Monday, May 28, 2012

Amazing Weekend continued!!

so nice to just have my parents house all to myself!! so RELAXING! i feel so rejuvenated and so glad that I have wednesday off!!! i feel so refreshed! bring on the week!!! Let's have a good (but short!) week everyone!! Amen?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Phase 1 of the long weekend= AWESOME!!

so much fun! sara and i went to space aliens last night for supper for her birthday, which was yummy! then we played video games, like little kids!! so much fun!

after dinner we went back to her place, and just hung out and played games, and watched The Vow, which was a good movie! so much fun!

Sara said something about how we have so many inside jokes/sayings, and that its weird when she says something only I would know, when I'm not around. Which I've experienced before, and then I get a "what are you talking about look?" and I realize its a joke that just Sara, my bestie, would know! haha! so funny!

after hanging out with her, I went home and tried to take a nap, since we were up all night, and then went to church, which was so great. and now I'm at my parents house, just chillin!!! so nice to have a whole house to myself! i am scrapbooking, watching movies, and just having a gay old time!!! YAH!!!

i'll be so sad when the weekends over! :(

PS please remember to celebrate memorial day, by thanking those who serve our country, so selflessly!! thank you!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

good couple of days!!

nice to have a day off in the middle of the week! got a lot done yesterday, even went for a walk at Lake George, went again today too! and ran some errands!! Lot's done!

Now excited for the WEEKEND!! its a long one too!!! going to Sara's and having a sleep over to celebrate her birthday, and then going to the parents house and house sitting!! so excited, to have the house to myself and keep the temp where I want it! my roomate and I keep fighting over the air, i seriously am afraid that i am going to FREEZE to death, yes I said freeze!!! haha!
so excited to just kick back and relax for 3 days! WOOT WOOT! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

wow, this week (end) has been pretty great!!

I feel so hopeful!! I went to the tech college, and I think I might go back to school! not sure for what though, i've been thinking paralegal, but maybe even medical receptionist, so we shall see!!!

and this weekend, was just nice and relaxing!! so peaceful! hung out with Sara on Friday, so that was fun!!! and the twins have been on a role, they were on a 4 game win streak!!! woohoo!!!

so just excited for this coming weekend, as I am housesitting at my parents, while they are at the Indy 500, so I will have a WHOLE house all to myself! YAH!!! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

what a crazy, but good day!!

I slept in!! always exciting!! and then I had a meeting at the Technical College, i think I might go back to school, which I am really excited about! YAH!! so we shall see!!

Could use some prayers about this!!!

Its almost the weekend!! YEAH! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

what a beautiful weekend!!!

so much fun!!! except for Saturday, because I had a major headache like ALL day! which sucked, but then the cool part was that I went to church and during worship the headache went away!! so cool!

today was so much fun! hung out with the family for mother's day! love my mom, she is so wonderful, and so supportive of us kids, and just always there for me. She always knows what to say to make me feel better!! she's my "go to" person, at least her and my sister!!!

And then tonight has just been about relaxing, and cleaning! my roomate is gone all weekend, and I sure hope when she gets back that she doesn't dirty it up right away, although she probably will!! oh well!

have a great week everyone!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sorry I've been MIA lately!!

So much going on!! could use some prayers though!! have a great weekend, and treat your mom right!!! Although you should always treat your mom right, even if its not mother's day! haha!!!