Sunday, November 7, 2010

Went shopping with momma!

so fun! she bought me a new winter jacket for my birthday, YAH! and we stopped in at my work and said hi to my coworkers, so that was fun. and then we went to my church and there has been a For sale sign in front of this townhouse for FOREVER, and my mom stopped and we grabbed the information sheet and the house is pretty cheap and looks nice, from the pictures! and now I know why people on HGTV get excited about a house, and you start making plans for all the rooms, I really gotta stop because i just signed another lease, but I would LOVE to live in a house and decorate how I want too!! just not sure that I can afford it right now, but we shall see what happens.

I am excited about the rest of the weekend, sleeping in (getting an extra hour of sleep too, YAH!) and then watching some skating and going to my bible study in Kimball! I am very much enjoying all weekends off in November!! Yah for a good month! :)

PS See I told you I would update this more often!!!!!!!!!

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