Friday, October 5, 2018

Joe Mauer possibly retiring

My blog title is freakin me out. The whole reason I got into MN twins baseball was 12 years ago when I was flipping channels and came upon a twins game and they were celebrating a very cute baseball player by the name of Joe Mauer as he won his first (of eventually three) batting titles, which is very hard to do as a catcher.

Fast forward 12 years to the last game of the season last Sunday and I can't believe I am going to say this, but it was "Joe Mauer day" at Target Field. His twin girls (because of course the Twins hometown hero has twins) 5.5 year olds now greeted him at first base (they look JUST like Joe!)*Tg8_X9lD5iWgWIUJ5P_0sw.jpeg  super funny how he is in the catchers crouch when his girls nearly knock him over with big bear hugs! LOL! he was meant to be in that catchers crouch!

Every time he went to bat he got a roaring ovation... reminded me of when I witnessed the last couple of games at the metrodome in 2009 when he was trying for MVP (and we chanted MVP everytime he batted) and he did win that year and coincidentally it was announced on my birthday, I remember someone posting on my fb happy bday and Joe is MVP! LOL!

Of course he got a double during what could possibly be his last game!! classic Joey!

As I was watching the end of the game, just because I knew they would interview Joe afterward I caught the end (I have to admit with my brother getting married and my new job... I haven't been as big as a twins fan as I usually am) but then I was shocked and so happy to see Joe in his CATCHER'S GEAR!! eekkk!! I legit cried! I couldn't believe it! Joe was catching again after not being able to catch anymore due to his health and he was in tears, such a wonderful moment, if I had been paying attention to the twins I would've known to get tickets to that game and I am so sad that I wasn't there to see this in person. There is even a clip of a little girl watching from behind home plate and her mouth is wide open and shocked and I was probably doing the same thing. And to see him with his classic Joe Mauer catchers gear and the helmet he always wore when he caught... wow what a moment!

This is a great video clip of the last day:

And these are great pictures:  credit goes to MN twins photographer!

Then after the game to hear and see him in tears after what could be his last game ever, I'm not sure if I would be mad or glad or even sad to see him with another team, but it sounds like he just wants to be with his family as he said he was glad he could take his girls to kindergarten the next day and his wife is expecting around my birthday (ironic right!). Also he said he promised his wife he wouldn't catch anymore, so the opposing team agreed to let the pitcher throw him a ball and he caught one pitch and then he stopped, but wow what a moment. I don't know that you can end your career on better terms. We shall see though.

I know Joe won't read this, but what a wonderful classy baseball player you are. Thank you so much for all the great memories! I've met him numerous times and he's always been so nice to me! The first time I met him my dad told him I wanted to marry him and Joe's response "he called you out!" LOL! I was so embarrassed, but secretly glad that Joe said that! haha!

And of course you probably know from this blog site ( that he's a pretty special guy to me, and also my email address is named after him! LOL!

congrats Joe and here's hoping that you don't retire, although if you do it for your family, I suppose I can forgive you. #sayitaintsojoe

Love you Joey P Mauer!

PS I had a dream that his girls became figure skating greats... how awesome would that be, my two favorite sports would come together! #olympics2026 #marenandemilymauerfuturefigureskaters

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

updates on life


Just wanted to share what has been going on in my life lately.... many good things!

I feel like things are getting better at the new job, so that is nice when things start to click. Still feeling new, but doing better! Keep praying though that I can keep up!

So my parents dog (aka my dog!) Casey Ann (yes I middle named her after me!) had her 2nd litter of puppies! and they are so chute! I love them already and am so glad that one of them is going to Kev and Keylee! Hooray for keeping one in the family!

