Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas was so much fun!

Good times with the family! We went caroling, went out to eat at McDonalds and Cold Stone and then on Christmas Eve day we basically chilled and ate! haha! My cousin Sam came over and went to Church with us for Chrismas Eve services, which was so great. After that we came home and read the Christmas story in the bible (one of my favorite traditions!) and then opened presents. i got lots of great stuff! like a Sound of Music pop up book (where Maria spins!!) and the Twilight Series and a cute scarf and mittens, and Stars on Ice tickets; which I am SUPER excited about!!

This years game was Million Dollar Drop, which was awesome! we won some serious cash, but lost some because the G in Google is blue, not red (which Jackie and I thought!) thanks for saving us some mulla Kevy!! haha! :)

Christmas day was SOOOOO relaxing, we slept in and opened stocking gifts and ate some more and chilled. We watched some DVDs and just hung out! It was so nice! Great Christmas, but now I am just sad that its all over, you plan for so long and then they just cut Christmas music at midnight on Christmas day. but thank goodness New Years day is coming up, tomorrow!! It will be fun to hang out with Sara, and watch the ball drop!! Here's hoping 2011 is awesome!!

PS sad Twins news, Harmon Killebrew (the Killer) was diagnosed with cancer, and Twinsfest was moved cuz of the dome!! so sad!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wait a crazy weekend! but good one!

i basically celebrated Christmas the past couple days. With CM co-workers Lisa and Jill at Jill's. we normally scrapbook but this time we watched movie after movie, let's see Elf, Ice Castles, the remake, Hairspray and Phantom of the Opera. AMAZING!!! so much fun too!

then today we did our Sommers Family White Elephant gift exchange, which is so fun, but very loud and crazy! i did end up with some cool stuff in the end.

So it was fun. and we have lots of cutie patoties in our family!!

now its time to get this week over with. I work Mon, Tue, and Thurs and then off for a long weekend to celebrate CHRISTMAS! I am so excited and love all our traditions. Will post details, just in case anythings changed, but I can't wait!! WAHOO!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Metrodome Roof Collapsed this morning!!

EEEKKK!! no one was hurt, thank goodness! it was just because of the "epic" Blizzard and all the snow piled on the top!

I just hope Twinsfest will still be there, but I would be so sad if Vikings people used this as an excuse to get a new field, because I still want the Metrodome to be around, because of all the memories for the Twins; I could care less about the Vikings!!! haha!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I am such a worrier!

Which is so dumb because I have God, and I shouldn't worry and yet I was so worried about work because I hate working on Saturdays, in a mall, in December; and then the weather was awful (but I made it to work and home!) and the mall was still kinda busy (crazy, I know!) but work was slow, which I was very thankful for! YAH God! Thank you!

Although I am bummed that the Twins traded JJ Hardy; I know that baseball is just a game, and the Lord rocks. But I need to stop worrying and love God in the good and bad times (sounds like wedding vows!) haha! I now prononce you King and follower, me being the follower!!

Its almost Christmas! YAH! so excited!! Praisallejuah! :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wow, what a day! and not in a good way! and i'm rhyming and I'm not even trying!


but my day, not funny! and not good! YUCK!!!! people can be so rude and mean, and just bullies!! i sometimes hate customer service, and that is what I do for a living! AHHHHHH! i've done customer service all of my professional years, and I just hate it so much; so why do I do it you might ask, I have not a clue!!

Thank you and Good night!

23 more days until Christmas! YAH! :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I have to say my holiday was very relaxing! since we got a big snow storm last night I planned to just stay at my house, barricaded in! I hate driving in this weather!! so that is what I did. Please don't feel bad for me, because I very much enjoyed gorging on junk food, watching TV and being lazy and sleeping in. I feel very refreshed and tomorrow is Friday, so once I get through the day (keep your fingers crossed that its slow!) then I am hanging out with Sara and doing some shopping, YAH!

things are going so well lately! I love the holidays!!!!! and Christmas music starts tomorrow! YAH!!! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy bday to muah!!!

Today was my 26th birthday, and I'm sad to say that I can't say I'm a quarter of a century! oh well!

it started with sissy calling me to wake me up, nicely of course! I did get up earlier to "beautify" myself!!

work was okay, it was pretty chaotic, which I hate; but I survived. and the best part was when my coworkers brought in a cake for me, it was; get this: A JOE MAUER/MN TWINS BASEBALL CAKE!! it was awesome, I have pictures on my facebook!! SOOO cool!

after the crazy day at work, which I got to leave early; yah! I chilled for a bit and then I met Sara for supper at La Casita, which was fun! free meal is always nice!

She also gave me the coolest gift, a Rudolph game!! FUN!!! and we are going to hang out this weekend, which I am pretty excited about!

and then on DWTS Jennifer and Derek won! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THEM!! and Kyle and Lacey got second, and Bristol and Mark third! Good ending results!

Pretty good day! finally got a hold of my mom!! So far being 26 is pretty good! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Went shopping with momma!

so fun! she bought me a new winter jacket for my birthday, YAH! and we stopped in at my work and said hi to my coworkers, so that was fun. and then we went to my church and there has been a For sale sign in front of this townhouse for FOREVER, and my mom stopped and we grabbed the information sheet and the house is pretty cheap and looks nice, from the pictures! and now I know why people on HGTV get excited about a house, and you start making plans for all the rooms, I really gotta stop because i just signed another lease, but I would LOVE to live in a house and decorate how I want too!! just not sure that I can afford it right now, but we shall see what happens.

I am excited about the rest of the weekend, sleeping in (getting an extra hour of sleep too, YAH!) and then watching some skating and going to my bible study in Kimball! I am very much enjoying all weekends off in November!! Yah for a good month! :)

PS See I told you I would update this more often!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

wowie, sorry its been so long!!!

things have been CRAZY!! it just seems like there is never enough hours in a day. work has been particularly stressful because I started closing! EEEKKK!! but today I closed and it went really well, it was nice too because my parents stopped by, so that was nice! I am very blessed by my parents and the example that they have set for me and my siblings!!! best parents ever, although I didn't really like them growing up, I do now!!

i just am so glad the holidays are coming, yah!! and my birthday and Christmas music soon, some stores even have Christmas stuff up already! WAHOO!!!! can't wait to deck the halls with boughs of holly, what are boughs anyway??

