Tuesday, February 3, 2015

i feel so calm and at peace

so its Tuesday night and I've been off work since last Friday as I am puppy sitting for my parents and its been such a nice retreat and i just feel so calm and relaxed, i've been able to work out, read, blog (finally right?) and just do whatever I want whenever I want. I even found my mom's wedding dress and tried it on and it fits!!!! craziest thing ever!

other than that, things have been going well. i started to see a therapist and its surprising to me how i was able to open up to her and very therapeutic, no pun intended! LOL!

im really struggling right now with weight watchers, i used to track everything and be so good, but now Ive been having cheat days that have turned into cheat weeks and its scary how quickly the weight can come back on, so i am going back on plan after this week since Sara and I are celebrating Christmas (i know, its super late, but i love still having Christmas to look forward too!) LOL! and then its time to take my Christmas stuff down and fgure out my living situation. I moved a year ago in May and I love my place, but its so expensive and I always feel like I need to budget, budget, budget. the interesting thing is is that I found a cute townhouse for sale that is literally a 40 second drive (i mapquested it) from work and it was built in 2007, i know there is no way I can get moved into a new place by the end of Feb (as that is when I need to tell my landlord what I am planning) but I am crazy scared and excited about buying a place. Im not sure if im ready for it, but I hope to sit down with my parents and talked about it when they are home.

well that pretty much got you up to speed, how are you? any helpful tips about staying on track on any weight loss plan would be SOOOOO appreciated. It is definetly easier to lose the weight, than to maintain. ugh.

"My Son is dying for you because you are worth a Son to Me." - See more at: http://proverbs31.org/devotions/devo/you-are-more-precious-than-diamonds/#sthash.K396ikw3.dpuf

I read this today-wowza! its been nice to have more time for God, but I need to make sure I set aside time for him everyday and not just when i have time to "fit him in!".

Have a good rest of the week everyone, and i could use some prayers for going back to work, which is always hard after having time off! UGH!!!!