Friday, August 29, 2008


Duluth here I come!!! :)

So today was pretty rough, but just at the beginning, which is odd because when its month end it is busy all day!!! Today is slowed down at night, which was nice, don't get me wrong!

I am so excited about Duluth. We are leaving tomorrow morning, and then when I get back and settled in my new place, I will give you the play by play of what we did!

the Twins are dominating too, which is wonderful! Joe just got 5 hits tonight, HOORAY!

Now I am getting a tad nervous about moving, so your prayers would be appreciated! I am trying to get most of my stuff gathered today, but this is kinda my last night at home, but you never know.

I am just glad i survived work, and I also never mentioned that yesterday I helped a consultant out with something routine, and then she asked to speak to my supervisor to tell her how great I did. That made me feel pretty good!!

It will be nice to go on a roadtrip with my pod, and hang out with them!! HOORAY!

PS I got my laptop, so I hope I can set it up!! :)

Pretty decent day, HOORAY!

So today was pretty good because the computers went down, you know how much I loved that, especially when it happened numerous times at PCI! :)

so that delayed us for about an hour, which was a nice break, I felt bad though for those that it didn't happen to.

Work went pretty good, making plans for our duluth trip, which I'm SUPER excited about. Its going to be really fun. we are leaving Saturday morning, and coming back Monday afternoon, then we've got month end, but then I have Friday off, so hopefully I will have time to get aquainted with my new roomates.

Then I went to walmart after work and bought some stuff, and I got a stupid cart, like I always do, and so I went to snag another one that no one was by and then a woman was like "Excuse me!" i felt badly, but there was nothing in there, it was kinda funny though!! haha!

but I do feel better about getting stuff, and my car is pretty packed, and its nice that I've moved a bunch of stuff already.

Well I better get some sleep, unlike last night when i got too much sleep, I went to bed at 1:00 after taking a sleeping pill, and then woke up at 12:30! WHOOPS!!

PS My dad got me a laptop, of course I am going to pay him back, but I am SUPER excited!!!! Love you all! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pretty decent day! At least its getting closer to the weekend!

Today was okay, despite oversleeping because of my alarm clock, and then my mom "leisurely, mind you!" saying "Kristin, maybe you should get up now!" duh mom!!!! oh well, i woke up to her cooking and since the power went out, my clock said it was 7:00, and i was like why is my mom cooking, and then why is she cooking so late? haha!

Work was fine, pretty good calls, now just getting closer to the weekend and moving out, KEEP PRAYING!!!


Very tired!

Going to bed, it was a LONG day! But at least we are at the halfway point to the weekend and Duluth roadtrip, HOORAY! Super excited about that!

defintely keep praying, I move in less than a week, CRAZINESS! I know it will be fine, its just nervewracking!

also the twins lost, so that sucks! now we are two games back, we can come back guys! Have faith, "You can do it!!"

now I must go to bed! g'night! :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

We just lost!!!

So annoyed!!!!!!

Monday blahs!

That was the kind of day today, and the beginning was fine, and then it got SUPER busy! AHHHHH!!!

But the day ended, so that was nice. The olympics are over, and the Twins are on the west coast, so I am STILL watching the game. Joe Nathan blew a save oportunity, so now it is tied in the 11th inning, come on Twins make this a good game!! :)

Now I am just getting ready for the weekend, and going to Duluth, hooray! It's going to fun, and then moving in!! EEEEKKK! I think my dad is going to get me the laptop we looked at when he goes into cloudy town, so that will be nice!!

Well wish me luck on getting through the rest of the week!!! Love ya!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So Annoyed (as Jackie would say!)

so basically I was up all night, what else is new? Which I hate because I really want to be up to worship the Lord, and instead it to forever to get up, and as soon as church was over I bolted for the door. I have got to stop doing that, that was actually a part of the sermon too, so hopefully I can get it to work out.

Then afterword dad and i went laptop shopping and we found something, but then those darn "hidden costs" got to me, so we decided to wait. dad is going to talk to his computer buddy and see if we should get the same one, or a different one.

Then we went back to my place and unloaded some more stuff, and assembled the coffee table I got yesterday, which needless to say, didn't go so well. We finally got it together, but not without some bumps and bruises, and blood (seriously) along the way.

When we got back I was just in time to see the twins lose, which stunk, and i was kinda in a bad mood all night. I am very glad to be moving out, but at the same time its hard, and I am nervous, so prayers would be appreciated.

