Sunday, October 26, 2014

wow-its been awhile huh?? (pretty predictable though!!) LOL!

i have a very serious prayer request. I need prayers for my dad. his doctor (who i work with-ironic huh?) discovered his cholestoral (i'll be amazed if i ever learn how to spell that medical term or diahrea correctly) was really, really high, so i am begging for prayers. I hate that this could be something we have to go through again. I know nothing, but we are waiting for lab results to give us some answers and of course this had to happen over the weekend. ugh. please be praying.

otherwise things are good-working (almost been at my job for a year-craziness!) and just laying low. nothing much else to report. Please pray! Thanks!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Camp Lebanon

was AMAZING!!! we had so much fun! and i ate SOOOO much, but it was SOOOO good! I gained 7 pounds! YIKES! i knew what was going to happen and it did-my cheating days lingered until Tuesday, so in 5 days i gained 7 pounds- i thought it was going to be A LOT more, and so far this week has been going well, so i am hoping that this shows up at weigh in next week. kinda nervous, but if i gain or maintain, then i still have until the beginning of November to lose and i am still in my weight range, so I'm actually not too worried about it and kinda feel like its okay to get off plan like this, as long as i get back.

it was so nice to go up north for the weekend and just get away from it all-the worship was great and so were the speakers. Stephanie and I had so much zip lining too (even though it was FREAKING outside!) and we even went on a boat ride-BRRRR!!! it was also fun to meet some westwood girls too!!

great weekend was had-how was yours?!?! let's kick this weeks hiney butt and make it awesome! GOOOOO team! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

i lost 5 pounds this week!!! HOORAY! Happy October!!

so exciting!!! I feel like a huge weight has been lift, like 5 pounds! LOL! i think i am figuring out that i am much better when i have to lose weight then maintaining, so I was nervous about this coming weekend because I am going to Camp Lebanon and won't have control over my meal plans, but I think I am just going to wing it and then come back guns blazing and if I linger off plan for a couple days after I get home I think I'm okay with that. Last week I used up my 49 extra points (when normally I use like 10-20) and I ended up losing 5 pounds, so I think I need to give myself wiggle room. So I'm doing another experiment this week, I'll let you know how it goes!

BTW-how crazy was I to experiment with my 49 pts right before the beginning of the month and needing to be within my goal or I have to pay my fees-I KNOW RIGHT!!! i wasn't planning on it, but I just keep eating an eating, but at least I was tracking! so that's good!

Well let's finish off the rest of this week with a bang! Looking forward to a peaceful weekend up north with Stephanie-peaceful HA!! more like peaceful with a zip lining adventure (and Im still nervous, even though we did it last year!) LOL!! wish me luck!