Tuesday, December 25, 2012

CHRISTMAS was fantastic!!!!

Another exciting Christmas with the Sommers family! so many fun memories, but I am exhausted, so I am cutting this short, but I will post more details later!

Pizza, caroling, light looking, and opening the presents! got lots of great stuff, including a pink/brown bible from brudder, and a Sound of Music scrapbook by the "von trapp kids" and lots of giftcards! so thankful!

Christmas eve services were so much fun! so great to see the Magnuson's. great times, i will post more details after i get some sleep!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fabulous weekend!!!

So amazing! it actually started on Thursday night with Kevy coming over and spending the night because of his CRU going late and having class early on Friday! So much fun to hang out with him, LOVE IT! we watched the office together, and stayed up too late, but it was still great! Work went good Friday!
and then Friday night i relaxed, and then Saturday I met up with Lisa at Famous Daves for our Christmas party! so much fun, and I even ran into Corey (who I used to work with at PCI!) which was so much great seeing that big ole' teddy bear!

then i survived shopping Saturday afternoon and just relaxed today! WHICH WAS SO NEEDED! and then i watched Toy Story 2 and 3! I always cry at #3, ugh! but so good!
Well the weekends defintely go too fast, but soon it will be CHRISTMAS!!! yah!!!!! so let's have a great week! 5 more days and then we get a 4 day weekend! WOOT WOOT!!

PS I don't remember if i posted this or not, but I got hired on at my job!! YAH!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

its official!!!

I got hired on!!! WOOT WOOT!!! yah! so glad! i even negotiated a bit too!!! awesome!!! i'm so not a negotiator, so that was AWESOME!!!

and after work I met up with Sara for some good ole fashioned "hint hint" shopping, so much fun! and then later Kev is coming over after CRU and then spending the night and going to class in the morning!!! so fun! I love that we are getting closer and closer!!! i thought when we were growing up that it wouldn't go this well when we were older!!! I was so wrong, and so glad!

and tomorrow is the WEEKEND, WEEKEND; hooray for the weekend!!!!! EEEEEKKKK!!!! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

FABULOUS weekend; Sommers Family White elephant, and Snowmageden 2012

Such a great weekend! Friday was low key! then I headed to mom and dad's for our annual Sommers Family white elephant, which was so much fun! I actually got a good number too!!! but it was so much fun! Love my crazy and loud family!

Jackie brought my birthday present, which was Waiting for Guffman, and if you've never seen it, you need to, it is HILARIOUS!!!

then i went to church, and then a friend of mine from church and i went out for supper which was fabulous! and then i did some Christmas shopping and got a lot done, and then today was the first big snow fall!!! i am guessing we got a foot of snow, it was INSANE!! i would guess there is a foot out there, but I didn't set foot out there. i stayed home in my pajamas, and read and watched movies! such a relaxing day, kinda sad that its time for the work week again! ugh! but excited since tomorrow is my three month anniversary! I've survived 3 months! HOORAY! and its almost Christmas!!! Let's have a great week, shall we?!?!?!

Monday, December 3, 2012

crazy day! fun times with brother!

so work went good, and then I watched Christmas Vacation, which I LOVE!!! i love the end when the aunt sings the star spangled banner! and then kevy walked to my house because his car got towed! OUCH!

but it was fun! so first we went to walmart because you need to pay cash, and we both didn't have enough, and then he realized he didn't have his ATM card, so then we went to the place and kev tried to charm them into paying something besides cash, and that didn't work! so then he had to resort to calling dad and having him bail him out, which he hates getting dads help, but I think its so funny!!!! good times!

I thought he was going to sleep on my couch!!!! Note to everybody do not park in a towed lot, plus they charge you double if you don't pick up your car within a day! CRAZINESS, and then name of the place was All Care Towing, PALEEZE!!! but very funny and entertaining night! kinda glad since DWTS ended last week! haha!

Let's have a good week! guys! :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fabulous weekend with my church girls!!

So much fun! I went to a play at my church on friday night, which was AHMAZING! And then slept in yesterday, and went to church saturday night, and sat by a bunch of my friends. Its so fun to have so many people to sit by!! and then today Mary and I met up at Whitney to go walking, and we walked three miles, which was so great! YAH!

and then afterward I went to mom and dad's, since I haven't seen them in forever, and that was so fun! dad and i watched a bunch of disney youtube videos. It is getting kinda foggy out, so that means my dad worries, which is so cute! he was like "Be careful!" he gets so worried in the fog. In fact when my sister first got her license, she took me, Kevin and Jackie Miller to a movie and mom told me years later how nervous dad was about us coming home, and how he was worried that he was going to lose his whole family in one night! its so nice to have someone worrying about me!!!

now its time for the week to start. Lets think positively and have a great week!!!!