Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life and Death: Janet Eckman and Joe Mauer's twins!

Unfortunately I found out yesterday about the death of a wonderful woman; she was a very close family friend, and very special to me because she was the one that got my dad to go back to church, which i am so grateful for because that is where he met my mom!!! She was so nice and beautiful. someone said it perfectly on facebook, that God was gaining an angel!

now the life news; joe mauer's wife is expecting, and get this its TWINS!!!AHHHH!!! craziness!!! i am trying to be happy for him, but it still makes me sad.

anyway, so that's my news this week!! its been a great week otherwise; I am going to an expo for work saturday (and getting paid for it!) and i lost another 1.5 pounds and am now down to 15 since i started! YAH!!! so excited!!!

well, better get ready for bed, brother will probably be here soon, so that's always fun!!! nighty night, and its almost the weekend, and my parents are going to be home from florida soon!!! YAH!!!! i miss them! :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

FABULOUS weekend, scrapbooking and movie musicals!!

I had another crazy week, but good week!!!

and this weekend was FABULOUS!!! lisa and i got together to scrapbook and we had so much fun. and practically watched every single movie in the world!!

We watched:
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
She's All That
My Girl
My Girl 2
Sound of Music
Singin in the Rain

So much fun to just hang out and relax! and then this morning, since we scrapbooked in Kimball, so I went to a different church this morning, because I wasn't able to go last night, so that was good! and then i went ice skating this afternoon, and it is SOOOOO hard! the skaters make it look so darn easy! I lasted a bit longer than last time though, so that's good!
and I lost a total of 1.5 pounds this week, and so far have lost 13!! YAH!!!

well, lets have a great week everyone!!! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

this past week was CRAZY, but in a good way!

I had stuff going on each night of the week:

Monday: went out with a bunch of co-workers for supper, SUPER fun!
Tuesday: I had bible study, but didn't feel well! :(
Wed: Mall walked with Sara
Thursday: Weight Watchers meeting (I LOST 1 pound and have lost a total of 12!!) YAH!!
Friday: DID NOTHING!!!

AMAZING! i feel so blessed, and so happy! I mean sure everyone has good days and bad days, but it sure helps when things are good!!
I even got an old elliptical machine from one of my moms friends, so thats been great! No excuses!!

Today I did nothing, and then tomorrow I am planning on going home, and since my parents are on vacay, I really wanna take a bubble bath! I don't have a bath tub, so this will be nice!!!

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone, and let's have a great week!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

fabulous weekend!!

This weekend was so great, after a long week, it was very relaxing, and it was a snowy day today, so I just stayed inside and did nothing, but i did clean later!!

I never posted my latest weigh in results: I LOST 2.5 pounds! I'm down 11.5 pounds in a month, and I feel so GREAT!!! YAH!!!

now praying for a good week this week, and excited for a couple weekends to scrapbook with Lisa! YAH!!!

things are great!!! still so happy!! let's have a good week!!! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm just so darn HAPPY!

and its a really great feeling!!!

Work is going good, this whole weight watchers thing is going good, I've been working out consistenly, life is very, very good!! i should remember this when i hit a weight lose plateau. I've lost 8.6 pounds so far!! YAH!!! go me!!! it feels good to work on myself!!!

and I started a new bible study last week, called Bible 101, and thats going great! lots of great things are ahead for me!!

Would like to continue to request prayers through this life style change! Thanks! :)