Tuesday, October 19, 2010

things are going really well lately!

work has been really fun! YAH!! its just fun when you know whats going on and have fun coworkers!!! hip hip hooray!

i just can't wait for the weekend to get here! is it here yet?? i should go to bed though, i am so tired!!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


life is crazy, but very good! work is going well, lately I feel like i am working, but I'm glad about that!!!!! last weekend was really fun with my dad's secretariat party. I've given up on saying I will post about it later, because I never do, but if you are my friend on facebook, check out the pics! fun times with my crazy family! went to jackie's new church launch last Sunday, which was fun too! good times with Sissy.

Unfortunately the twins are done for the season, which is SOOOOO sad! :( we need to figure out how to beat those darn yankees! grrrr!!!

but i must go to bed, I am EXHAUSTED, but happy!!!! Thank you God!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My bucket list!

I will add to it as I get more ideas, but here are two:

Invent an object, inventing a word (check!) Nervcited
Learn to dance, and I am talking SERIOUS dancing, like they do on DWTS, and learn how to figure skate too! that would be so fun!!

Bucket List updated:

Go to NYC during New Years Eve
Skate on Rockefeller Rink and see Christmas tree there
See Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Go to Austria and relive the Sound of Music

well we are down 2-0 in the series!

but hey I have faith in the Twins. How cool would it be to beat them at Yankee Stadium and then come back and beat them at home and celebrate getting to round 2 of the playoffs??

i mean seriously what is it with Twins fans, you either are a fan or not, so let's get into this. no more feeling sorry for ourselves, we are BETTER than the Yankees!!!!! so lets go kick there butts, cool?

now that we've got that out of the way, I've invented a word, ready for it. Nervcited, haha!! i wrote that i was nervous and excited about the playoffs, and i think it really is catchy. I've always wanted to invent an object, but a word is cool too!! now how do you get those into the dictioniary?? haha!

well things at work have been pretty great, I just want the twins to win SOOOOO badly!!!!!!! and my dad is having a Secretariat party this weekend, which I am SO excited about. I have to admit it will be nice to just hang out and not have the pressure of the twins game, haha! i feel like a player sometimes!!!

well have a good night everyone, its almost the weekend! twins get tomorrow off, and then we get to clober the yanks on saturday! let's do it! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Its Time, for the Twins!!!

EEEEKKKKK! I am so nervous and excited, i have a really good feeling!!! i really wanna beat the yankees so badly i can taste it!

PS work has been going really well too! YAH! come on Twins! it starts up tomorrow night!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

crazy weekend!!!

so it started on saturday morning when I woke up just dizzy, ICKY! i hate calling in sick though, so I barred through it! while then i get to work and we had some interesting people in the clinic today, to say the least! and then the computer went down, AHHHHHH! headache of a day, which I am kinda worried about. anyone have an suggestions to get rid of headaches?

then when work was almost over, it was announced that I would close, eekkk! but it went a lot better than last time. but then i was going to be late to church, so I just wore my scrubs, which I felt kinda dumb about, but hopefully someone saw me and thought "I bet she saved a bunch of lives today!" haha!

church was really good, and my headache went away during worship, which I thought was great!!!

after church i then met up with Jill at perkins, which was fun and then we went to the new walmart in sartel, which I probably won't be going back to since there is no way around the roundabouts, and I can just picture getting myself in a car accident! haha! it was HUGE though, and reminded me so much of the walmart we go to in Florida, which made me feel like i was on vacation, totally random!! :)

and then last night and tonight was just spent relaxing, but i have another headache! ick!!

the twins lost today, but we are in the playoffs against the Yankees, lets beat those stupid skankee yankees!!!! its time to kick butt boys! wednesday is the start of playoffs! let's go twinkies!