Sunday, June 27, 2010

another good weekend in Kimball!

nice weather, and it was so much fun to be in the pool with the family. We celebrated fathers day and dad's bday and we just hung out which was so much fun! Also spur of the moment we went to see Toy Story 3, which is SOOOOOO awesome!! i cant even remember the last time the 5 of us went to a movie together!

and then today was just about more laying around the pool, which was amazing, and I think I burnt my foot again, how random!! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

great weekend at parents!

it was fun to be at home all weekend, most of the time I spent was in the pool, except Saturday was kind of an icky day out, so it was more a movie day, but Sunday was fun too since we had our annual outdoor service, which was fun!

but we had to postpone father's day/dad's bday since jackie had to work yesterday, so we are going to celebrate next sunday, and we got my dad the most PERFECT gift for him, its a Secretariet (the horse!) t-shirt, which he is doing to LOVE! Yah!

well have a great week, keep praying that I find a job soon! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm doing better.......

but I could still use your prayers!!!!! I feel like I've been crying for like a week, and so I am going to go to bed!!!

The lakers won, YUCK! I think Kobe is the AROD of baseball. aww well such is the life of an elf, said by Sam the Snowman in Rudolph!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good day today, probably because I actually got up early!

although i did take a nap, so does it count that I got up early?? haha!

I'm in the middle of watching the twins game, which we just won, and Joe Nathan was in the broadcast booth, so that was fun! and i've been doing some cleaning, which my place desperately needs. it always seems like when I get up early and get things done is when I feel good about things, still no job though, but I can defintely use your prayers!!

so note to myself, do some work and you'll feel better!! haha! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


it started out ironically, with no sleep! Haha! but I went home, to Kimball, just thinking I would do my unemployment since I still didn't have my laptop at the time, but I got it tonight, but I will go into that a bit later, and so then I discovered that my mom is off for the summer, DUH me!!! so we hung out like all day since my dad said my laptop would be done later tonight, and then we did some gardening and planted my eldeweiss seeds, which I am super excited about!! YAH! I have to remember to check in on them!

then we had pizza, like a regular Friday night, which was so fun!!! and we ended up watching this weird show on the travel channel about this guy who travels to all 50 states and goes to those places that have crazy ideas to make you eat a certain meal in a matter of time and you get to be in there "hall of fame!" which was really fun, this guy tried to eat a HUGE and by huge, I mean humongous hamburger!! It was hilarious, the show is called Man VS food, check it out, its funny!!!

and now I am just excited to get some sleep and probably hang out with my bestie this weekend, and its so nice to have my laptop back! HOORAY! well have a great weekend!

oh no the twins game just got tied up, so extra innings here we go! come on twinkies!! :)