Then dad and I watched the Closing ceremonies, and kept waiting for something exciting to happen, which really didn't! oh well, i was waiting for Michelle because she is in China for the closing ceremonies, but I didn't see her. Oh well! As long as she competes in 2010! YAH!

So please pray for me, I am very excited about Duluth this coming weekend, and then moving in! EEEKKK! I think I am going to get the laptop sometime this week, so that should be good!

well have a great night! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

FABULOUS day was had! HOORAY!

I had so much fun with Sara today! we basically laughed all day, which was FABULOUS! it started out at sara's and then we went to check out my new place. She liked it, and there are two couch bed's so I told her we would have to use them and have a sleepover, how exciting!

then we went to a store called Gopher, and it was kinda creepy, but it was fun. I thought the stairs wouldn't hold us and Sara would always try to scare me, it was pretty funny. then when it was closing time an annoying person was like "We are closing, basically get out!" it was very loud and obnoxious, but funny!

then we ate dinner, and we got caught up since i hadn't seen her in FOREVER, and it was so much fun. Then she gave me this SUPER weird gum, that if you savor you can have the gum with the wrapper, and it was so weird and laughed FOREVER. Good times.

Then we went to Shopko and i spent so much money there, but oh well. I got a cute coffee table and some cookware, so I got a lot done and we put a lot of furniture in there, so we had a great day.

now the twins are playing and unfortunately losing, so hopefully they pull it together and win, that would be nice.

well i have plans to shop for a laptop with my dad, and then get more things settled, so very excited about that!

have a great weekend everyone! :)

Survived, and now its the weekend!


Work was well WORK! I actually ended up staying for my full shift, so I actually got 41 hours this week, which is pretty crazy! first time thats happened in awhile!

it was kinda slow, so we spent a lot of time chatting, so that was fun. We've got lots of new incentives and specials and things coming up, so I feel as though the mentality is "enjoy this short of downtime as much as you can!" plus with the holidays close, its ALWAYS busy! AHHHHHH!!!

i am going to hang out with Sara, and she is having a garage sale, so I might stop over there and check it out, otherwise I am going to unload some more things, and then we are going shopping! HOORAY! But inside I am like "I have to spend more money, uh oh!"

Pray for me, its getting closer and closer to moving time, and with going to Duluth next weekend, it would be appreciated. now it sounds like dad is going to help me laptop shop on Sunday, which should be interesting, since he doesn't do that kinda thing, but I need all the help I can get. I asked a tech guy at work, and he basically told me all "techy" stuff, which is to be expected since he is a techy guy! oh well! I felt like saying, could you reply in english please!

so just glad its the weekend, can relax tonight and then hang with Sara, since i haven't seen her in FOREVER, and then chill out and do some more shopping Sunday, plus I am bringing another load up, so that will be good!

have a great weekend! PS twins won tonight, whoo hoo!!! they are dominating, and now they are leading the AL central! way to go guys! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Really great day! Hooray!

So today was actually a pretty good day! I'm kinda sad because the olympics and winding down, but some good news: There is some speculation that some of the Chinese gymnasts are under the age requirement, which is 16, so that means that the US girls could get a gold medal after all, that would be great. its a small chance, but it would be great if they did! YAH!

work went pretty good too, lots of nice consultants, and there was one that called in to compliment us on our frame job, which I thought was VERY nice!

then Lisa and I have started to plan our Duluth trip, and we are going to stay at her old pastor's house, and he is going to be gone, so it will be like a sleepover for a long weekend, YAH!

plus there is more, since I found out Michelle is considering the next olympics, my dad thinks we should go, how cool would that be to go to the olympics, its doubtful we would get tickets to the more exciting events, like the skating, but it would still be exciting.

Lot's of cool things coming up, feeling better about the moving, but I could still use your prayers! it's also ALMOST the weekend, and the twins just won in extra innings! HOORAY! :)

nighty night! :)

Twins win again!

I totally forgot that it was an afternoon game too!! Oh well, when I was getting ready to "watch" the game I found out we had won already! haha!

today was pretty good, had fun celebrating Lisa's b-day, we brought in a cake and decorated her desk!

Then after work we went to Applebee's and Andrea brought her son, who is SOOOOOO cute! it was fun!

now i am watching the beach volleyball American's Misty May and Kerri Walsh win gold! YAH!!! They also interviewed Michelle Kwan at the olympics and she said she is still thinking about the next olympics! HOORAY!!!!

so that was my day, just getting ready for the weekend, and making sure i get more things packed up, ahhh!!! i move in two weeks, its crazy, and getting more excited for duluth! jill said she is going to go with us, so hooray!!!

now i am going to bed! g'night! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wowza, what a day, but not in a good way, unfortunately!

