Friday, May 28, 2010

We beat the Yankees!!

HOORAY! That makes me so VERY happy!!!!!!!!!! we clobbered them 8-2! YAHOO!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stars on Ice 2010: St. Paul MN

The show was on Sunday, May 9th (mother's day!) and I went with my dad, like we always do. We've been going to the show since the 97-98 season, and even though we miss the big stars like Scott, Kristi, and Tara, I really liked the show this year, probably because I love Sasha, Michael, Yuka, and Tanith and Ben!

I was pleasantly surprised that there were a lot of people in the arena, the two sides were almost full!! I have video of many of the routines, but I am having issues adding them on youtube, but I will figure it out soon. my channel is joemauerlover (of course!) 

I liked the opening, it was kinda generic, but I really loved the sparkly costumes. it seems Yuka always is the first skater in the opening, weird huh, but I was okay with it, I could watch her FOREVER!! I really love the lift Tanith and Ben did in the opening, it was there lift from the 2008 FD to Chopin. Then Sasha glided into a spiral, I LOVE her spirals!! and then announcer said really slowly Ms........     Sasha........   Cohen, which I thought was kinda funny! and then Meryl and Charlie did there super cool lift from The Phantom FD, which I loved too, and it got a big crowd response! (I really like Charlie and Ben's haircuts!!) 

overall good opening, although it wasn't a rocking opening, I still liked it!

Emily Samuelson and Evan Bates were one of our guest stars (Evora and Ladwig the other ones!) and they were great in there Dixie Chicks OD, it was fun and the crowd got into it.

Jeremy had a tough time in his first number, I think he fell on his first opening big jumps (quad and triple axel) but the others he nailed.  

Alissa, Beautiful number to You'll Never Walk alone, I was trying to remember who skated to this song before, and remembered it was Sarah Hughes during the 2002 Olympic season. But Alissa had jump problems to (i was beginning to think maybe something was wrong with the ice!) I loved her dress too!! (Like Kristi Yamaguchi always says that girls get into the skating because of the costumes!) it was weird to see Alissa skate without her tights over her boots, but understandable at a show!

Todd- I want you to Want me, he had some jumps that he stepped out of, no major falls, and I love Todd and his spins, but this program was a more up beat song and he did a lot of pointing.

SASHA!! YAH! she was actually on with all her jumps, I have both of her programs videoed for proof!!! :)   Her first number was her short program, lots of transitions that weren't there at nationals. She did a triple toe and a double axel. I didn't like her costume now and I didnt like it at nationals either!! i love the split she does before the spiral, so crazy! and her layback is the normal one, those are so hard to come by with the new system!! beautiful footwork and that crazy leg lift spin to end the program, the ladies behind me were talking about her nationals programs and it was fun to talk skating talk with people, because my friends don't like it, thats why my dad has to go with me!!! 

Meryl and Charlie did there OD, which was good, but I didnt like Charlie's new costume, oh well. 

Michael, LOve him! I've always liked his skating, i know people say that they didn't like his amatuer days, but I like him then and now! his jumps were on as usual too! although the program said it was a Josh Groban song, which I love him, it was another song, but I dont remember who it was, but I liked that song too! his backflip always gets a big response too! 

Yuka was so cute! Loved her costume, but she had a fall on her double axel. A fun program to It Don't Mean a thing, which reminded me of my high school jazz band, since they always played that song!! :) 

Sasha/Alissa duet: Loved it. it was funny because my dad thought that the dresses were what Katia Gordeeva wore during Kristi's show that we went to in Phoenix last fall, so in the video you hear him saying that and you hear me saying "You remember that?" these two girls are so flexible and at one time it looked like they were going to run into each other! Sasha was smiling a lot, so I'm not sure what people are talking about, guess she was happy in MN!! Sasha finished there layback spins a bit early, and kinda laughed like "hurry up Alissa!!" which was cute!

