Thursday, July 12, 2018

I think I had a panic attack at work yesterday...

ugh! my heart goes out to those who have had panic attacks before. I literally had to leave my desk and go to the bathroom. Full on alligator tears and all and of course there were a ton of people in the bathroom, so I had to keep flushing the toilet. Do you want to know why I had a panic attack?? BECAUSE OF A FREAKIN TEST AT WORK. Ugh. I passed, which I was so relieved by, but still I wanted to be like "seriously, you have Jesus on your side... get it together Kristin!". Then I come to find out that we have another test tomorrow and I originally thought it was a group test, with all of us new hires, but it is a group and then an individual test. ugh. Could use some prayers. But I do feel confident because I passed the first part, so now I have the second part and then starting next week I am in my area, no more training! But my trainer will still be with me, thank goodness she is awesome!

Being the newbie is so hard, but could definitely use your prayers as I get going at the new job! Life has been tough lately what with losing my friend Brittany and being a newbie, but I'm excited about things coming up, like my brothers wedding in August and today is Kristi Yamaguchi's birthday! Happy birthday to my bestie, who so doesn't look like she is 46!

Let's have a great Friday and a great weekend! I plan to just relax and study! LOL! i know, I'm totally a nerd!

I found a couple of quotes that I want to share:

"When Life Puts you in tough situations don't say why me say try me" unknown

and from my very own deetie:

"Its what I am telling myself every day
To give myself grace
God certainly does
We withhold it from ourselves far more than he does" Jackie Lea Sommers author extraordinaire

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