Thursday, May 8, 2014

ive been in my apartment for a week!!

and I still LOVE it!! its just so cute!!!! so excited about my bachelerette pad!!! LOL!

still unpacking, but Im thinking I won't get a lot done this weekend because i have to work my last saturday (YAH-no more weekends!) not that i worked a lot of them (every 6-7 weeks) but because working weekends is just such a sad thing! LOL!

and then on Sunday baby brother graduates from college (excting!) and its mom's day so we are all getting together and going to Bonanza afterward and I am giving myself a cheat day! im not going to go too crazy, but I am not going to worry about the points that day!! but then back to it on monday!!!

but hopefully the following weekend I will get things unpacked and I really want to organize my stuff especially because I have so much storage! love it!

and I got my cable and internet installed last week, soooooo HOORAY for that!!! Its been a great first week on my own and then today Sara and I went to EP, even though its not friday, it was so good to catch up!

Well its almost the weekend-for most of you! yippee!!!! cannot wait for saturday afternoon and to hang out with my family is ALWAYS fun! :)

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