The day was pretty rough, lots of unhappy consultants for some reason or another! AHHHH! didn't have a chance to chat with any of them, since they were so rude! what can you do?

at least the twins won 13-2, HOORAY! that was nice! also tomorrow is Lisa's b-day so a bunch of us are going to Applebee's after work, so that will be fun!

i've just realized that I move in 2 weeks, AHHH!! so this weekend is going to be dedicated towards packing more things and getting things in order! very crazy, and now very excited for our duluth trip coming up, it sounds like Jill is going to go, so that will be fun! plus Lisa and I are planning to go to the last twins game of the season, so hooray for that too!

well lot's to look forward to, except for work, but what can you do! hanging out with Sara this weekend to, which will be nice since i haven't seen her in a million years!

lata! please pray for me, thanks!

Monday, August 18, 2008

CRAZINESS of a day!

But very glad its over! Framing was CRAZY tonight, it was like every call, which is very odd, especially because there wasn't an incentive going on for them, oh well!

I also decided to be a bit more friendly with the consultants, and that was pretty fun actually, so I think I am going to do it again. One consultant was like "It was lovely talking to you" which felt nice!

Unfortuantely the twins lost today, which stunk, but Joe helped them get on the ball, so that was good, I think Lisa and I are going to go to the final game of the season to see if they make it to the playoffs, so that would be fun!

Talked to Sara, and I think we are going to hang out Saturday, and she can see my place, and then go for a walk, and talk. It's been ages since I've seen her, so that will be nice!

Now just watching some more of the olympics, and then going to bed. I figured out what to get Lisa for her b-day on Wednesday, and I don't want to say if she reads this, but its SOOOOO good, she's going to love it! I just gotta wake up and go get it tomorrow, cross your fingers that I won't be lazy about it! haha!

Have a great night! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Not quite what I had planned!

So I couldn't sleep last night at all! i think i was just so excited about the game, so I finally went to sleep about 3:00, and realized that I was scheduled for the nursery so then i literally woke up and went, not my finest moment! one of the little girls I watched though was SOOOOOO cute!

then i went home, and took a nap, i'm not even kidding, then i watched the Twins win, even though they had a tough game, but glad they won!

then I went outside, read for a bit, and then chilled out, and watched the Olympics. Michael Phelps is done, and so is swimming so its mostly just track and field, but there is still some olympics, and I feel so BADLY for Alicia Sacramone, she had problems during the team competition, and then during her event finals she got robbed of a medal!! GRRRR!!

Now I am ready for the week to begin, I have to work early tomorrow, yucky, but hopefully the week goes well. I also started packing more stuff, and piling it up, so I think that will help me! i still need to get a darn laptop, so I hope i can get that worked out soon!

well have a great week everyone, love ya!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

TWINS win, what a great game!

It was SOOOOOOOOOO, I mean SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! In the first inning Joe hit a homer, HOORAY! plus it was by us so I was hopping that we would be able to see ourselves, but we didn't, oh well! also we took our "circle me bert" signs, but he didn't work this game, so they were pointless, but we got dome dogs, which are AMAZING, and watched the twins come from behind to win! HOORAY!

The driving was a piece of cake, then we went to Jackie's and she showed us a youtube video of HSM 3 preview, HOORAY for that too!

Then lisa and I decided to go to maple grove, but we didn't find any stores, so we decided to leave, but we couldn't find out how to get out of the parking lot, it was RIDICULOUS, but fun!

Then when we got back to st. cloud we went to famous daves, and hung out some more! good times! then I came home and found out that michael phelps finished his olympics with....................................

ANOTHER GOLD MEDAL! That dude is on fire! he got 8 total out of 8, and he had an interview saying that 7600 people added him as a friend on facebook, I'm not even going to try, although I think he would be perfect for my sister, not really sure why though! HAHA!

its just been a good day, but I am tired and have nursery duty tomorrow morning, so I am going to bed!! night! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Twins game tomorrow! HOORAY!

I am SUPER excited! work went well, just chillin out, and just finished my part of Lisa's and mine "Circle me Bert" sign. Bert is one of the Twins announcers and he uses his circle pen to show stuff on TV, and at the metrodome everyone brings a "circle me Bert" sign, in hopes that he will circle them and they will be on TV for a second! YAH!