Life is good, Thank you God!!!! promise I will post more later, I hope!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

things are going really well lately!

work has been really fun! YAH!! its just fun when you know whats going on and have fun coworkers!!! hip hip hooray!

i just can't wait for the weekend to get here! is it here yet?? i should go to bed though, i am so tired!!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


life is crazy, but very good! work is going well, lately I feel like i am working, but I'm glad about that!!!!! last weekend was really fun with my dad's secretariat party. I've given up on saying I will post about it later, because I never do, but if you are my friend on facebook, check out the pics! fun times with my crazy family! went to jackie's new church launch last Sunday, which was fun too! good times with Sissy.

Unfortunately the twins are done for the season, which is SOOOOO sad! :( we need to figure out how to beat those darn yankees! grrrr!!!

but i must go to bed, I am EXHAUSTED, but happy!!!! Thank you God!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My bucket list!

I will add to it as I get more ideas, but here are two:

Invent an object, inventing a word (check!) Nervcited
Learn to dance, and I am talking SERIOUS dancing, like they do on DWTS, and learn how to figure skate too! that would be so fun!!

Bucket List updated:

Go to NYC during New Years Eve
Skate on Rockefeller Rink and see Christmas tree there
See Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Go to Austria and relive the Sound of Music

well we are down 2-0 in the series!

but hey I have faith in the Twins. How cool would it be to beat them at Yankee Stadium and then come back and beat them at home and celebrate getting to round 2 of the playoffs??

i mean seriously what is it with Twins fans, you either are a fan or not, so let's get into this. no more feeling sorry for ourselves, we are BETTER than the Yankees!!!!! so lets go kick there butts, cool?

now that we've got that out of the way, I've invented a word, ready for it. Nervcited, haha!! i wrote that i was nervous and excited about the playoffs, and i think it really is catchy. I've always wanted to invent an object, but a word is cool too!! now how do you get those into the dictioniary?? haha!

well things at work have been pretty great, I just want the twins to win SOOOOO badly!!!!!!! and my dad is having a Secretariat party this weekend, which I am SO excited about. I have to admit it will be nice to just hang out and not have the pressure of the twins game, haha! i feel like a player sometimes!!!

well have a good night everyone, its almost the weekend! twins get tomorrow off, and then we get to clober the yanks on saturday! let's do it! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Its Time, for the Twins!!!

EEEEKKKKK! I am so nervous and excited, i have a really good feeling!!! i really wanna beat the yankees so badly i can taste it!

PS work has been going really well too! YAH! come on Twins! it starts up tomorrow night!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

crazy weekend!!!

so it started on saturday morning when I woke up just dizzy, ICKY! i hate calling in sick though, so I barred through it! while then i get to work and we had some interesting people in the clinic today, to say the least! and then the computer went down, AHHHHHH! headache of a day, which I am kinda worried about. anyone have an suggestions to get rid of headaches?

then when work was almost over, it was announced that I would close, eekkk! but it went a lot better than last time. but then i was going to be late to church, so I just wore my scrubs, which I felt kinda dumb about, but hopefully someone saw me and thought "I bet she saved a bunch of lives today!" haha!

church was really good, and my headache went away during worship, which I thought was great!!!

after church i then met up with Jill at perkins, which was fun and then we went to the new walmart in sartel, which I probably won't be going back to since there is no way around the roundabouts, and I can just picture getting myself in a car accident! haha! it was HUGE though, and reminded me so much of the walmart we go to in Florida, which made me feel like i was on vacation, totally random!! :)

and then last night and tonight was just spent relaxing, but i have another headache! ick!!

the twins lost today, but we are in the playoffs against the Yankees, lets beat those stupid skankee yankees!!!! its time to kick butt boys! wednesday is the start of playoffs! let's go twinkies!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life has been SUPER busy!

as soon as i get a day off (thursday!) i will update you on everything, including the awesome twins game that happened a week ago!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

I went to the best twins game EVER!!!

Details soon, I promise! but now I must sleep! haha! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Another beautiful day was had!

YAH! work went really well, even without a lot of sleep! haha!

and the twinkies won, and if Chicago loses later tonight, since they are on the west coast, we could clinch the division tomorrow! EEEEEEEKKKKK! I would LOVE to be there to clinch, yippy!

and DWTS season 11 started, YAH! fun fun! nighty night!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

PS bible study was pretty great!!

i think i finally found one that I really like!!!

laxy sunday!

but sad too because Joe just got hurt, oh my goodness! i am going to freak out!! he might not play when we go Tuesday, but Chicago just lost, so we have a chance to clinch the division on Tuesday, I would LOVE to be there to see them do it! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

pray for joey!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another good day! WOOT WOOT!

today was actually really good, I got up early and work went well, even though I was only in for a couple hours, so I'm pretty glad nothing went badly!! :)

then after work I came home to watch the twinkies win, yet again! WAHOO!! i am just so excited about this year, I have a great feeling, and remember my dream that I had about the twins winning the worlds series in the dome, since it was too cold outside the late Kirby Puckett had us all walk to the dome! haha!

after the game I took a cat nap, and then went to church, which was really good. its nice to hear what other people think Jesus will be like, even though I hope he has short hair! :)

but all in all, good day! and now I am getting so excited for the twinkies to possibly clinch the division title on Tuesday, when I go! that would be so freakin awesome!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

i had a great day at work!

and the twinkies are currently losing to the A's, 1-2. AHHHH!!!! why can't both work and the twins being great!!! Plus the A's, what a dumb team name, that would be like if we were named the M's! haha!

but work went good, and although it is Friday, I have to work for a couple hours tomorrow, which stinks, but its only 3 hours, so that part is good! then I am FREE until monday! and I'm going to the twins game on tuesday! i am SOOOOOOOO excited, and would love to see them clinch the division on tuesday! PLEASE!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Twins SWEEP the White Sox!!!

wahoo!! and pretty good chance I'm going to a twinkies game on Tuesday, how great would it be if I were there to see them clinch! i am SOOOOO happy right now! no game 163!

