Saturday, February 28, 2009


I slept so many hours last night, i actually went to bed early! haha!

then i kinda chilled out, have been getting around to cleaning, since i need too! :)

then i went to sara's, she's doing okay, considering her good ole kidney stone won't pass, and i know she doesn't want to go in for surgery, who would? pray for her!

then i went to church at crossroads, and it was good! its good to see that there are a lot of people that i know there, so i don't feel so new!! i think i am down to deciding between Crossroads Saturday night service, or Joy Christian Sunday morning service, so yah, at least i am getting my decisions narrower!

then after church, i went to crafts direct, since its just down the street from crossroads, and got a bunch of disney stuff for that scrapbook, even though i still have to finish my arizona book, and start my Christmas one!! YAH!

then i went grocery shopping, and have been chilling out, and organizing my scrapbooking stuff, taking inventory, like Jill says, because next week there are rumors that lay offs are going to take place, so i am working on placing an order, just in case! i am nervous, but i know God has a plan, but prayers would be appreciated for that! who knows whats going to happen?

so now i am chillin, and then tomorrow more chillin, and cleaning, and then i am meeting lisa for supper tomorrow night, since i haven't really had a chance to chat with her since i left for vacation, so that will be fun!

so things are going good right now, but pray for work next week! thanks! :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

There are nice people in this world!!!

So we got a horrible snow storm, a week from today i was in 80 degree weather in Orlando, keep that in mind! so i get home, but my car gets stuck at the end of the driveway, so of course, i call my dad, and he sends kevy and my mom, well then a random snowplower stops, and of course, after i am done shoveling, he says "perfect" and drives my car into my garage, and didn't steal it, although who would want too, haha! thank you mr stranger, this proves that there are nice people out there!! of course no one else, except jackie, has a cell phone, so soon after mom and kev come, and i tell them someone helped me, so they say hi and then bye! haha! i felt bad that they came all that way, but it was nice of them, since dad's back has been bad!

so now i am warming up, and hoping that the snow goes away!!!! too bad it wasn't here last week! things at work are okay, but i am just so excited for the weekend, i am going to chill out!!! YAH!

its almost the weekend, don't panic! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

its almost the weekend, i can taste it!

okay its only thursday, but we are getting closer, and things at work have been getting more and more weird, and sad, and not busy, which isn't good! AHHHHH!! i am not even sure what is going to happen, but please pray, i am just very glad that i handed over my finances to my dad, so he would make me save! WHOO HOO!!!

i am just going to relax this weekend, but on sunday lisa and i are going to hang out, since we haven't really since i've gotten back, so that is good!!!

not much else going on, just wondering about the future! sometimes i think of the possibilities, and that i hope i have learned my lesson to not just take a job, but to make sure i know what i am getting myself into, it would be so cool to work for a skating club, or a skating company, but then it would also be sad to leave CM too! AHHHHH!!! and have to meet new people, but hey at least i know that i can do it, as i miss PCI and CM! weird huh?

well pray for the whole world, and all the economy problems, GRRR!!! PRAY! love ya!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

another day is over, phew!

had a talk with my boss about stuff i missed last week, uh oh, is all i have to say! AHHHHH!!!! pray for me!

things have been crazy since i've been back, and not just work wise, but its nice to have been so missed by my co-workers, thanks guys! i am just excited to relax this weekend!

i talked to my dad today and he said his back is feeling better, i cannot wait for the next time we go to disney and he is healthy, i wish i were going soon, instead of it being over, oh well!

its hump day! YAH! :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

survived my first day back at work!

It took me most of the day to get back in the swing of things, but it happened, i am just not sure how women who come back from maternity leave get back into the swing of things! CRAZINESS!

also there was some news at work, that i heard about afterwards, and is kinda freaky, but won't mention unless i absoutely need to, or if it even affects me, which you can probably guess about!

well, i actually woke up early this morning, and got ready and it was nice to feel prepared and not rushed before work, and then tomorrow i am going to work out with Jill, so that will be fun, do some swimming, so that should be fun.

well i am super tired, so i am going to go to bed, nighty night!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

another great day, but back to reality tomorrow!

so church was FABULOUS this morning, i went to Joy Christian, and the sermon was about Joy, obviously and when you go anywhere or do anything, do it for the Lord, which means for me, work! so i need to remember to work for the Lord tomorrow, and every day!

then after church, i went home, dad and i drove to the show, and the show was GREAT! i wasn't expecting much since i didn't really like the cast, as much as in the past, but it was a great show! dad even liked it, for him anyway!

then we went to godfathers for some pizza, drove home, chilled for a bit, and then came home and am preparing myself to going back to work, which i am kinda nervous about, so please pray! i will post a review of the show, like i always do, but i am just so tired, so i am off to bed, and hoping to get a good nights sleep for tomorrow! AHHH!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Its been awhile, sorry!! we just got back yesterday and we had so much fun, but i am exhausted, since we had so much fun i am going to fill u guys in, trust me! its just that we got back last night, i slept all day, just got home and unpacked, and getting ready for Stars on ice tomorrow afternoon, so back to the cities i go! haha!

well have a great weekend, and please pray for me that going back on monday is okay, its always so hard to go back to work after a relaxing trip! more details to come!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

8 more hours of work! whoo hoo!