Ours is fun too, this is how it goes:

Mine starts by saying:

2 Twins Tickets: $50 dollars
Dome Dogs (metrodome hot dogs), Nachos, Soda: $25
Gas and Parking: $50

Then Lisa's will say:

Being circled by Bert, PRICELESS! Great idea huh, I'm sure its been done before, but I'm EXCITED! I am driving, so I am getting nervous. I am just going to Jackie's and then she is taking us to the dome, but please pray for safety, I hate going to the cities!

Then on Sunday I will probably chill out, maybe go to St. Cloud and get a laptop, I am just not sure what one I should get though! AHHHH! any tips you might have, please let me know!

it's the weekend, HOORAY! :)

PS Twins won today, so I hope they will tomorrow, and Michael Phelps, what else is new, got another gold medal! CRAZINESS!

Nastia wins!! HOORAY!

Nastia won the all-around gold for gymnastics! i am SOOOO excited! I was sobbing because her and her dad were crying, it was great!

michael phelps won again, what else is new! i got to leave work early, Twins didn't play, getting ready for work to be over for the week, and then going to Twins game on Saturday with lisa, I am SOOOO excited, and I am driving to Jackie's and I hate driving to the cities, so please pray for me!

Well, I am tired, so byebye, as one consultant said to me on the phone! haha! :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Good day was had, started out rough though!

I went to bed SUPER early this morning, I couldn't sleep if someone paid me to! GRRR! i think i got a couple hours though, but i woke up earlier than usual and had time to get ready. Work was good, it was pretty slow, so that was nice.

I had another review and was told I'm getting a 50 cent pay raise, HOORAY! That helps because of everything I've been spending for my new place.

no olympics news today, no race for Michael Phelps. the US gymnasts go for all around gold tomorrow night, eeekkk!

Getting very excited for this weekend, and the Twins game. One of the commentators name is Bert, and he has this circle pen that he can use on the broadcasts to circle anything, and it started FOREVER ago, I think, that everyone brings "Circle me Bert" signs to the metrodome to try to get circled and get on TV. Its pretty funny! so lisa and i are coming up with cool signs, she told me she found some neon green paper, that will hurt Bert's eyes, and cannot be ignored. I'll tape the game, Saturday afternoon, and let you know if I'm famous!

haha! On the note, the Twins won, so HOORAY! Now I am SUPER tired because I didn't sleep last night, so good night all! :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What day, I must say! (boy, sorry I keep rhyming!)

So today was good, I got to sleep in, and then mom and i went shopping for my new place, and I bought SOOOO much stuff! AHHH! my mom said I get antsy about spending a lot of money at one time, like she does! Thanks a lot mom! Oh well, my place is SOOOO cute! We moved all my big stuff, and it rained as soon as we were done, good timing!

Then I got home and watched Michael Phelps get two more gold medals, CRAZINESS! The US women lost, and got the silver, I felt really badly too! Oh well, they still got the silver, so that was pretty cool!

More bad news: The twins lost! AHHHH! Plus Joe mauer had a stiff neck, so his back up played, I hope he's okay and plays on saturday when Lisa and I go! that would totally suck if he didn't!

well, just watching more olympics stuff, and going to bed! it was nice to get a day off in the middle of the week, pray for me, yesterday was a tough day!

Thanks! :)

Beautiful day, except for the whole working part! haha!

So today was pretty good! Work was INSANE all day, and it didn't make the day go faster! AHHH! then my last call, my consultant that calls in EVERY 2 minutes, she was on vacation, while I guess she is back! she is nice though, just paranoid and has to call in every two seconds, oh well!

When i got home i watched Michael Phelps win another gold medal, YAH! And the US men's gymnasts win the bronze, that was exciting!

Now I am going to bed. I am just chillin, and tomorrow plan to sleep in, go shopping and move some stuff into my new house, and then watch more of the olympics! I don't know how michael does it, but he's in a bunch of races tomorrow night too! CRAZINESS!

well have a great day, I will enjoy not working! HAHA!

PS the Twins won, and they are back in first place, HOORAY! Good sports day all the way around! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Michael Phelps is SOOOO cute!

