Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter!! He has risen, He has risen INDEED!!!

I love Easter! So great to celebrate the birth of our Risen Savior! we celebrated today as a family, I am so blessed that we are all Christians in our household.

The Easter bunny came and hid us kids gas giftcards, thanks Easter Bunny and mom and dad! LOL! we also celebrated my parents being married 37 years ago on 04.11. During the nap time portion of the day (we usually start with lunch, then hang out, naps and leave) we were asking mom about there wedding, like who was all in it and the ceremony details and how they met and dated. Even though I've heard most of it before, its still fun to hear how they met, dated, and got married.

We also played with Casey our dog (aka baby sister!) and just hung out, so fun!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and remember what Christ had to endure for our sins.

Please watch this video, its from a passion play that is a family favorite, love this song:

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