Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy memorial day!

This long weekend has been FANTASTIC and so needed!!!!

On Friday i basically was a couch potato, its so nice to have a big screen tv that i can hear and watch Say yes to the dress! I love that Friday night is bridal night! LOL!!

then saturday it was a get up early and work out day, there are just not enough hours in the day! After i finish working out, then its like the day is over. ugh. oh well.

but then yesterday i got up and went to the early service at church, i figure its a good idea to get up early and stay on my normal early morning schedule. church was great and my girls Stephanie and Lori got to finally meet Susan my awesome trainer/coworker, which was great!

then we went to Lori's for brunch and i learned how to make breakfast food! YUMMY! im especially excited about a weight watchers egg product that I usually ignored because im not an egg person, but i used it to make french toast, and its really fun to cook and figure out how to make recipes healthier! wow, i cannot believe i just said that! LOL!

then after catching up with my Jesus girls, Stephanie and I attempted to go garage saleing, but of course we only found one! ARGH and it was a dud! so we decided to hit some thrift stores! fun times!

then today i got up early again! crazy i know! and i watched the twins lose, while cleaning! i almost have my boxes unpacked! HOORAY! and my misc box (why on earth did i do this?) is almost eliminated! yah!!!

and then this afternoon i spent cleaning (crazy i know!) i actually feel like an adult! so this weekend was FAN-freakin-TASTIC!!!!

Let's have a great week! I could use prayers for transitioning into my early shift, it helps that I've done it before, but its still something new! but it will be so nice to have a day off in the middle of the week! i just gotta keep thinking that!!! prayers are always appreciated! have a wonderful week!

and please don't forget why we have memorial day! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the men and women who so bravely fight for our freedom! im so grateful! and a special thanks to your families who are without you during this time! Thank you and God Bless!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

FANTASTIC weekend!

yesterday i went to EP with Susan and Karen from work, which was so much fun!!!! HOORAY!!

and then we went to Karen's place, since she lives down the road and ate there, and her granddaughter came by and she is SOOOOO cute!

then susan and i went to look at her friends furniture that she is selling and its so cute! and comfy too! not sure yet what I am going to do!

Then i went home and worked out while I watched the twins win! WOOT WOOT! and then today was my "relaxing" day aka working out! i woke up with such a headache though and had to cancel plan I made with Stephanie, but we rescheduled for next sunday. and then stephanie and i did meet up at church tonight! i love going to night church! you know how much i love to sleep in, although i gotta get used to this whole getting up and being to work by 6:30! yikes stripes! alrighty guys, it worked last week, so imma gonna do it again!

LET'S HAVE A KICK BUTT WEEK Y'ALL!!! (insert southern drawl-im not sure why!?!?) LOL!!!! and next week is a short week! although i will start my long days! eekk! excited to have a desk!

good night! (insert british accent, not sure what is up with all the accents tonight!) haha!

Friday, May 16, 2014

its been an AMAZING week!!!

HOORAY! its been so awesome! I am just kinda sad though because I am going to miss my NW girls a lot, but the great part is that Susan, Karen and I are going to EP tomorrow!! YAH!!! so I just have to remain in contact with my NW girls, which everyone knows I am HORRIBLE at!!!

the even better news I got to take my early day on a Friday and start my weekend out early, instead of so late like last weekend! LOL! no more saturday shifts though! woot woot! :)

and instead of unpacking my boxes in my apartment what did I do today? I watched the MN twins win and worked out like crazy! i swear I am going to unpack eventually!!

and the apartment is going so well! i LOVE it! YAH! you just never know going into something like this if you are going to like or not, well guess what? I LOVE my apartment, and Im UBER excited about getting a permanent spot, even though Imma gonna miss my girlies at NW, i love my girls at South too!!!

well im going to sleep in tomorrow (because i kinda feel like its the last time I can!) since I start my 6:30 shift in two weeks, but it will be so nice to have a day off in the middle of the week! that is going to ROCK!!!!

going to bed! night!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

imma gonna miss my NW girls!

its been so great working at the NW clinic for the past couple of days-although that means I have to get up earlier (ugh!) but i suppose I better get used to the getting up early thing. :(

Don't get me wrong I'm excited for my permanent position at South, but I'm gonna miss my girlies at NW! including Sandy, Susan, Mary Jane, Mary, and Patty!

but im so excited to be working with my girls Karen J, Karen W, and Tara! YAH for awesome coworkers!!!

and today Susan and I had lunch together, which was so much fun!

Let's continue the awesome week everyone! :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

happy mother's day and baby brudder gradumatated from college!!