Amanda/Mark skated to "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge, I LOVE that song, and it was great to have a pairs team to watch. (Remember when SOI had hard time getting ice dancers and had a lot of pairs teams like Jamie/Dave, Kyoko/John/Jenni/Todd/Elena/Anton, and at our show we had the top three in the US for ice dancers! there lifts were a bit slow, and they did have a stepout on there throw, but they were really fun to watch, and I know Mark has family in the area, or his wife is from here, I don't remember, but you could tell there were LAdwig fans, which was nice to see and hear!

Rock finale, wasn't really my taste, it was fun though, but as Todd says at the opening of the second act, the eye patches are weird!! :) 

the hair extensions were weird too, but you could tell all the skaters were having fun, yes Sasha too! (I know I am a big fan of hers, but she did seem to be having fun!) for notes I just have that there wasn't a lot of choreography, which I know was hard because the schedule and all that, I really hope they go back to the normal schedule next year.

Act 2

Fun with Todd, Mike, Jeremy, and Yuka. Loved when they were calling for the rookie! and then Yuka comes out and they are like "Should we let her stay?" i thought it was a good way to get people back into the seats, I stayed in mine since I know our bathrooms are always busy during intermission, right girls! it was just fun to talk to knowledgable skating fans, even though they were disapointed that Evan wasn't there, which I had to explain DWTS, like others have said they had too. I know he agreed to the full tour before, and SOI probably had everything done with him as the star, so I know theres no fault, but I was okay with it since I'm not the biggest Evan fan, but I still want him to win DWTS on tuesday!!! also during this number, Todd made MIke doing a back flip which got the crowd excited, and Todd said that they haven't done that at other cities, is that true?? mike was all out of breath, and was like "i'm already out of breath and we are just getting act 2 started!" haha! 

then Tanith and Ben's program, YAH! cute program, i loved the backpack lift too!! i loved all of there lifts, but especially the first one that is in there FD. i couldn't keep track of all the costume changes, but it was a really cute program! 

Yuka, CLASSIC yuka!! beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! 

i didn't care for Ben playing the guitar, but my dad liked it, so that was good!!

Jeremy, loved the song and him skating to it, but he had another fall and it took him awhile to get up, so I felt really badly for him.

Alissa, didn't like this program, but it was nice of her to try something different, as Sasha did last year with please dont stop the music. lot of shaking her head, but i can appreciate her trying something different.

Mike, FUN program! 2 backflips and it gets the crowd everytime!! 

Tanith/Ben/Meryl/Charlie really liked this group number, the song and costumes too! i liked the lifts they did insync, can't describe them, and not even going to try!! 

Todd, LOVED it! love his spins, classic Todd program!!!

Sasha- perfect jumps again! love the white dress with the headband! and love the song too! i loved the catch foot spin she did, with the variation. loved her ending spiral too! beautiful!

Finale, Love the song, and the costumes and the disco feel!!!! typical ending, with the individual spots. there was lots of choreography in the closing, so I liked that!! I loved the timing of Michael's backflip, that was cool!! when the guest skaters came out, everyone gasped, and I missed it but I think Mark or Amanda tripped up, my dad saw it but he doesn't know all the skaters.

all in all, good show!!! we were center ice, about row 9, which is unusual since we usually get behind the on ice seats, I finally sat on ice at Kristi's Disson show since those tickets were cheaper, but I still have the reservation forms from our first years at SOI back in 1997, and its just unbeleveable how much the prices have gone up! EEEKKK!!!

good show though!! I like comments too!!



Wow, its been awhile! sorry!!

i had everything written and then it deleted because I'm not used to this keyboard, basically:

Target Field is awesome
Twins are dominating, beat the brewers today 15-3
Went to Stars on Ice, video and a review coming when I get my laptop fixed
No job yet either
and requesting prayers, like always! THanks!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


and we won the game, wahoo! way too many details, but I will post about it later, I promise!!!!