I am getting so excited, work went good today, it was slow, which is always nice! we also had a potluck for a girl who is having a baby, and it was good!

then i get into my car after work, and my dad is in the parking lot, waiting to inspect my packing situation, whoops! it was pretty funny how he was like "what aren't you taking" silly dad, i'm a girl, i bring everything! i am so excited though, and i do hope that i get off work early tomorrow, that would be wonderful!

well, please pray for when we leave, on Friday the 13th, ahhhh!!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 more days! 16 hours, i can do this!

I hope!! haha! i am getting so ancy and excited!! WHOO HOO, can you tell?

So today was pretty great, despite not getting a lot of sleep, thanks sara, but work was good, especially our Christmas party! it was just fun to chill with everyone and we played some catch phrase, so that was fun!

then work was kinda slow, which helped, so the pod mostly talked, which is always fun to do, while waiting for a phone call!

so nothing new, just doing some laundry and packing some more stuff, i am just so excited! WOOT WOOT!!!! but i am tired, so i think i am going to go to bed! night! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

FABULIOUS day was had, after work! haha!

work was fine, but then after work i went to sara's after work and we finished up her captions, and we had such a blast too!

and guess what? i am talking sara into going on my next skating trip, wherever it is, that would be so great if she went with! sara, if you read this PLEASE come with, and stop spending so much money! that would be FABULOUS!

then tomorrow we are going to celebrate our christmas party at work, about time, right? haha!! we are getting famous daves, so i am pretty excited!



3 more days until i leave for Florida!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

what did i do today?

ABSOUTELY nothing, and it felt good too! :)

i slept in, last time i can do that until vacation, WOOT WOOT! then i just chilled, usually on sundays i am watching America's Next Top model reruns, if its a season i didn't see, so it was this time too! its funny that i am so curious to see who won during this season, and it was back in 2006, haha!

i also watched some skating, i was planning on going home, but i was kinda grubby all day, so it was nice to chill, i did eventually go to Target and start getting stuff for my trip, and i sure spent alot, target is becoming one of my favorite stores!!! now i am packing, and i can't believe we are leaving soon! i am so excited, not sure how i am going to get through the week, but we shall see!

now i am going to grab a book, and do some reading, and hope that i can get some sleep, since i've been staying up late all weekend.

also sara got her hawaii book done, so since she has tuesday off, i am going to go over to her house after work and check it out!

well, 4 more days! WOOT WOOT! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

another relaxing day!

i got up, chilled, watched some skating, and then decided to check out Crossroad Churches saturday night service, and it was really good, caught up with some people that used to go to kimball, and it was a good atmosphere, i am seriously thinking, and praying about if i should attend regularly, because i know i need to make a decision and commit to the church to start making some relationships, so please pray for me.

when i got home jamie and i went to see a movie, she picked this dumb one called Push and it was pretty bad! cute actor, but not a good movie, very boring!

now i am just doing some more chillin, its weird to know that i don't have to get up early tomorrow, but i am planning to go home and do some trip planning, whoo hoo!! and then do some shopping, since i slept in today! oh well!

have a great rest of the weekend!

5 more days! woot woot!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today was FABULOUS!!!!

so i did stay up all night, and made it to the employee sale, which was so much fun! i ended up watching rudolph last night to stay away, and then i left at 6:00 for the sale, and was almost late since it was still dark out, but i made it, and it was so much fun! i got a lot of great stuff, and i'm glad i text jill, because she feel asleep, but she showed up, and its so much fun to shop with her, she was going through everything and was like "Get this, get that!" i ended up spending $20 and she was like "WHAT?" by this time she already collected probably 4 or 5 boxes! haha! :)