What a great day!!! hanging out with my family is AMAZING!!!

it started out uber boring with kev's graduation ceremony, but almost to the end, him and his friends decided to ditch it! YAH!!!

and we were off to Bonanza! I was so looking forward to my cheat day!! and Bonanza is SOOOOOO yummy! plus our family friends Mark and Deb Magnuson met up with us, plus kevin's friend that is a girl (not girlfriend!) Jaydee met up with us, and we really like her!! :)

after the gorging, we went to my place to show it off to Jackie! i love showing off my new digs!!!

then after everyone left I worked out (gotta get back to it-even with a full stomach!) and then went to sunday night church at westwood, i really love westwood and the worship was so great!!

I had to work saturday, so i felt like I had no "me time" so this coming weekend is going to be all about me, i need to get stuff unpacked and really get settled in, but it work out crazy amounts of time, and feel like I never have any time to get things done. CRAZINESS that this is me!! LOL!

well let's have a great week everyone!!! its almost memorial weekend (YAH 3 day weekend!) but then i start my 4 days/week shift which will be nice, but crazy hard to get up that early! prayers needed!! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

ive been in my apartment for a week!!

and I still LOVE it!! its just so cute!!!! so excited about my bachelerette pad!!! LOL!

still unpacking, but Im thinking I won't get a lot done this weekend because i have to work my last saturday (YAH-no more weekends!) not that i worked a lot of them (every 6-7 weeks) but because working weekends is just such a sad thing! LOL!

and then on Sunday baby brother graduates from college (excting!) and its mom's day so we are all getting together and going to Bonanza afterward and I am giving myself a cheat day! im not going to go too crazy, but I am not going to worry about the points that day!! but then back to it on monday!!!

but hopefully the following weekend I will get things unpacked and I really want to organize my stuff especially because I have so much storage! love it!

and I got my cable and internet installed last week, soooooo HOORAY for that!!! Its been a great first week on my own and then today Sara and I went to EP, even though its not friday, it was so good to catch up!

Well its almost the weekend-for most of you! yippee!!!! cannot wait for saturday afternoon and to hang out with my family is ALWAYS fun! :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

moving CRAZINESS!!!

Im so excited, I love my new place, it is so darn cute!!!! I'm all moved it and its been kind of stressful and crazy, but I am so very grateful for my family helping (even though the boys in my family are CRAZY and annoying when moving-but what else is new?!) LOL!!!!

we got everything moved in Thursday night, which was AMAZING!!! I bet I got crazy amounts of activity points going up and down stairs! But my pedometer reset on me, GRRRR!!!!!

my first night was amazing, it was so quiet and peaceful! although I had to work the next morning, it took me literally 5 minutes to get to work! and then after work i went back home and attempted to unpack.

then my amazing parents called and said they were going to pick me up saturday morning to take me on a housewarming shopping spree, which was SOOOOOOOO incredibly generous of them- i got a BIG SCREEN TV-YAH!!!!! They got me so much and they are such a blessing in my life! as if the shopping wasn't enough then they took me grocery shopping (just to get me started!) they are so uber generous!!!

then on Sunday my mom came over and helped me so much by organizing my boxes, helping me unpack, giving me a cooking lesson-she taught me how to make taco meat! (i know kinda pathetic right?) and taught me how to use my laundry too!!! then we went thrift shopping and got some more ideas to set up my living room!

the bathroom and kitchen are pretty much done-I'm working on my bedroom right now and then we are trying to figure out how to do up the living room. right now I temporarily having my parents loveseat and my coffee table until we figure out the color scheme!!! its just so much fun!

after my mom left, I got together to go for a walk with Stephanie and show off my place and then we went to church that night and today (being Monday!) i got to sleep in because I got the day off because I work my last saturday this saturday (try explaining this to my dad-he's not comprehending it!) LOL!!!

and today Ive been unpacking and more organizing, I have a patio with a storage unit and my mom got a bunch of totes from my home church so I am really getting everything organized and put away!!!

man its been a great weekend, sad that its almost over. but excited for next weekend as my brother is graduating from college and its mother's day (she defintely deserves it-she always has!) so I get to hang out with my family!! YAHOO!!!!

hope everyone had a great day!!!! Can't wait to have a housewarming party to show off my new digs, maybe I should get back to the organizing right? LOL!!

PS on a sad note I did end up missing Stars on Ice for the first time since 1998, it was just really bad timing and now with having to pay a bigger amount of rent. I'm so sad to have missed it, but hoping next year we get some of my favorites back and it works with my schedule. :(