Now if work was going better, I would be happier than a clam!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

work was okay, rest of day=FABULOUS!

work went pretty well, considering I had a longer weekend than I had originally thought, and that it takes me awhile to get back into the swing of things. but it was a good day, until 4:00 when everyone in the world showed up for an appointment, AHHHH!!! and it wasn't me that overbooked, YES; something that wasn't my fault! haha!

but after work I watched the Twinkies clobber Chicago, WOOT WOOT!!! YAH!! so excited, can you tell?

and I got my own private phone line in my apartment, so that's nice, and I talked to Sara, so it was fun to catch up with my bestie! I don't know why I get so weird about being on the phone, but even my mom has picked up on it, and is like "Call me!" haha! plus I've worked on the phones since I've started to work, crazy right??

well I am SUPER tired, so I'm going to bed! NIGHT! go twins!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fabulous weekend!

very relaxing! plus it was long, funny story for a bit later!

Work last week was okay, its getting better, but when it was Friday night I was SOOOOOOO excited! i went home and hung out with the parents. we watched the twins game together and then the Twins legends game, which was so fun to watch!

and i had the house to myself on Friday, which was very much needed. it just seems like I work way too many hours one week, and not enough the next week. but i slept in which I was VERY excited about.

On saturday i didn't do much of anything, I went to church that night which was great, good worship and message! i just feel badly for the people who sit next to me and feel as though i should apologize because I'm such a bad singer.

the good news was that the twinkies game got delayed because of rain and started once I got home, talk about lucky! and then it went into extra innings, but we ended up winning in the 12th! thank you jimmy thome!!! :)

then yesterday I slept in again, and did a lot of cleaning around the house and getting ready for the work week ahead! i went to bed early and got up early this morning, earlier than I normally do and then as soon as I am in my scrubs and ready to walk out the door, I read my schedule and see that I have the day off! CRAZINESS!!! after getting up early, AHHHH!! but since i was up I did get a lot done today, and I got my haircut, 7 inches!! AHH! its cute though.

some sad things happened tonight, my friend lost her sister. it was so sad, I went over there, and it was tough, but I just did a bible reading on doing nice things and not expecting anything in return, and I didn't go over there to be "a good person" but to be there for her, since her and her sister were very close, and I know if someone I loved passed away I would appreciate the same support.

So all in all, good and bad weekend! yes it still is technically the weekend for me!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering September 11th

What I remember about 9-11-01 was being in school, and my dad called and left a message for me to call him back at work. When I got the message I called him and he told me the twin towers were gone, and I thought he was joking and didn't believe him at all! i mean we were just there in late august and I couldn't even fathom them coming down.

Well I went to art class and my teacher Mr. Linn and my classmates were talking about it, but I just kept silent because I wanted to see what everyone was talking about, when I went home my mom was watching the news, and I couldn't believe they were gone. I immediately felt relief that I was there when I was, but then saddened by all the lost lives. Its still hard to fathom 9 years later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Twins are rockin!

jimmy thome hit another BOOM!!!!! and we rocked it against KC, and Chicago lost! i love when we play KC!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sorry I haven't written lately!

life has been crazy busy! AHHHHHH!!!! i survived work last week, which was tough without my lifeline Beth, aka my trainer!! i hung out with my CM girls last weekend, so that was fun. We went to the Como Zoo, which is actually a really cool place to go to! so for future reference, and the Twinkies are rocking and rolling, unfortunately so are the White Sox, grrrr!!! go away dirty sox!! haha!

and today I just spent the day recovering and doing nothing, since I feel like I've been going going going the past week! so it was nice to breathe!

not sure what my weekend plans are, but will keep you updated! keep praying about my job, it is getting better, thank goodness!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Twins won in extra innings, and I was there to see it!

it was an AWESOME game!! YAH twinkies! but now I am going to bed, nighty night!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jackie Lea Sommers goes to see Joey Mauer with Kristin Sommers-Mauer tomorrow!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I usually don't blog if things aren't going well, because seriously who wants to read (or listen) to someone complaining, but lately I haven't blogged because my life has been crazy, but in a very good way! work is getting a lot better, which is exciting, and I just feel so much better than I did over a month ago, wondering if I would find a job, and if I would like it, and if I would like who I work with, and things are going great, but I need to remember to praise God even when things aren't great, so this post is a reminder to me, since I don't think anyone reads this anyway! oh well, its nice to have a computer journal!

I do like being busy, but at the same time I need ME time, and I don't know how mothers handle it! but the twins are rocking and I'm going to the game tomorrow and then I work late on Thursday, hooray! since the mornings come way too soon, but I didn't sleep very well last night, but work ended up being terrific, so hmmmm!! maybe theres a method to the madness! haha!

my sister just wrote the best facebook post ever, and here it is, but I will post it on a seperate entry, so I can reread it and smile!

Monday, August 23, 2010

today was interesting!

but actually pretty good, our trainer bought ice cream after I shift, so that was fun! and i saw an old co-worker at my job, so that was kinda weird, but good! all in all I guess it was a good day, I just feel like Im a bad friend! :(

like I can never tell my friends what I'm really feeling and thinking and because of that I think I get a bit walked all over, which stinks! I then I was like I really want a boyfriend, and after thinking about it I was like "do i really? cuz then there will be more drama with a boy!!" haha!! or maybe its just myself sabotaging, I don't really know, but at least work is getting better! HOORAY!

please pray for me!

plus I feel like a loser who goes to bed SUPER early, its way sad!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I had a crappy day, and its Sunday!

I just felt sick and dizzy all day! Yuck! but I was reading Breaking Dawn, which is a million pages, and got it done in 2 1/2 days, crazy huh? it was so good, I want someone to love me like Edward loves Bella, except for that whole crazy vampire thing! haha!!

do you ever feel like you just let everyone done that you love?? I sure feel that way, maybe I'm just a self sabotaguer, ya know? like sometimes I just want down time to myself and I hate admitting that, but now that I'm working I feel like I need downtime for myself, but I hate asking for it. I feel like such a fraud sometimes. I'm sorry to those I've hurt. Wow, I feel like I'm turning into a poet, and I don't know it! haha!!

well the twinkies won, and KC beat Chicago, thank you so much KC for actually playing well! yah!

please pray for this coming work week, I could use it! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

not gonna lie, today was pretty bad!

plus the twinkies got clobbered against the White Sox, but we are still 4 games ahead, and its the weekend, and I'm going to the game tomorrow! YAH!!!!!!

today was just UBER busy! i mean SUPER busy, which was nice cuz time went fast, but I only want it to be busy when I know what I'm doing! haha! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

what a difference a day makes!