So yesterday I went home to check on the puppies, since my sister was in town for work and she took dad and I (mom was working) out for supper to Triple R (we are becoming regulars, since we went there after we decorated the venue for Kev and Keylee's wedding). It was fun to just chit chat with my peeps! After that we drove around Kimball and then we went home and played with the puppies and watched a new show on NBC called Manifest and I'm already into it (oh great another show to watch, at least I work out while watching tv-LOL!) and its so funny "watching" shows with dad since he ALWAYS has questions! BAHAHA!

Dad was so cute saying that he was missing his favorite daughter (aka Keylee!) and I'm totally okay with it because she is awesome, we always joke that we love her more than Kev! haha! I think I got downgraded because I haven't gone to Disney with dad in a couple of years, and he's been "stuck" having to go with Jackie and mom and there stipulations, where as I am game for anything! LOL!

Then this weekend I found out that a townhouse I really like is having an open house and KS2 is going to be in town, so hoping I can get my brother to come and look at it and get a point of view from a guy in construction (since I don't have access to Johnathon Scott) and I'll get to see KS2 and the puppies!

And I started to go to church at the Waters in Sartell and I really like it! So things are going well. How are you?

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Wedding Weekend #KSsquared

Wedding weekend was soooo much fun, I want the Sommers family to host another wedding soon! Jackie?? :)

it started out Friday morning... I went to the farm to help with the rehearsal dinner food prep. My parents, kev and Keylee and my uncle Jon were cutting up fruit and I was put on husking corn detail! LOL!

after we got done with that it was time to decorate the reception venue, which I came to find out that my dad and my aunts went roller skating there growing up on Tuesday nights! LOL!

decorating went really well and we got it done quickly, even though dad and I were there "helping" which was more like us attempting to decorate and then my mom's friend "redecorating" what my dad and I attempted to do.

After that my two aunts, my cousin and my dad and sister and I went out for lunch. My aunts asked where we could go for lunch and my dad was like "there is only a Triple R in town!" LOL! gotta love small towns.

after lunch my sister and I went back to the farm and just hung out with my mom and her friend before rehearsal and grooms dinner at 6:00. Then Kev came and hung out while Keylee and her bridesmaids got there nails done and he was more crabby than usual over a STINKIN background at the venue. it was pretty funny! That boy though,  he's usually disgruntled anyway but times that by a 1,000 and it was out of control. I usually just ignore him, but our sister usually likes to ignite the flame. Watch out!

I was SOOOO nervous for rehearsal since I was reading scripture. Of course I thought of all the things that could go wrong, like tripping over my words or my feet. Which my dad did trip over his words.. he was filling in for Keylee's dad at rehearsal and when Adam asked "Who gives this woman to this man" my dad was like "My wife and I.. oh wait.. she does" and pointed to Keylee's mom, it was so funny.

Then it was time for the grooms dinner.. it was so fun with Kevin's friends that we all grew up with and good food too. And my mom's friends did the serving for the dinner, which was so nice of them.

I met all of Keylee's siblings and it was there that her youngest sister Tripp (who was the flower girl) was like "Hi I'm Tripp... its spelled T-R-I-P-P" and then her brother goes "I'm Rigg... and that's spelled R-I.... G.G". He's 4 or 5, it was so cute. So then everyone started spelling there names.

I went home to sleep and slept for a little bit last night, but it just seemed like no more how hard I tried to sleep, it wasn't gonna happen. Oh well. I got through the day with diet mt dew (my dad knows me so well!)

I got home and mom started on my hair and then family started to arrive and kev stopped by after golfing by himself in the rain and finally my stylist arrived (aka my sister!) late though, so it was a very stress filled hurry up and wait kind of day, but it was a BEAUTIFUL day! and I can't believe my baby brudder is a married man.

so we got to the church... late (of course) and then we got pictures done (which didn't take long because its Kevin and he hates pictures) and then we had lunch and I just got all kinds of nervous for my scripture reading.