after the sale i went to the bank to get some money, and the lady was like "Good morning!" which is odd, since i am never up in the morning, then i went home chilled a bit and watched some early morning TV, then i decided to get some shopping done, so i went to fashion bug and got a super cute HSM t-shirt for Florida, DUH! then i went to the library and got some books for the trip, and i also got some pizza, so then i came back chilled a bit, and finally took a nap! now i am feeling so screwed up, but when i woke up i ate and started to read, and just had a quiet day, its been so relaxing! i bought a new CM jacket at the sale, which is brown, and its so comfy, and then sara called, and we chatted for awhile, which was fun since i haven't talked to her for awhile, and then right after that, dad called and i am planning to go home to make some trip plans, which i am so excited about! WHOO HOO!!! :)

now i just have 4 more days of work, which i am hoping i can get through! but tomorrow i am hoping to get up early, do some more shopping, and then skating is on in the afternoon, woot woot, and then i think i might go to the night service at crossroads, since i am not sure how it would be getting up early sunday morning, but we shall see! because i do not want to make the same mistake as last sunday, so i am thinking it might be best to go on saturday! so basically i am chillin, and defintely needed it!

have a great weekend everyone, now you can celebrate the weekend! haha! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

so guess what?

I had a FABULOUS day, although i had to work, it wasn't as bad as yesterday, so that was very nice! we had our team meeting, and we have our Christmas party on tuesday, yeah it took forever to get it, but we are going to celebrate it by playing games and such! hooray! so excited!

then i go to get my pizza that i have been craving all day, and i forgot that its thursday, and they close early, grrr, so i make a pizza and it was not good, at least i didn't eat a lot, but i am trying to stay up, and of course i am tired, go figure this never happens during the week! haha! :)

so now i am just chillin, and i am going to the employee sale at 6 am, so that is why i cannot go to sleep, and then chillin mostly all weekend, going home to do some trip planning, and then sleeping too! yah, i am just so excited about my vacation, i think everything has been stressful at work, so i am just glad to get away! we do have new product coming out while i am gone, so i think the consultants will like it. i love some of our new albums, and might buy one even though i have no idea what to scrapbook, i'm becoming obsessed! haha! oh well!

have a great weekend, you are almost done for the week! Now i've got 4 days of work left, whoo hoo! :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

wow, what a day! and not in a good way!

It started out with training meetings for the new product, which looks great! then i had a meeting with one of my supervisors about a consultant, and she just did whatever the consultant asked for, it was crazy! i mean i want to help the consultant out, but moving the moon and stars all the time is hard work! haha!

then after that i had tons of follow-up and i was feeling the stress, not fun! i just will be so glad that i have friday off, and can chill out tomorrow night. i am planning to order a pizza, read a book, and stay up all night, so i can go to the employee sale at 6:00 in the morning which won't be hard to do, i was up until 5:00 last night, big mistake, with the stress and no sleep, i was not a happy camper today! oh well tomorrow is a new day, and just being home and relaxing has gotten me thinking that God is good, and so what if i had a stressful day, tomorrow is a new day, and i am praying and hoping for the best, and that i don't get mad at anyone! :) haha!

plus its almost Florida time, which cannot come quick enough, WHOO HOO! Just have 5 days of work left, WOOT WOOT!

pray for me please, thanks!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I found out that i get Friday off!! WOOT WOOT!!!

that was the best news i recieved all day! now i just have to get through two more days of work this week, stay up all night for the employee sale on friday morning, and then do some florida trip shopping and take it easy! i am SOOOOO excited! :)

i am so tired, so i think i am going to hit the sack, i tried going to bed early last night, and it kinda worked, oh well!


Monday, February 2, 2009

monday is over!

So today wasn't the greatest, we got our new phone system installed, and we couldn't tell look at the queues, to see who is waiting and for how long, it was CRAZY! i felt naked, that was how crazy it was, then our computers were down for month end, and they didn't come back up until 5 minutes before work was done, so i didn't get everything entered! AHHH!!!! my head hurts just thinkin about it, i think i am going to go into work early tomorrow, to get that stuff done!

well, i might also get this friday off, which would be wonderful!!! cross your fingers for me! but i didn't sleep very well last night, what else is new, so i am hoping to go to bed pretty soon here!

10 MORE DAYS! WOOT WOOT, i will start a countdown!

haven't had the best day!

In fact, it wasn't very good, and its still the weekend.

first of all, i could not sleep last night, so i decided to sleep in, and skip church, doing that just makes me sick! i can't believe i let satan get to me like that, so please pray for me! i need it!

the rest of the day i spent watching movies, i've never watched so many in one day, i watched Failure to Launch, Maid in Manhattan, 13 going on 30, and Devil wears Prada! it was CRAZINESS!

now i am just chillin, and watching wedding shows, you know i love wedding shows!

i have two more weeks until Florida, whoo hoo! I can't wait!

have a great week everyone!