Today wasn't so good, but I am hopeful that tomorrow will be since its technically Friday for me! YAH!!!

today was just long, do you ever have days where it last and lasts! but the good news, the twinkies are winning and joe just hit his first target field homer, although selfishly I wish he would've waited for a game that I went too, but oh well! now he can just let them all fly all the time!! haha! :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

YAH!!!!!! jim thome just hit a two run homer!!!!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWINKIES WIN!!!! wahoo!!

Who would've thought oversleeping would make a great day!

but that is the way it was. It was very nice to not have all the stoplights between my house and work red!! haha!

work went really well today, I am feeling more and more comfortable at work, praise the Lord!!!

and the twins are currently in the lead against the white sox, I am just so nervous!!!! go twinkies! and I can't wait to go to the twins game on Friday! YAH! Things are looking up, but I have to remember to praise the Lord in good times and bad times!

and I love Chris Tomlins new song, called Our God is Greater! and I have some other new favorite worship songs, like No Sweeter Name, oh no I'm going to have those songs in my head! :)

PS Who would've thought Jesse Crain was this reliable! its a great surprise!! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

great day was TODAY!

it was so wonderful, i think it helps too that i have a three day weekend, and the Twins just won! YAH! things are looking good. I am maning the front desk and I believe its going WONDERFULLY well! HOORAY! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

I've survived another day! YAH!

today was actually pretty good, feeling more and more comfortable at the new job, so that's pretty great.

The weird part was that I got pretested so one of the girls could work on that, and I realized my eyes are crappy, which I already knew, but its been FOREVER since I've gotten my eyes checked. I even recieved one of those letters that basically say that we haven't seen you in awhile, whoops! haha!

oh well! but then she shot that dang air in my eyes, which shocks me every time! AHHH!!! but good day. now I have tomorrow off, so I am going to chill and do some cleaning, my place looks kind of gross. and cheer on the twins, we are starting a big series against the White sox and we need to sweep them or win a lot of those games, ahhh nevrewracking! go twinkies!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

I had such a great weekend!!

I scrapbooked with Jill and got like 16 pages done! YAH!!! I am almost done with another album, so that's exciting!!

now just getting ready for the work week, which sounds weird to say! going to bed, night all!

Friday, August 6, 2010

I am so blessed by the Lord!!

He's always looking out for me, and I wonder why I worry so much!! grrr!!!! i just need to remember that God is always there! work is getting so much better, and I know its always tough but it just stinks to be the "newbie" haha!!!

I went into work today and since my trainer is on vacation they had a replacement girl named Crystal and she was SOOOOOOOO nice, and she actually used to be a CM consultant, how fun is that??

so things have been going well, but I need to remember that things can get tough in a blink of an eye. Thank you Lord for being there for me always!!! :)

now I am getting ready to scrapbook with Jill for the weekend, and give me head a break! YAH!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

is a worry"er" I always have been and probably always will!!

i hate that I worry, I know God's watching out for me, and I am sure when I look back on this post and this time, meaning my new job, I will laugh and think "Why did you worry about it Kristin. The job is going great!" and say duh or something silly like that!

it is getting better, but I just worry that I am not going to catch on, or that its going to take FOREVER, and most of you know I hate being the newbie!

but now I am at home decompressing at my parents house and relaxing because I have tomorrow off, so that's exciting. planning to pool it tomorrow with a book. so that will be very nice. also excited about scrapbooking this weekend with Jill! YAH!!

also twins won in extra innings tonight, woot woot! now if we could just get the white sox to lose, that would be great!! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Work was pretty fantastic today!!

it wasn't stressful, which is very good for me!! yah!! but please keep praying, I could use as many prayers as possible!!!

I do still love the scrubs and everyone seems to be really nice, so that's great!! feeling better everyday and just excited to have a day off on Thursday, so planning to go home and use the pool and relax with some books. I've been so focused on getting sleep, that I've skipped my reading. plus I am scrapbooking all weekend, so I'm pretty excited about that too!!

the twins had an 8 game win streak going, but I am bummed that that has stopped, darn Rays!!!! grrr!!! hopefully we can get them tomorrow!!!

requesting prayers, thanks!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

things have been stressful lately, but I'm just trying to rely on the Lord!

He will always be with me! I know that, but its tough being the newbie, but things are getting better bit by bit. I just need to take a deep breathe and remember that its tough, but God is there!!!

Please keep praying, although I am SOOOOO excited to have a job! YAH!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

i made it through yet another day! yah!

I feel like I have so much more to talk about now that I have a job, even though no one really reads this, its fun to look back at my own writing!!

i maned the front desk, which was good! it gets crazy at times, and slow at times; which is normal for all over the place, but I think as soon as I get used to it, i will love the job!

plus I am making plans to scrapbook with some friends, celebrate brothers bday part, and hopefully go to another twins game. It seems like things were slow when I was unemployed, and now busy with a job! CRAZY, but I do like it busy; time goes faster!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I've survived another day!

WAHOO! its going okay, I think!! I actually caught on to some paperwork stuff at the end of my first full day! so I felt good about that!! I think I am going to like working here! I will keep you all informed of my new challenge!! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

PS Twins dominated against KC!!!

and it was supposed to be a game I was going to, but I am so glad I have a job! and joe was AWESOME! way to go Twinkies!

I am so going to sleep WELL! tonight!

I get to wear scrubs to work!!

YAH!! I survived two days at my job, which is going well! Of course I know that it takes awhile to adjust to new surroundings and a new position, but I hate being the NEWBIE!!! i wish I could walk into a job and know what I'm doing right away, but I do feel good about this position.

The job is called Dr. Pearson and Associates and I will be doing receptionist/front desk work, welcoming patients to the office, scheduling appts, bills; that kind of thing. and later on I will be doing those pre screening tests; so if you've been to an eye doctor you know they do that puffing into your eye, before you see the doctor. I'm gonna do that, with the line reading too! so hopefully I catch on quickly.

