Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had enjoyed time with your loved ones! The Sommers family had so much fun (as always!) 

My parents went to Albany to get my favorite pizza (YUMMY-thanks parents) and then we proceeded to EAT! my stomach is still recovering (time to get back on plan starting now!) and then sister got me all dolled up for Christmas Eve services. She is so talented with hair and make up (new career move perhaps deetie?)

Christmas Eve services were great, although deetie wasn't feeling well, so no Sommers family picture in front of the tree. :( 

We then came home and continued to eat and open PRESENTS! but we always read the Christmas story from the bible first, which I love! Also funny story during church we took communion and when my sister passed it to me, so passed it like SUPER fast, I couldn't even put the cup back fast, it was so funny, we both cracked up laughing (oops-now I remember why we always sat in the back!).

I got a vaccum from my siblings so I'm so excited to clean! LOL! I think that officially means I'm old! ha!

We then ended up playing games like all night long (way past my bed time-again I'm old!) and we played Krebs (or is it Kreps?) but me and sister didn't do very well. Oh well. 

We finally went to bed and when I woke sister up on Christmas morning I said "Hey, so there was a strange man here last night and he said 'ho, ho, ho'..... we opened santa gifts and then Kevin and his new girlfriend (who is great!) went to her family for Christmas and then we proceeded to eat and sleep (notice a theme at the Sommers house?) ha! 

So much fun! I hope your Christmas was equally fabulous!

Here's to a great 2018 and now its time to get back into the working out regime! LOL!

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