Finally the wedding started and Keylee looked so beautiful in her dress. My reading went well, I kind of tripped over my words at the end, but then my sister kind of tripped over her words and then Kevin kinda tripped over his words in his vows, so I guess I started the Sommers word vomiting yesterday! LOL! I'm so embarrassed though because I came to discovered that I ripped my jumpsuit right by my knee. how embarrassing. I was so relieved that I got through my reading that I zoned out during my sister's poem and had to ask her about it later. A friend of Kevin and Keylee's sang and she did such a great job and then it was time for the vows, which were so great and Keylee got a bit teary eyed toward the end and then when they prayed together with there heads together, it was beautiful. Adam (Kevin's best man and officiant) was AMAZING and was definitely a highlight of the night! such great references to Kev and came to find out during Adam's best man speech was that because Kevin did a sermon during his youth group days and Adam was so inspired by that sermon that he went to seminary and does what he does now. Talk about a special moment.

And then Adam said they could kiss and Kevin goes "you betcha!" LOL! so minnesotan!

after the ceremony Jackie and I went home to try to fix my jumpsuit, but of course we couldn't find anything, so I changed into a dress and then we headed to the reception with the lighted backdrop (yah for Keylee winning!) and then we got to eat, but of course we ran into everyone we knew on the way to the food, so I didn't really eat. but it was so fun to see our childhood friend Josh and a group of girls we grew up with (Bria, Adrienne, and April) and to see our family that came into town. So much fun and then finally it was time to dance. It was so fun dancing with my whole family, Keylee included. Jack Miller sliding all over the dance floor and then my dad dancing aka marching around the dance floor. So much fun! my brother is such a great dancer and it was fun to dance with the Magnuson crew!

Even thought the bride ended up not feeling well at the end of the night, but in SICKNESS and in health right? such a fun weekend! so happy for Kevin and Keylee. Follow #KSsquared for pictures on social media!

and now I have a major headache. Probably from the loud music and heat, but so much fun. Let's do it again next weekend! LOL!

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Do you ever just feel so stressed out and trying to be so perfect that you make mistakes? That's where I'm at. I love my new job and have already gotten my first compliment from a patient, but I was so busy trying to catch up that I didn't full say thank you or recieve the compliment, when I should've. (insert face palm!)

I just need to remember to give myself grace. I found this that my sister wrote to me a while back when I had started a new job and it really helped me this week.

Dear Jesus, i believe that You are in control of everything, including giving Kristin this job, and so I trust that You will provide her with all she needs to succeed.
in fact, what she needs to succeed is YOU, and she already has YOU! please be with her every step of every day this week.
hold her hand; let her feel your presence with her.
give her confidence to ask questions and give her a strong memory to retain all the new things she learns.

give her favor in the eyes of the people she works with and for. help them to slow down a little bit, and speed Kristin up, at the same time, so that they can compromise and meet in the middle without either side having to say anything.

God, CALM HER NERVES. She survived the interview AND the first week! So please calm her and sustain her. Be her peace. Guide her through this entire week, and help her to quickly find her feet at St. Cloud VA.

I changed the name of th ejob around, but it was defintely from God and he gave the right words to my deetie, so that was a great gift to get this week.

So I'm on my own next week, but I have awesome coworkers who have said how great of a fit I am with the group and one of them said she is going to sit next to me next week and she will charge $5 for every question (she's joking!) but I think I might bring in a 100 grand candy bar or something like that as pre payment. They keep joking that another new hire keeps bringing in baked goods for everyone, so I better step up my game.

I have a good feeling about the job, but I just want to know how to do it all NOW!

Today I had the realization of "Why do I go to God last", He should be my first stop. Please keep praying that I catch on quickly this week.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

today has been AMAZING!

Do you ever just feel like you need a day to do nothing?? Well that was today and it was AMAZING! I FINALLY slept in, but it was weird. I got up at 7:30 because I had to go to the bathroom (darn uterus) and then I felt like I couldn't fall back asleep, isn't it weird how you can feel awake or asleep and feel like no time has passed and then all of the sudden you see time has so passed. I then woke up at 10:00 feeling like I couldn't fall back asleep after getting up initially at 7:30, so bizarre. I felt bad since I promised my friend I would meet her at weight watchers, but I just needed to sleep in today and I slept for 12 hours-yikes! must've been all of the training...