GO USA! We just got done watching Michael win his second gold medal of the olympics, the last race was SOOOO close! Also watched the gymnastics, US is in 2nd place right now, ahhhh! i am so obsessed I even took Tuesday off, which is the team final! :)

So i got up for early service! church was okay, the singing was good, the kids led it with VBS songs, SOOOO cute! the sermon, well I am sorry to admit this, but I was kinda out of it! Eeekk, I know. it wasn't that I was tired, it was just one of those sermons, I know I need to write things down to stay focused, but I was off!

community group was good though, one of the leaders came in to get some ideas for the groups in the future. I kinda felt like I couldn't participate because I am leaving, but ya never know, I might come home for church! who knows! please pray for me, reaching out to others is WAY WAY out of my comfort zone, its something I am going to work on especially when I move out. Which reminds me you can pray about that too! i got my stuff today, or rather, my family went, while I was scrapbooking, so that was nice. I was kinda rude to my dad, which i feel horrible about, but we are good! i've been losing my cool lately with my fam, so I think it will be good that I won't be at home. Absence makes the heart grow fonder! i hope! :)

scrapbooking was good, almost done with my Hawaii book, i can't believe it! Andrea was a no show again, which I kinda figured, but i am not going to let it get to me, because she is going through a rough time right now.

when i got home I was going to go with my fam, but they left before, so I chilled and watched the olympics! good times!

now it sounds like jill is planning on going to duluth with Lisa and I, which is SUPER exciting! Hooray! :)

well have a great night, here are my plans:

Monday: Work
Tuesday: Off, shop with mom, dad will come up with truck and unload, watch olympics
Wed, Thur, Fri: Work

Saturday: Twins game with lisa, ick I HATE driving to the cities!
Sunday: Chill out, more olympics! :)

well good night and God bless! :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beautiful day! YAH!

So the day started with waking up and Jackie and Kev and Des coming home. We had hamburgers and talked for a bit about there camp experiences. Then I spent time outside in the sun, didn't get a tan though, and then chilled out and watched some of the olympics. Michael won his first gold medal, YAH!

Rest of weekend plans,


watching some Twins game, they just won and are in first! YAH!
scrapbook with co-workers
get furniture maybe, not sure yet!

Then I work monday, and took tuesday off for more olympics and to do some moving! So that was pretty much my day! YAH! Go USA!


FANTABULOUS day, i must say hooray! :)


Today was great, the work part, not so much, but I got to leave work early, so I didn't work a full day this week, but i still got 37 hours in. Cool huh?

I emailed one of the founders and told her thanks for letting me volunteer, and she wrote back saying that she hopes she gets to meet me when she comes into the office, for Joel, her son who works with me, b-day! EEEEKKK!

Lisa and I both wore our joe Mauer shirts again, not sure how we keep doing that. After work I did some shopping, and got some stuff and some good ideas! YAH!

Then I got home, found out the Twins won, thanks to joe, and chilled out and am watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics right now. I LOVE the olympics! YAH!

Tomorrow jackie and kev get home from camp, so jackie will come get her car and then we are going to have hot dogs from kimball days, YUMMY! Then i might go shopping again, and then sunday I have church, kimball days parade, which kev is in, and then scrapbooking with co-workers, and then my olympic event starts: Gymnastics, plus I like beach volleyball, swimming, go michael phelps, and diving! SO YAH!

Then I have Tuesday off next week for more gymnastics, I know I'm crazy and picking up my new furniture! YAH! Super excited!

have a great week, and please pray for me! love ya!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great week, so far!

I must say that things are good! Even though VBS ended tonight, it was fun and a success! we had 200 kids! CRAZINESS!

It was fun to volunteer, and get paid for it too!! Nice to catch up with my church because I think once I move out I want to find a church in St. Cloud and I actually have a couple I want to look into, which is exciting! You can defintely pray about my moving, it feels like its the end of August, but its not, but I am planning to do some apartment shopping, so that will be good!

Let's see, tomorrow I got back to my normal schedule, and of course lisa works early, figures! After work I plan to chill, and then Jackie and Kevin come home from camp and Jackie will be here to get her car, and we are going to hang out at Kimball days for awhile, small town celebration every year. Good hot dogs! haha!

Then sunday i am still scrapbooking with the pod, which will be SOOOO fun! It sounds like Andrea is going to come, hooray!

Well I will keep you posted! PLEASE PRAY! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This week is flying by!

Maybe because I've been working 4.5 hours so far!! HAHA! Its been great leaving at 6:00 and going to VBS to help out! it's been good, very good!!

today work was good. Then I attempted to go to BK and get a burger before going to VBS, but my card declined, which was dumb because I just got it! GRRRRRRR!!

