now i think i like calvary, but i don't want to go, just because its so close, so please pray for me!

after church i met lisa and jill at ihop, and we had brunch and it was good! then lisa's sister and there friend (who went to duluth with us!) met us there, and then we went out to st. joe.

it was a lot of fun, there was a pumpkin patch we walked through, and we also went on a hayride! good times! it was so beautiful out too!

then we looked at the animals at the petting zoo, and then we headed home, but before that we decided to go to (SHHHH) crafts direct, i got some stickers that i wouldn't be able to find at work, so that was good!

then we went to lisa's house, since jill hadn't seen it yet, and we hung out, it was fun! after that i was going to go to the matthew west concert, but i was so tired, and still am, so i skipped it!

i've been chillin out, and getting nervous for work tomorrow, but i just need to chill out, and NOT PANIC! check out this link, its HILARIOUS: http://www.hallmark.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/article%7C10001%7C10051%7C/HallmarkSite/GoldCrownStores/GCS_HOOPS_GIFTS%7Cstores

i am very excited for next weekend, i am doing NOTHING, but chillin out and watching skating, so i am pretty excited! YAH!

c u guys later!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Great day, what a turn around, huh?

So today i got to SLEEP in, which was WONDERFUL! Boy did i sleep in, then sara came over, and we hung at all day! it was so much fun! we went costume shopping, i didn't find anything, but sara found a super cute butterfly costume that she is going to wear. i probably won't dress up.

then we went to space aliens for supper and we had the nicest waiter, his name was John, and instead of taking our order right away, he asked us about ourselves, he was so nice. he asked what we went to school for and sara and i both liked at each other, it was SOOO funny, it was like we drew a blank! haha!

then after that we went back to sara's, and we decided to check out the haunted house in her town, we didn't go in, since i am such a BABY, but we sat by the campfire with hot chocolate and watched everyone screaming. one of the guys came up and scared me, and i SCREAMED loudly! haha!

we also went to hallmark and found the funniest things ever, its kinda like a brand, and it is hilarious, its called Hoops and Yoyo, and its about a kitty and rabbit, so check it out!!! we died laughing FOREVER!!

well thats about all my news, still not sure what is going to happen tomorrow, but i will keep you posted!

have a great night! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008


As if that weren't enough, it was a HORRIBLY bad day! I don't wish to elaborate, but let's just say that my day was not very well!

So i will keep it at that, and pray that the following week goes well! guess what....

SKATING starts next weekend! i am SOOOOO excited! i think i am just planning a me weekend, but this weekend seems to get more and more busier, as I found out that someone at Joy Christian Center, said they have free tickets to the Matthew West, so i think i am going to that on sunday night! HOORAY! I am youtubing him right now, and i know a lot of his songs! YAH!

well i am feeling kinda tired, so i think i am going to go to bed! Pray for me next week! AHHHH!!! i think i will post a review of the trip tonight, if i feel like it! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ARIZONA, oh how i miss thee!!

So guess what, i got off work early tonight and went to get my pictures, they turned out pretty well, except for the skating ones! GRRR! i better get a digital camera, i think that might be a good idea, but i am not too into technology, so we shall see!!

i was thinking of posting details, but for some reason i took a MILLION notes about EVERYTHING we did, and so it would take me FOREVER (okay people, i am really exagerating here!) to write everything, so that means i need a night, and since sara is doing something saturday morning, that means before we hang out, i get to sleep in! HOORAY!

so i have a full weekend: hanging with sara, i want to try to go to the library on saturday, and then sunday i am trying out one more church (and then i will decide) and then hanging out with the pod, we are going to a harvest thing in st. joe, so that should be fun!

you could please pray for my church, our pastor was fired by the elders and its not something they can talk about in regards to the reason, so please pray! (i can't believe i leave and then all this drama happens) i hope it doesn't split up the church, so please pray!

well, i think i am going to chill with a book, and pray that tomorrow goes by quickly! HSM 3 is coming out next weekend, HOORAY!


so guess what, tomorrow i SHOULD, emphasis on should, post about our trip! YAH!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trip review (i think i am going to wait until Friday night though)

