Sunday, June 7, 2020

Guess who finally got to meet her 3 week old niece yesterday!!!

I did!! We had a drive by baby shower at the farm and it was Rory's first time at grammy and grumpa's farm! She is the cutest thing EVER (of course I'm biased!) lol! It was so great and after everyone was gone we even got to hold her (with masks though!) but it was amazing! i've never loved a little baby as much as I love little Rory Roo! Auntie Kristin loves you Rory!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

COVID 19 has me crying like a baby ugh!

Ugh I've been so emotional lately, I think I'm just sad because I haven't gotten to meet my sweet baby niece Ms. Rory Roo yet and she'll be two weeks old tomorrow. :( I didn't know I could love a little baby as much as I love her. Pray for auntie Kristin.

I thought it would be fun to play a little word game of words you are sick of hearing during this time in our world, here are my ten:

1. Pandemic
2. Social Distancing
3. Social learning
4. Quarantine
5. ARC (work word Acute Respiratory Clinic)
6. COVID 19
7. Coronavirus
8. Testing
9. Modality (another fancy work term for how the provider wants to do appointment over the phone or a video chat!)
10. Masks and gloves

Please stay healthy and safe everyone!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID 19 updates

Wow sorry its been so long since I've updated, I realized I didn't even update on how our Christmas 2019 was... btw it was amazing, as always. soooooo.... rewind.. Mom, Jackie and I went to see the latest Star Wars on Christmas eve day which was sooo good!! We then ate junk food over Christmas and chilled with the fam (love them so much!)

We were all going to get together over new years eve, but we all didn't feel well.. Happy 2020 (not!)

At least going to Florida in Feb was amazing with my parents, but then of course I didn't recover fully from over eating (we ate a golden coral one night.. my first time there, it was like bonanza back home but plused, so good!) when this stupid pandemic happened, its been so weird and scary and crazy and all the emotions into one. We are now rescheduling patients from early April until end of June and I already rescheduled a bunch of patients into May and June, grrrrr!!!

Its been so weird going to stores and having people wear masks and grocery stores are bare and church is online (thank goodness for that!) and feeling sad about not going to church over easter and I miss my family and I'm worried about my sister in law who is due sometime in May, hopefully baby holds off for awhile until the curve has been flattened at least here in Minnesota.

oh woah back to Florida, so much fun going crazy at the parks the first part of the trip at Boardwalk and killing the parks (I even tripped and fell in the rain at epcot, so clumsy!!) but so much fun and then we did nothing over the next week off property. I was going to work out, did it once, lol!! whoops. but then this pandemic hit and I have been stress eating like crazy, but got back on track this week. Hoping that sticks!

Praying for all those on the front lines (its scary) and for those who are stuck at home, especially with kiddos (although I sure wish I could work from home... this introvert would love that!!)

Stay safe and stay home everyone!

Just thought I would update on how horrible (minus Florida) 2020 has been. lol!

PS The 2020 Olympics got postponed to 2021 and the world figure skating championships got cancel, which I'm SUPER bummed about and the baseball season is getting delayed, ugh. such a weird time in our world.