After sleeping in... i basically was lazy (kind of), more like "lazy at home", which means working out like crazy and cleaning. Almost done cleaning. Its crazy to me how it takes me forever to clean and its just me, I'm such a slob! LOL!

I think the lazy part is just relaxing and taking forever to take a shower. I think I showered and dressed at 1:00. whoops!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and stay cool! it's so hot out, I almost prefer winter just because you don't run into the predicament of what to wear... example should I wear clothes for how hot it is outside or how cold I can get inside with the air conditioning?

#thirdworldproblems right?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I think I had a panic attack at work yesterday...

ugh! my heart goes out to those who have had panic attacks before. I literally had to leave my desk and go to the bathroom. Full on alligator tears and all and of course there were a ton of people in the bathroom, so I had to keep flushing the toilet. Do you want to know why I had a panic attack?? BECAUSE OF A FREAKIN TEST AT WORK. Ugh. I passed, which I was so relieved by, but still I wanted to be like "seriously, you have Jesus on your side... get it together Kristin!". Then I come to find out that we have another test tomorrow and I originally thought it was a group test, with all of us new hires, but it is a group and then an individual test. ugh. Could use some prayers. But I do feel confident because I passed the first part, so now I have the second part and then starting next week I am in my area, no more training! But my trainer will still be with me, thank goodness she is awesome!

Being the newbie is so hard, but could definitely use your prayers as I get going at the new job! Life has been tough lately what with losing my friend Brittany and being a newbie, but I'm excited about things coming up, like my brothers wedding in August and today is Kristi Yamaguchi's birthday! Happy birthday to my bestie, who so doesn't look like she is 46!

Let's have a great Friday and a great weekend! I plan to just relax and study! LOL! i know, I'm totally a nerd!

I found a couple of quotes that I want to share:

"When Life Puts you in tough situations don't say why me say try me" unknown

and from my very own deetie:

"Its what I am telling myself every day
To give myself grace
God certainly does
We withhold it from ourselves far more than he does" Jackie Lea Sommers author extraordinaire

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

RIP Brittany

My friend Brittany passed away last Friday night due to a car accident. She was one of my closest coworkers at my last job and so funny! She will be so missed, please be praying for her loved ones during this difficult time.

I have so many great memories that I wanted to write down, so I won't forget the kind, caring person that she was. Although she always claimed that she was the mean one in our friendship, but see below as to why that is so not true:

One story that she loved to tell was when I was assigned the task of cleaning the waiting room every hour on the hour. Apparently our boss at the time didn't mentioned that this was my side duty, so all of us girls at the front did this task. While in Brittany's review she asked why he always singles me out for cleaning the waiting room and he was like "Because its Kristin side duty" and she responded with "Well maybe you should let her know that because that was not made clear to any of us!" LOL! I loved how ballsy she was and she was always training me on how to not get walked all over, but of course, do it in a classy way. and I remember one time she would've been so proud of me at work and I turned to tell her and she wasn't at work yet, so I texted her and had to tell her about it and she wrote back how proud of me she was! LOL!

Another funny story that I loved hearing her tell was around Christmas when she went to get her nails done and she requested blue and she said the lady at the nail salon said "No.... red with snowflakes", so Brittany showed off her red snowflake nails and told that story over and over and I always laughed when she did. I just heard from another coworker that just recently Brittany went back to that same nail salon and got the same lady and she requested one color and was told "no purple sparkles!", I sure wish I could hear Brittany tell that story.