I just feel like curling up with a good book, today was pretty bad! it seemed as though every consultant had issues and called me about them, GRRRRR!!

oh well!

i am so tired, so friday night i will tell you all about my trip, and hopefully i will have my pictures by then, didn't get up early enough to get them before work, and they were closed after work! GRRR!!

well i am going to be nighty night! :)

Kristi Yamaguchi Friends and Family Review

Since I am working on the skating review, i thought i would post it and then post my trip review tomorrow, so enjoy! work went fine today, and my ears feel a little better! HOORAY!

okay guys, so here goes the review!!!!
First off, you know how loud it was, it was WORSE!!! there were a bunch of little girls there for the jonas brothers, but it did help to have a couple next to us there for the skating!! i just tried to keep in mind that if i went to a skating show with my favorites, like Hanson or backstreet boys, don't make fun of me, then i would've gone crazy for them too! we were in row 4 center ice, kinda behind the camera which was kinda bad, but it was cool to watch them record it, and i could see some of the close-ups they did, so that was kinda cool!

I should mention that i knew there wouldn't be a program since it was a Disson show, but i saw some other people with a little paper that talked about everyone in the show, and my dad was determined to get me one, since i am a big scrapbooker, he told me to sit down and that not to worry if the show started and he was still looking, i think he just wanted to get out of it (!!!!!), he did eventually get me two from guest services, YAH! it just said the skaters names, the musicians, and all the Disson people involved that always shows up at the end of all there shows.
before the show was about to start you could see the chairs lined up for the kids. Then a few minutes before the show started the kids came out to sit on the chairs, and then Kristi (yes purplecat in the black with blue shirt) and Peter Carruthers came out to start the show.
The rest of the skaters then came out wearing black pants and black shirts, and they kinda paired off with one adult with one kid, they paired Jamie with Blade Sabovcik, and David with Annie Mae Weiss, since Michael was paired with Christopher, and Josef with his youngest son. Not sure of the other pairings except for the parents that had one child, even though jenni was with one of there boys, and todd with the other one, those Sands boys have the reddest hair!!!! :)
Kristi did a combo spin in the opening, which left me encouraged since i knew that last year at the Seal show she only did camel spins, so i was hoping for two programs with her, but glad for at least one! it was a pretty generic opening, but still good! i did end up liking the music, just not the loud cheering!

then after the opening they announced all the skaters with there kids, and this is when i saw that the non-skating parents/grandparents (i think i saw jenni or todd's mom) with the little babies, so they introduced Emma, Nicole Kerrigan, and Jesse Pelltier, who i think were the young ones, and i saw jamie comforting jesse, so i think that he was scared about the noise, but then they handed off the little kids back to the people in the first row, and the show started.

i don't remember who all skated to what, but steven was the first one after the opening, since he wasn't in the opening, and kristi skated with him for a bit, and then he did his thing (i miss him in SOI) i think he made a mistake by doubling a triple toe, but he was great! too bad we didn't get to see his son! he also did a split jump right in front of us, and the camera, it was scary how close he got! i think he singled his double axel too, so i knew there would be retakes, YAH!
then i think josef skated with his sons, the little one is SOOO cute! he actually skated with them in both numbers, his oldest son is pretty good! he also had to do retakes for a jump, i think, but we found out that he had surgery this past summer, i think for his foot, but he was determined to be there! josef also did his layed out back flips! he dressed alike with his sons in both numbers!
viktor skated to his mambo program with the doll attached to him, but i didn't really get into it! viktor skated with his daughter in his second number, and she is such a great skater, she landed a bunch of jumps with dad. they also did a lot of choreography together and were in sync, it was really good.

michael also skated both numbers with his kids, but he did one with each, he first skated with his son, in his hockey skates, and they did there spread eagle manuevers, and they dressed the same it was cute! michael was spot on with his jumps, he hit all of them and did a bunch of triples, and his back flip got the crowd into his number! the other number michael did was of his daughter singing, and she came out later in the program, and they did a death spiral, which was pretty good, and he did a lift with her!