The girls I am getting trained in are really nice, the company is small, and I think that's good. I've been to big companies and all the gossip and stuff, so I think this is good! I feel good about this, just kind of overwhelmed with info, so I am looking forward to resting tomorrow, and it was nice to go to my parents house. I love just talking/crying with my mom, I hope if I have kids I'm as great of a mom as she is, I know she felt bad that she was on vacation, but I'm glad she still had fun with her friend! and I know she was really praying for me!!

I just feel good that I have a job, and I think my unemployment was going to run out in August, so I just LOVE God! praise him! he really helped me during this down time that I've had, and I am so grateful that I had him and my family and friends support!! Thank you to all my loved ones!!

what else, I am just happy. I have tomorrow off, so I am going to do more scrubs shopping; which are so comfy btw!! YAH!

as soon as I get more and more into my job I will let you guys know how its going! Thank you again for your prayers, love, and support!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I survived my first day on the job!

YAH!!! obviously its just orientation, but it was good to get a feel for the company!! I have a really good feeling about this too!!

HOORAY! Thanks for the prayers everyone!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!! Thank you God and to my friends and family for the support during this tough time! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2nd Interview!!!!!

YAH!!!! is set up for tomorrow, so please pray! EKKK!!!!!!!

and the twins game was fun, but we did lose, which stunk! :(

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Crazy busy=Stressed out me!!

man I have been SOOOOOOO busy! Things are crazy, but I just wanted to inform everyone that the interview went well, but I would like everyone to pray that i be happy with whatever happens, whether I get the job or not. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and its kinda hard because my mom's on vacation, but she deserves to be since she has a very stressed out daughter and I know that stresses her out too. She is so wonderful and was so helpful all before she left! I miss you momma, if you are reading this! hope you are enjoying Florida!!

then i scrapbooked with my friends, which was fun and I borrowed the next book in the Twilight saga from Lisa, and I can't put it donw, whoopsy!

and the twins came back to win a game in the 9th today, and I am so excited about going to the game tomorrow! YAH!!!!! i am hoping to get everyone dressed up in Joe Mauer shirts! so we shall see!

I am hoping this is my last day being an unemployed woman because the interviewer told me she would call on Tuesday or Wednesday with the news! keep praying!

Have a great week! :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

interview went Great!

Thank you for your prayers!!!

details after I get some sleep!

great weekend coming up is scrapbooking and the twins game on Monday! YAH! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I've become a twihard!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started reading Twilight and it was SOOOOOO good!!! and now I'm almost finished with the second book. I defintely think the books are better, but I've only seen one movie. I found the second one at a redbox thing, so I am going to watch it as soon as I am done with the book!!!

I think i thought the whole thing would be dumb because its about vampires, scary, but its a romance, so I think that is why I like it so much!

I'm not sure if I'm team Edward or Jacob, but I think Edward!! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy belated 4th of July!

This past weekend was CRAZY, but super fun! it started with going to jackie's place to hang out. She took me out for supper and then we went shopping and watched a movie, fun times!

She had to work on Friday morning, so I got to sleep in and then we went to a restaruant called The Bad Waitress, which was really cool!!! and good too!

after that we hung out at her place for awhile and got ready for Bret and Erica's wedding, which was really fun! We danced the night away, but when I left with mom and dad, we got lost! AHHH!!!!!

then I spent the rest of the weekend in the swimming pool, and on the 4th, Jackie came over with her friend Erica and we grilled and just hung out all day! It was so much fun! even Kev and Sam were around!

and now its time to get back to regular and boring life! still looking for a job, but hoping I find something soon!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

another good weekend in Kimball!

nice weather, and it was so much fun to be in the pool with the family. We celebrated fathers day and dad's bday and we just hung out which was so much fun! Also spur of the moment we went to see Toy Story 3, which is SOOOOOO awesome!! i cant even remember the last time the 5 of us went to a movie together!

and then today was just about more laying around the pool, which was amazing, and I think I burnt my foot again, how random!! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

great weekend at parents!

it was fun to be at home all weekend, most of the time I spent was in the pool, except Saturday was kind of an icky day out, so it was more a movie day, but Sunday was fun too since we had our annual outdoor service, which was fun!

but we had to postpone father's day/dad's bday since jackie had to work yesterday, so we are going to celebrate next sunday, and we got my dad the most PERFECT gift for him, its a Secretariet (the horse!) t-shirt, which he is doing to LOVE! Yah!

well have a great week, keep praying that I find a job soon! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm doing better.......

but I could still use your prayers!!!!! I feel like I've been crying for like a week, and so I am going to go to bed!!!

The lakers won, YUCK! I think Kobe is the AROD of baseball. aww well such is the life of an elf, said by Sam the Snowman in Rudolph!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good day today, probably because I actually got up early!

although i did take a nap, so does it count that I got up early?? haha!

I'm in the middle of watching the twins game, which we just won, and Joe Nathan was in the broadcast booth, so that was fun! and i've been doing some cleaning, which my place desperately needs. it always seems like when I get up early and get things done is when I feel good about things, still no job though, but I can defintely use your prayers!!

so note to myself, do some work and you'll feel better!! haha! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


it started out ironically, with no sleep! Haha! but I went home, to Kimball, just thinking I would do my unemployment since I still didn't have my laptop at the time, but I got it tonight, but I will go into that a bit later, and so then I discovered that my mom is off for the summer, DUH me!!! so we hung out like all day since my dad said my laptop would be done later tonight, and then we did some gardening and planted my eldeweiss seeds, which I am super excited about!! YAH! I have to remember to check in on them!

then we had pizza, like a regular Friday night, which was so fun!!! and we ended up watching this weird show on the travel channel about this guy who travels to all 50 states and goes to those places that have crazy ideas to make you eat a certain meal in a matter of time and you get to be in there "hall of fame!" which was really fun, this guy tried to eat a HUGE and by huge, I mean humongous hamburger!! It was hilarious, the show is called Man VS food, check it out, its funny!!!

and now I am just excited to get some sleep and probably hang out with my bestie this weekend, and its so nice to have my laptop back! HOORAY! well have a great weekend!

oh no the twins game just got tied up, so extra innings here we go! come on twinkies!! :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

We beat the Yankees!!