Yet another funny story is regarding her bangs. She got bangs a while back and one of our clients was like "you got bangs" and said it in a not very nice way, even though we all know her well enough to know that she didn't mean it like that. So of course Brittany quoted this girl ALL THE TIME and thought it was hilarious every time we brought it up. Looking back on these memories I'm discovering that Brittany was the best story teller and we introverts love to be around story tellers, so the focus isn't on us. Now I know why we were such good friends!

We aren't supposed to have favorite clients, but of course she had her favorites. I remember one teenager coming in all the time and he would never talk to any of us, only Brittany. She was so encouraging to him and once even said "New haircut, new you!" LOL! She tended to word vomit (like me) but hearing her laugh about it was the best, sometimes she would be like "I just need to eat-hangry Brittany isn't someone that should be around!" Gosh I miss her. Another client started working at the VA with me and I didn't tell Brittany about it, but when he told her she messaged me and was like "Joe Schmoe came in and said 'I work with your friend now'. LOL!

Also she befriended a little girl and her mom and this little girl loved Brittany and would draw her pictures. It was so sweet. Brittany always remembered everyone's name, which is the complete opposite of me. An NAL client said she would miss me on my last day and I still can't remember her name. I wish Brittany was at the front desk to tell me who she was on my last day. :)

At our office we could only play music without any lyrics and then later it was discovered that we could play Christian or gospel music with lyrics and Brittany found a southern gospel cd that she LOVED to play all the time. It was so funny. She was like "It reminds me of living in georgia!".

One of the other girls at the front desk and Brittany didn't get a long for the longest time and there was one instance when this girl basically tattled on Brittany and we found out about it through an email and I literally gasped when I read the email, I couldn't believe someone would be so rude and Brittany and I literally laughed forever about me gasping, once the shock died down though.

Also this same girl asked us all a question and Brittany kept telling her the answer and I was getting so annoyed because she wouldn't listen to Brittany. I finally took Brittany's advice and was like "didn't you hear Brittany, she just told you the answer!" and I was just so shocked that this girl was being so rude and basically ignoring someone. Brittany and I literally laughed about this forever after it happened too!

There was one time when we were talking (loudly) at the front desk and discovered that pretty much everyone in the office went to school at Apollo. Later our boss said "I know you all went to Apollo", whoops. I told Brittany later, something about how it wasn't me, I went to Kimball and she was like "It's always the quiet ones!" LOL! That then became her quote for me!

She was an extremely hard worker and always so complimentary to all of her coworkers on getting stuff done, even though she was probably the hardest worker out of all of us. There were so many times that I was buried in work and she would be like "What do you need me to do!" and if I thought I had to stay late she would be like  "NO! you leave, I'll take care of it!". She was our closer for the longest time, so I feel like most of the work got passed to her, but she never complained about it. I've been going through our direct messages and there is one where she took care of a task that I didn't get around too and she was like "no problem at all!" That was just Brittany, such a team player!

She was ALWAYS always helping me with something. Whenever she would ask me a question I would be like "I don't know, I usually ask you, so what do you think?". LOL!

We used to have monthly competitions at work and everyone soon discovered how competitive I am and Brittany would always joke about how because I'm so competitive it made the rest of the office competitive! LOL!

I found some of my old Nystrom stuff and found a manilla folder that Brittany made for me, just because I always carried a million papers from desk to desk and I was like "Oh my gosh duh!" LOL! And then there was the time (toward the end of me being at Nystrom) and it was discovered that I was using the wrong copy code (Sorry Renae!), so Brittany did some digging and found out my code for me and wrote it on a sticky note, I still have this sticky note. Thanks Brittany!

On my last day she made me red velvet cupcakes (my fav- she was the baker at work) and got me a bunch of sweet presents and one of them that I treasure is a picture frame and picture of her and I at a baseball game, that made me feel so special and when I emailed her a good bye message, this was her response:

Haha you will see me J The new job is good and we aren’t too far away. We will plan Valleyfair soon just have to figure out a day. But I will miss you as well <3 span="">

Best Regards,Brittany N.
Support Staff Specialist

About  week after my last day Brittany and I and a bunch of other coworkers went out for supper, it was so much fun. Of course we said we needed to do that again, but this was the last time I would see Brittany.

