Saturday, July 21, 2018


Do you ever just feel so stressed out and trying to be so perfect that you make mistakes? That's where I'm at. I love my new job and have already gotten my first compliment from a patient, but I was so busy trying to catch up that I didn't full say thank you or recieve the compliment, when I should've. (insert face palm!)

I just need to remember to give myself grace. I found this that my sister wrote to me a while back when I had started a new job and it really helped me this week.

Dear Jesus, i believe that You are in control of everything, including giving Kristin this job, and so I trust that You will provide her with all she needs to succeed.
in fact, what she needs to succeed is YOU, and she already has YOU! please be with her every step of every day this week.
hold her hand; let her feel your presence with her.
give her confidence to ask questions and give her a strong memory to retain all the new things she learns.

give her favor in the eyes of the people she works with and for. help them to slow down a little bit, and speed Kristin up, at the same time, so that they can compromise and meet in the middle without either side having to say anything.

God, CALM HER NERVES. She survived the interview AND the first week! So please calm her and sustain her. Be her peace. Guide her through this entire week, and help her to quickly find her feet at St. Cloud VA.

I changed the name of th ejob around, but it was defintely from God and he gave the right words to my deetie, so that was a great gift to get this week.

So I'm on my own next week, but I have awesome coworkers who have said how great of a fit I am with the group and one of them said she is going to sit next to me next week and she will charge $5 for every question (she's joking!) but I think I might bring in a 100 grand candy bar or something like that as pre payment. They keep joking that another new hire keeps bringing in baked goods for everyone, so I better step up my game.

I have a good feeling about the job, but I just want to know how to do it all NOW!

Today I had the realization of "Why do I go to God last", He should be my first stop. Please keep praying that I catch on quickly this week.

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