HOORAY! That makes me so VERY happy!!!!!!!!!! we clobbered them 8-2! YAHOO!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stars on Ice 2010: St. Paul MN

The show was on Sunday, May 9th (mother's day!) and I went with my dad, like we always do. We've been going to the show since the 97-98 season, and even though we miss the big stars like Scott, Kristi, and Tara, I really liked the show this year, probably because I love Sasha, Michael, Yuka, and Tanith and Ben!

I was pleasantly surprised that there were a lot of people in the arena, the two sides were almost full!! I have video of many of the routines, but I am having issues adding them on youtube, but I will figure it out soon. my channel is joemauerlover (of course!) 

I liked the opening, it was kinda generic, but I really loved the sparkly costumes. it seems Yuka always is the first skater in the opening, weird huh, but I was okay with it, I could watch her FOREVER!! I really love the lift Tanith and Ben did in the opening, it was there lift from the 2008 FD to Chopin. Then Sasha glided into a spiral, I LOVE her spirals!! and then announcer said really slowly Ms........     Sasha........   Cohen, which I thought was kinda funny! and then Meryl and Charlie did there super cool lift from The Phantom FD, which I loved too, and it got a big crowd response! (I really like Charlie and Ben's haircuts!!) 

overall good opening, although it wasn't a rocking opening, I still liked it!

Emily Samuelson and Evan Bates were one of our guest stars (Evora and Ladwig the other ones!) and they were great in there Dixie Chicks OD, it was fun and the crowd got into it.

Jeremy had a tough time in his first number, I think he fell on his first opening big jumps (quad and triple axel) but the others he nailed.  

Alissa, Beautiful number to You'll Never Walk alone, I was trying to remember who skated to this song before, and remembered it was Sarah Hughes during the 2002 Olympic season. But Alissa had jump problems to (i was beginning to think maybe something was wrong with the ice!) I loved her dress too!! (Like Kristi Yamaguchi always says that girls get into the skating because of the costumes!) it was weird to see Alissa skate without her tights over her boots, but understandable at a show!

Todd- I want you to Want me, he had some jumps that he stepped out of, no major falls, and I love Todd and his spins, but this program was a more up beat song and he did a lot of pointing.

SASHA!! YAH! she was actually on with all her jumps, I have both of her programs videoed for proof!!! :)   Her first number was her short program, lots of transitions that weren't there at nationals. She did a triple toe and a double axel. I didn't like her costume now and I didnt like it at nationals either!! i love the split she does before the spiral, so crazy! and her layback is the normal one, those are so hard to come by with the new system!! beautiful footwork and that crazy leg lift spin to end the program, the ladies behind me were talking about her nationals programs and it was fun to talk skating talk with people, because my friends don't like it, thats why my dad has to go with me!!! 

Meryl and Charlie did there OD, which was good, but I didnt like Charlie's new costume, oh well. 

Michael, LOve him! I've always liked his skating, i know people say that they didn't like his amatuer days, but I like him then and now! his jumps were on as usual too! although the program said it was a Josh Groban song, which I love him, it was another song, but I dont remember who it was, but I liked that song too! his backflip always gets a big response too! 

Yuka was so cute! Loved her costume, but she had a fall on her double axel. A fun program to It Don't Mean a thing, which reminded me of my high school jazz band, since they always played that song!! :) 

Sasha/Alissa duet: Loved it. it was funny because my dad thought that the dresses were what Katia Gordeeva wore during Kristi's show that we went to in Phoenix last fall, so in the video you hear him saying that and you hear me saying "You remember that?" these two girls are so flexible and at one time it looked like they were going to run into each other! Sasha was smiling a lot, so I'm not sure what people are talking about, guess she was happy in MN!! Sasha finished there layback spins a bit early, and kinda laughed like "hurry up Alissa!!" which was cute!

Amanda/Mark skated to "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge, I LOVE that song, and it was great to have a pairs team to watch. (Remember when SOI had hard time getting ice dancers and had a lot of pairs teams like Jamie/Dave, Kyoko/John/Jenni/Todd/Elena/Anton, and at our show we had the top three in the US for ice dancers! there lifts were a bit slow, and they did have a stepout on there throw, but they were really fun to watch, and I know Mark has family in the area, or his wife is from here, I don't remember, but you could tell there were LAdwig fans, which was nice to see and hear!

Rock finale, wasn't really my taste, it was fun though, but as Todd says at the opening of the second act, the eye patches are weird!! :) 

the hair extensions were weird too, but you could tell all the skaters were having fun, yes Sasha too! (I know I am a big fan of hers, but she did seem to be having fun!) for notes I just have that there wasn't a lot of choreography, which I know was hard because the schedule and all that, I really hope they go back to the normal schedule next year.

Act 2

Fun with Todd, Mike, Jeremy, and Yuka. Loved when they were calling for the rookie! and then Yuka comes out and they are like "Should we let her stay?" i thought it was a good way to get people back into the seats, I stayed in mine since I know our bathrooms are always busy during intermission, right girls! it was just fun to talk to knowledgable skating fans, even though they were disapointed that Evan wasn't there, which I had to explain DWTS, like others have said they had too. I know he agreed to the full tour before, and SOI probably had everything done with him as the star, so I know theres no fault, but I was okay with it since I'm not the biggest Evan fan, but I still want him to win DWTS on tuesday!!! also during this number, Todd made MIke doing a back flip which got the crowd excited, and Todd said that they haven't done that at other cities, is that true?? mike was all out of breath, and was like "i'm already out of breath and we are just getting act 2 started!" haha! 

then Tanith and Ben's program, YAH! cute program, i loved the backpack lift too!! i loved all of there lifts, but especially the first one that is in there FD. i couldn't keep track of all the costume changes, but it was a really cute program! 

Yuka, CLASSIC yuka!! beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! 

i didn't care for Ben playing the guitar, but my dad liked it, so that was good!!

Jeremy, loved the song and him skating to it, but he had another fall and it took him awhile to get up, so I felt really badly for him.

Alissa, didn't like this program, but it was nice of her to try something different, as Sasha did last year with please dont stop the music. lot of shaking her head, but i can appreciate her trying something different.

Mike, FUN program! 2 backflips and it gets the crowd everytime!! 

Tanith/Ben/Meryl/Charlie really liked this group number, the song and costumes too! i liked the lifts they did insync, can't describe them, and not even going to try!! 