nancy skated with her boys in both numbers, she did one number with both of them and the other number with just matthew. he has become a great skater, and i think he landed a jump, i'm not sure though, he also did a spin. there first program ended with someone i think husband jerry handing over nicole, and then when nancy had to hold nicole, brian tripped and fell, and they just laughed it off, it was cute! the second number she did was just with matthew and they had some lip syncing parts, and it was kinda cute, but a bit on the sappy side too!

then isabelle/rocky/and gabriella, is it gabrielle or gabrielle, anyway they did another daring program, like last year! it was so great, she is a daredevil like mom!they did a death spiral together, and some lifts, and rocky flipped grabriella a couple times! she's a good skater too! isabelle and rocky did the head banger move too, which i always get nervous about, even when kyoko and john do it too! they also did the spin where gabriella is hanging onto her dad's waist and rocky is spinning isabelle with his hands, pretty cool!

then my favorites: jenni and todd, jamie and david and kristi!
jenni and todd skated mostly with jack, and he started the program, and i could see jenni behind the curtain encouraging him to dance or do the choreography, and it was so cute, when we clapped he really got into it, then mom and dad joined him and todd lifted him a basic chair lift like he does jenni, and that was cute too! the boys dressed just like dad, and then he did the move he was supposed to do last year, and go under jenni! they also brought out matthew at the
end and all waved to the crowd!

then jenni and todd skated to a song by demi lovato, which i groaned about because we all know when a skater skates to live music, disson never shows the full skating performances, but i did like the song, and of course jenni and todd did there usual beautiful program with lifts. jenni's hair is shorter too, but it looks cute! she wore the black dress from the sisters SOI group number in 05.

then jamie and david came out in her purple dress from last years SOI, and so i knew it would be there thankful program from last year, YAH! loved the song, and the program! i love there chair lift they do, and they go into it backwards and then dave goes to one knee and comes back up! then whoever was with them in the front row handed off jesse and they showed him off for the crowd, he is such a cutie!

there second number was a live performance (AHHH!) but very good! they wore there heartbreaker costumes from last years SOI, they also nailed there throw triple salchow, and they did there upside down spinning lift that they did in Superfreak, but with a bit of a variation, so it was nice to see that they are adding more tricks! i they did a split triple twist too! jamie's hair has also gotten longer, i really liked it shorter, so maybe she will cut it sometime! :)
then kristi skated with keara, and it was to the song twinkle, twinkle little star, and i really liked the version, but i am not sure who sung it. keara started out in a swing wearing a white dress, and kristi wore her dress from a couple years ago to amy grant. kristi did a single axel, and keara did a little spiral with keara holding her, and skated under her, it was such a cute number. she also did a little spin, it was adorable, while kristi did a lovely spiral.

Now the finale:
they showed the kids on the chairs, so i was watching them and then the skaters came out, the girls wore new black sparkly dresses! kristi came out and show some cool dance moves (DWTS!) then jamie and dave came out later, since they were the last number, and some black guy started rapping with the jonas brothers, my dad asked me who he was, and i told him i had no idea! :)

at the end when all the skaters bowed with the muscians jack sand kept skating away from mom and dad and jenni had to chase him down a couple times, i though that was pretty cute! i also spotted Steve Disson, and then saw Bret Hedican holding Emma during the show in the family row.

it was a great show, one of the funniest parts was at the end of the first half when one of the jonas brothers that has diabetes did a song about it, and it was supposed to be a slow part, and he said "when i was however old i was diagnosed with diabetes" and then the audienced SCREAMED, it was pretty funny! my dad was laughing!

also other good things, Kristi said she was so nervous skating with keara! the skaters were so good that the retakes just included josef and steven, and then peter and kristi fixed some annoucnments up, and peter announced the jonas brothers and i think the audience thought they were coming out again, even though i knew they weren't! i kinda wanted to yell that they were done, so i could watch the retakes without the screaming, but it was a fun show! so glad i went, the music was actually pretty good even though i've just heard about most of the musicians!

my dad asked me where her show is going to be next year, so maybe i will get to add another couple states to my list! haha! great show, i recommend everyone going to it, and going to the grand canyon, that was FABULOUS! okay i am done now, sorry about the long review!