We had also planned on going to a cheese curd festival in Wisconsin, but I wasn't able to make it, so we were already planning for next summer. Valleyfair was another trip we were planning. :(

And I told her I wouldn't get out to the new building to see our new location until August, when I get my Wednesday's off because of her early work schedule (and she was one of the main reasons I would go back) and she was like "nope, we have to see each other before then!" It made me smile that she was like "I'm not going that long without us hanging out". I can't believe I won't see her anymore. sigh. I think its easy for me to pretend like nothing is wrong because we don't work together anymore and I don't normally see her everyday. It's easier to pretend that everything is just fine and we'll hang out soon.

Also I just smile whenever I think of all the times we sat next to each other at the front desk and we would be emailing each other back and forth. There was one time I laughed by something she emailed me and someone asked what was so funny and I just made up something and then emailed Brittany and was like "I really laughed because of what you just said!" and she responded with "I figured!" LOL!

Another memory I have is when she discovered how bad my hearing is and when the sound machines are on in the office and its the top of the hour and its busy, I can't hear ANYTHING and of course its embarrassing to admit, but she would always be like "KRISTIN-did you even hear me!" LOL!!! and she was always right!, she knew that I would just nod instead of keeping asking "what" over and over. Ha!

She also would always comment on my dessert posts on facebook and say that she could make that and I would be like "NOOOO!!! you're sabotaging me, the posts are meant to just be drool worthy!" LOL! I finally relented during my birthday, but told her to not go to too much trouble and of course she did the sweetest thing and brought in a big cake for the office and a small red velvet cupcake for me, so sweet of her to do something so special for me and to know I would love something small... without me even telling her! 

And her meme's were always the best! One of our favorites was the one from Miss Congenitality about April 25th being her perfect day!! And when it was April 25th Brittany posted it on my facebook and said "today is the day!" LOL!

She always was "borrowing" quarters from me for the vending machines and I would sure pay a million quarters for her to keep borrowing quarters from me. One time she brought me a diet mountain dew (my favorite!) and I asked how she knew and she was like "I pay attention!", so nonchalant about how much she focused on others instead of herself. 

I went to the office yesterday, which was so hard. One of the girls said she has only been in Brittany's office once since and said I could go in, if I wanted to, but I couldn't make myself do it. I was thinking about it, just to see if she had any special mementos that would mean a lot to me, but I just couldn't do it. It felt too final. It took me a couple of days from finding out that she had passed to post something on facebook. I think I was in denial and was hoping that my friend who told me the news was wrong and that once the name is released it wouldn't be her. :( 

But another girl told me how her blue cup is still in her office. That girl believed in drinking water and always harped on me for not drinking water and I was like "There isn't enough time to go to the bathroom around here!" and on my last day she also got me a cup and was like "You need to drink more water!" LOL! I used to tease her about her blue cup being in the way at the front desk, I sure wish she was around to have her cup be in the way.

I already miss her and its not even been a week. We used to message each other ALL THE TIME and I'm starting to get annoyed that she hasn't been answering me back. Please answer me back Brittany. :( 

This is such a good reminder to everyone that life is so short and precious. I called my parents after I found out and told them both how much I love them.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

New job update!!

Guess what? I can finally reveal my news... I got a new job at the St. Cloud VA and I'm so excited. I've always wanted to work here and am so excited! I survived my first week and I like that the training pace is evenly paced. I have about 5 weeks total of training, which is so nice. This past week was mostly getting my computer set up and shadowing my trainer, who is awesome!

My last day at Nystrom was last Friday 06/08 and it was so sad, but everyone was so nice. I got flowers from Andrew and Katie, chocolate (from Andrew), a bunch of gifts from my work bestie Brittany and a bunch of cards from my old coworkers. It was so hard leaving because I love everyone there so much! even a patient was sad that I was leaving, which was so sweet of her to say.