Todd, LOVED it! love his spins, classic Todd program!!!

Sasha- perfect jumps again! love the white dress with the headband! and love the song too! i loved the catch foot spin she did, with the variation. loved her ending spiral too! beautiful!

Finale, Love the song, and the costumes and the disco feel!!!! typical ending, with the individual spots. there was lots of choreography in the closing, so I liked that!! I loved the timing of Michael's backflip, that was cool!! when the guest skaters came out, everyone gasped, and I missed it but I think Mark or Amanda tripped up, my dad saw it but he doesn't know all the skaters.

all in all, good show!!! we were center ice, about row 9, which is unusual since we usually get behind the on ice seats, I finally sat on ice at Kristi's Disson show since those tickets were cheaper, but I still have the reservation forms from our first years at SOI back in 1997, and its just unbeleveable how much the prices have gone up! EEEKKK!!!

good show though!! I like comments too!!



Wow, its been awhile! sorry!!

i had everything written and then it deleted because I'm not used to this keyboard, basically:

Target Field is awesome
Twins are dominating, beat the brewers today 15-3
Went to Stars on Ice, video and a review coming when I get my laptop fixed
No job yet either
and requesting prayers, like always! THanks!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


and we won the game, wahoo! way too many details, but I will post about it later, I promise!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Twins are DOMINATING, yahoo!!

they have won all of there series so far, and are hoping to get the sweep against Cleveland (and Mike Redmond!!!) tomorrow! YAH for my twinkies!

some news on the job front, i signed up with a temp agency, and just need to do some testing and hopefully something turns up soon, its been over a year, yikes! PRAYERS needed!

Love, me!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Target Field Opener, April 12th, 2010!!

HOORAY! Outdoor baseball is here, and it was a great day. too bad I didn't have tickets, but it was fun to watch baseball coverage of this historic day!!! HOORAY!! Lots of great things to talk about, but most important of all, the twins won! WAHOO!!! more details after I get some sleep! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

YAH twins win in extra innings!!

today was fun! I actually got up early and hung out with Sara, we went shopping, which was fun! then we went for a walk at Munsinger, which was GREAT! and then we walked to the boy park near me, which means that there are a bunch of guys that play Frisbee golf, so we called it the boy park! haha!

then the best part, we watched the twins win against Chicago in overtime, YAH!!! I love when we win, especially against Chicago!!!

Twins are kicking butt!!!!

WAHOO!!! more home runs, and another win!!

We are rocking and rolling, and I can't even keep track of all the home runs that we've hit!! yah!!! i feel as though this is going to be a great year! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


so yeah, first twins win of the season, on just the second game! and Joe, Justin Morneau, and JJ Hardy all homered and Jon Rauch closed it out, and Nick Blackburn was good, even though Torii hit a homer, but we WON! WAHOO!!!!! and we are getting closer to opening day at Target Field, which is on monday!

and bible study was awesome tonight!!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Twins Season Opener, we........

lost unfortunately, but the good news Jesse Crain rocked for his inning of work! way to go and keep it up!!!! (fingers crossed!)

my day was actually really good, it started with getting up early, I know shocker. Well my family kept me on a schedule this weekend for Easter, which was great. Details later, I promise!

then i got ready, went to the library and did some shopping and then it was kind of a TV day. You know when a bunch of your shows are on all day, and even though you know you should do something, you want to watch, so watch I did. DWTS was on, and Kate Gosselin cannot dance to save her life. I like to think that I would be able to dance better than she can, and that is saying a lot!!!!!

then the Twins season officially started. We are in LA against Torii Hunter, which is always sad for me since I miss him, and we did lose, but it was close! but Joe struck out, and we left a bunch of men on base, but as Bert said, "We will come back tomorrow and get 'em, besides its only the first game, and we never expected to win all 162 games, or 163 (if it came to that, but that's me paraphrasing!)

I also did some reading for a bible study that I am in, and it gave some great tips on how to spice up your scripture reading, which really helped me, and I just started today. Its a series of questions you can ask yourself after you are done reading, because with me I feel as though I read the chapter and then think "Oh okay" and thats it, so now this will help me to think about what I just read. If interested, I will post it (although I don't have any readers, so I will probably post it anyway!)

now Easter, it was fun! dad and I watched the twins have some exhibtion games at Target Field, which was so fun to watch! Joe hit a homer in the bushes in center field too! I can tell I am going to like the bushes, although Dick and Bert said that they are going to grow, oh and Dick said today that he went to SCSU, which I had no idea, that is too funny!!!!

anyway Easter was good too! I actually woke up early to get ready, and church was good, but a bit chaotic, but I love saying "He has Risen, He has Risen Indeed!" we did the easter baskets with candy and gas cards and I actually kinda cleaned my car, and then we went to Jackie's new church in the cities for there Sunday night service, which I think is funny that I go on saturday nights, the fam goes on Sunday morning, and Jackie goes on Sunday nights, but that will change when the church gets going, since its a new church! but still!!! it was good too!

i also might have a job lead, so please pray that something comes of it, since its been a year, so I NEED a job! YESTERDAY! good night all!!! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

What a great week!!!

so with the news of Joe Mauer signing his contract on monday, my bible study on Tuesday, fun scrapbooking day with Lisa on Wednesday (which included watching SOund of music!), chillin on Thursday, and scrapbooking in Kimball on Friday, and great worship/church service on Saturday! I would say this week has been very good!! Plus baseball is starting to come back on, WAHOO!!! and i hope to find a potential job soon, I am feeling very hopeful!!

Plus DWTS is on, and Easter is coming up! and Spring is in the air!!!! Yah!!

(sorry I never divulged more details about Target Field!) I knew I probably would forget! haha!! the twins have there first exhibition games at Target Field at the end of the week, so I am sure I will have much to share! LATER!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


and not just because of Joe's new contract, but it started out sad. Joe Nathan is out for the year, and going to have surgery, which sucks!

but i got up for church early this morning, and made it to the first service, which was great! It was one of those sermons where you feel like the message is directed at you, it was about in hard times perservering and knowing that God does not tempt you beyond what you can bare! (I guess I can bare alot then!) J/K!

after church I got some pictures devloped, and did some other errands and then I went home and watched a Twins spring training game and scrapbooked. I am almost done with my Christmas album, wahoo!!! The twins dominated too 12-3! WAHOO!!!!!

after the game I was watching a movie, when I decided to check my email and found the best news, Joe Mauer signed an 8 year deal, worth 184 million dollars (he was rich before, and now he's even richer!) but I don't care, I am just so happy he is going to stay in MN, I was so worried that he was going to leave, which would've SUCKED, big time! News conference tomorrow night, so can't wait to hear him talk about it.