Oh well! VBS was fun! Good times! twins won, so that was great. It was a day game so Joe didn't play, but oh well!

Chilling out, and getting ready for the weekend to get here. so far the plan is to hang out by the pool and maybe shop on saturday, and then scrapbooking with the pod on Sunday and getting my furniture and the olympics start friday! YAH! I LOVE the olympics, go USA!

Well have a great week everyone, its almost the weekend! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

GRRRRR, they just lost again!

This is SOOOO retarded! I'm so upset with Mike Redmond. He was asked to pinch hit in the top of the 9th, and Morneau on 3rd, and he flied out!!! So much for a great back up catcher!!

PS The Twins lost yesterday too!

Day was good! Had another fun short day at work, and VBS was good!! Hung out with lots of church people! Good times!

Twins did good, and then they lost!! ICK!!

Plus the White Sox won too, which is BAD!

We better win tomorrow, thats all I gotta say!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Now its 6-11!

I think it just makes me mad because we were winning by so much! GRRR! COME ON TWINS! :)

Now its 6-11!

Great day, except the Twins are losing! GRRRRR!!

They were up 6-1, now its 6-7, GRRRR!! I am SO mad, this is SOOO un called for! oh well!

Now its 9-6! I'm so mad, STILL!! Why, why?

SEATTLE sucks!

Anyway, onto my day:

Good day working less hours, VBS was great. Helped with registration stuff, and I have to do that tomorrow by myself, eekkK! hopefully it goes well!

Chilled out and have been watching the game with my dad, and then he goes to bed and they start to lose! i cannot believe this. We better fight back, common twinks! :)

at least we are in first place and the sox didn't play today, so hopefully we win and they lose tomorrow! YAH!

Well, i am kinda tired, so I will chat tomorrow! have a great night! :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rough day, and it's the weekend! Weird, huh?

So last night I conked out after taking a sleeping pill and woke up SUPER early for Church this morning. But for some reason I was in kind of a rotten mood all day, which kinda stank! Maybe it was the weather, it was rainy and icky!

So church went good, went to community group and had fun with everyone. Then came home, found out I needed to take dad to st. cloud to pick up his car, which sucked because it rained HARD!! Badly, couldn't see, not good!

Got home, watched some skating/gymnastics (getting ready for olympics next week: HOORAY!) Then watched the Twins win, which was great. They are now in 1st place for the AL central, woot woot!

Then lounged around, and got ready for VBS which was kinda rough. I think I just had a bad attitude all day, and I am excited for the week, because I won't be working a lot! YAH!!!! Plus getting paid for VBS, which I hope gets better, since I have to do registration starff, and it was pretty chaotic, but fun.

Then got home, family was crabby. Fighting, not fun! It is times like this when I'm glad I'm moving out. I'm still nervous, but pretty excited!

Well, pray for my SHORT week! Sorry, had to rub that in!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

What a day!

So I slept in, which was FABULOUS! spent time out in the sun, HA! That was the plan anyway, but when I got out there it was windy! ERRRRR!

Then mom and I went shopping, and needless to say we have a major difference in style. Haha! We spent most of it at Savors, ick!

Then we went over to the house and met one of my new roomates, Jamie. She is SOOOO nice!

Then we came home and unfortunately watched the Twins lose, way sad.

Plans for tomorrow include:

Twins game

So I just took a sleeping pill, and I am headed to bed! Have a great night! :)

Pretty rough day, to say the least!

Today was pretty slow, which was nice! but the calls I got included reactivations, reactivations, and more reactivations! which after 1 hour can drive you nuts! AHHHHHHHH!!!

But now its the weekend, and since I got home I've been chillin out, and I'm excited to hang out with my mom tomorrow, and do some shopping, and lay out in the sun! HOORAY for not working anymore weekends!

I'm still getting nervous about moving, but I am only going to be 20 minutes from home, so its not like I can't go home if it gets nuts! HAHA!

So you know my Saturday plans, and Sunday consists of church, twins baseball, organizing more moving stuff, and the start of VBS and then I do that all week, I get a short week at work and get paid to volunteer, which is really exciting!

so hope you guys have a good weekend, and stay cool!

PS Twins won, Joe Mauer hit another BOOM! HOORAY for Joe! But they got rid of one of my favorites, so that kinda bummed me out! But if joe ever got traded, I would cry! :(

The end! bye!