But I'm so glad to be serving out veterans and am so glad to be at the St. Cloud VA!

Also wedding bells are ringing for my brother and his fiance (who I just love- I feel like I love her more than my brother!) LOL! so that's been exciting and I was able to get that weekend off from work, which is such a relief and I found a really cute outfit for $15 online for the wedding! I'm so honored that they asked me to read from the bible during the ceremony and I'm so excited to see all of our family and friends that weekend! its the first wedding for the Sommers family and I'm super excited!

Otherwise still working out like crazy and keeping on track with weight watchers, although all these bridal showers are making it a lot HARDER! ugh!

How are you??

Monday, May 28, 2018

prayer time

Isn't it powerful when you feel lead to pray for someone specifically?? I had this happen to me the other day on my way to work. I usually turn my radio off and just talk to God on my way and I was lead to pray for my friend whose son is going in to see a specialist. I told her about it later, but her and her family just sort of popped into my head and so I prayed for them. Just thought I would share this with others.

I did know he has an upcoming appointment, but she hasn't gotten the results yet, so I'll keep y'all posted, but please be praying! Thanks!

Sunday, May 20, 2018


I'm not going to say why, but I'm so excited for a big family event this summer!!!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Happy Weekend on this May the 4th!

From this Star Wars nerd!

Feeling like some good news is coming my way, but this is a good reminder that even in the bad, to still keep trucking a long and trusting Jesus!

Have a wonderful weekend! ALWAYS! :) 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Feburary 2018 project

So I saw this post on FB that I am going to try:

Let's plank!!!! Hoping this helps me get some abs!!!!

28 days in Feb=28 day challenge! Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Failure post

hopefully you can see this video... its good!

Isn't it amazing how God always seems to know what message I need to hear....

So I made a HUGE mistake last week (HUGE-insert Donald Trump saying YUGE!) and of course it was a mess and not good and just plan ugly... well today's message was about what to do after we make mistakes and it was like "WOAH", I needed to hear this. So powerful. Of course I've been sad and mopey and feeling down in the friggin dumps over this stupid issue, that God is probably like "DUDE, let it go!" and my mom is even singing frozen to me!

And this quote jumped out at me during the sermon:

“Let the Savior take care of your own problems, so I can be a blessing to someone else and their problems” Pastor Eric Dykstra


Also I found this hymn and I am in LOVE with it... so perfect for what I'm going through.....

check it out! 

So this weekend was just a self care weekend, I'm digging that verbage, good excuse for an introvert! LOL! 

Hope you all have a great week and if you have an tips on how to get over a mistake that you've made, I'd love to hear about it.

Praying for you all, just remember that God loves us no matter what! I feel like He always looks down on me and is like "Child you are CRAZY, but I still love you so much!"

Here's to a good week! 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Years!

So you might ask how I rang in the new year?? I watched the Disney World fireworks (they are an hour ahead of CST) and then went to bed.. LOL! I'm so old and it's been so cold lately... plus I'm way too introverted to do anything! I love that I have an introverted sister too! we were fb messaging each other, probably from our couches... LOL!

And then New Years day- I did errands (bought a couple pairs of cute dress pants for work on sale-yah!) although sad because Sears is going out of business... I think they were too much of a best kept secret (they haven an awesome rewards program, I even bought a dress for a wedding last fall for $1... FOR REAL!?!?!? how can you not love that... I think I was so in shock when the cashier said the total came to a dollar and some change. so if you have a sears in your area, sign up for the rewards program! rant over!

And the rest was working out and watching HGTV, they always do new shows on New Years day (I think I have a new new years tradition for my introverted self!) 

After talking with God tonight.... I think 2018 is going to be a great year!

Blessings to the year ahead!

PS olympic skating trials start on Wed and then olympics are a little over a month away!!! I'm so excited! :)