Wow, what a day!

and now Joe Nathan just needs to read this blog about going through tough times! :)

Target Field info another time, I'm tired! I will try to remember though, instead of saying "so and so info" coming up tomorrow, and then not delivering!!!


I am so happy, I literally jumped for joy when I heard the news! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Target Field Tour

Target Field is awesome! I am so excited to watch games there. Dad and I went to check it out, as part of the season ticket holders, and we checked out our seats, which aren't too shabby too! YAH!

it was cold, but hey its MN, so that's to be expected! If you are my facebook friend, check out my pictures! If not, maybe I will try to figure out how to post them here!

More details after I get some sleep!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Florida was so fun!

but kinda cold! but disney world was so much fun! Good times!

Friday, February 12, 2010

WOO HOO!! I'm going to Florida!

In like an hour we leave for the airport! this was totally last minute, and I am so excited to get out of this crappy weather!! YAH!

I will post more later!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What a great day!

Its more like a God day! don't you love those?? i had plans to go to church tonight, and then I ran into a friend and we got chatting, and I am hopefully going to be apart of her bible study! i will keep you guys posted. I've been looking for a bible study, so hooray!

i also got a new devotional from my sister for Christmas and this activity about sacrafice really stuck out for me to do, so I just wanted to post it here:

1. Picture yourself laying your hands on this precious animal's head. Even better, hold a stuffed animal, figuriene, or even your pet, and put your hands on its head.

2. Confess to God your acts of rebellion, your bad attitudes, and your harsh thoughts about others.

3. Experience the feeling of transferring your sin to this animal. (Don't feel sorry for the animal God didn't get it the capacity to take on hurt or guilt from your sins.)

4. See yourself sending it off as it takes your sin far away from you.

Cool huh? try it, I really enjoy doing it, and think it really helps to feel like you are throwing your sins away because God forgave you, and prevents you from filling guilty about that sin over and over again.

ENJOY, and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It sounds like Joe's contract is coming along in MN!

what do I have to say about this, "HOORAY!"

also his older brother Bill opened a dealership in the cities, called Mauer Chevy! I wonder how I can get a job there! haha! how cool would it be to work for the Mauer's, they seem like great people, and i'm not just saying that since I love there son either! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

TwinsFest 2010!!

so much fun, but oh so tired!!! after I get some sleep I will let you know all about the M&M boys, the lines, the prizes, the good ole dome, and the new cute boy on the team!!!!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

I am so bummed that Sasha didn't make the team!

I feel as though she is handling it better than I am! haha!

Well at least there is more skating on tomorrow! what a fun day of watching skating and pizza, and bad weather, so nice to have an excuse to stay in with my comfy blanket! I am just so bummed for Sasha! this will be the first time that I don't have a lady in the olympics since i can remember, but I do have teams that i like, so thats good! just bummed!

I am going to bed, will see if I can get to church tomorrow morning, my driveway is like a flood! seriously!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sasha's in 2nd after the short!!!!

woot woot!! I am so excited that she is there, and skating so well! I really really, REALLY hope she makes the olympic team. We shall find out on Saturday night, go Sasha!!! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


so this last weekend Lisa and Jill and I got together and scrapbooked! It was so much fun! We usually go to Jill's since her whole apartment is literally scrapbook central, and its just so much fun.

On Friday night, its usually catch up time, and we do some scrapbooking, and just hang out. We do watch some movies too, so its not just scrapbooking. I decided to work on my Christmas album, since i am almost done with SD, so it was fun to start that. i tend to get very competive and want to get the most done, but Lisa won that, this weekend!

We decided to do a taco pot luck, so we all brought something, we usually do pizza, but that's become kinda sickening, so it was a nice change!

I got about 10 pages done, so that was cool! We watched a couple movies too, including Seven Pounds, which is a really good movie with Will Smith, and an older movie called Doc Hollywood, which was good too! and then we watched the Sound of Music too! Lisa and I left on Sunday morning, so its a full weekend to leave our scrapbook stuff out and just do different things when we need a break, so its so much fun!! We ususally do this once a month, so yah!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Last weekend Sara and I celebrated Christmas with each other. We usually do it the weekend after New Years, so we can say that we still have Christmas in January!

We had a lot of fun. We ended up getting pizza and then we went to Sara's and opened gifts. I got a Twins shirt, and some chapstick, with one that was mountain dew! cool huh?? I got Sara a New Moon game and Taylor Swift's CD, but it was the wrong one, WHOOPS! :)

after gifts we played Wii wii, which is so much fun! We just hung out, and then on Saturday morning we slept it, okay I slept in, and we decided to watch Sara's twins coverage from the game that I went to, the last official twins game at the dome, so that was fun, and we watched it all day!! so we forgot to watch our Christmas movies, so since we are both busy during the next couple of weeks, we are going to do a continuation of Christmas! haha, probably in February since Twinsfest is coming up, I am scrapbooking at Jill's this weekend and next weekend is the olympic trials, which I am so nervous about! Sasha Cohen is attempting to come back, but she has competed due to injuries this fall, so we shall see!!

Also my sister got me a devotional for Christmas, and it has just been doing wonders for my time with God! WAHOO!!!! :)

I'll post some of what I learned on my facebook page, so stay tuned! Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great new year! Sorry about my lack of posting! WHOOPSY! New Years was so fun though. Sara brought her Wii over and we played Mario Kart, which was so much fun, and then we scrapbooked since she got a cricut for Christmas, and we watched movies, it was a lot of fun!!

We did a lot of shopping, and visits to Crafts Direct, we also bought glow in the dark sticks to bring in 2010!! I can't believe its 2010 already, and the olympics are next month! YAH!!

Merry Christmas this weekend, Sara and I celebrate it the weekend after new years, so we still have Christmas in January! WAHOO!!!!