Sunday, April 29, 2012


LOVE IT!! so nice to just relax! i did a bunch of cleaning, and watched the Twins win today! which is always nice! a new girl sang in worship last night, and her voice was AMAZING!!! very relaxing, very needed!

Hoping I have some exciting news this coming week, but can't reveal anything! keep your fingers crossed, and start a prayin!! Thanks!


Monday, April 23, 2012

what a FABULOUS weekend!!!

it was just so nice to kick back and relax!! got a lot of stuff done towards the end of the weekend, but it was just nice to catch up on sleep!!!

Yesterday i went home and hung out with the family, which is always fun! kevin has this thing where he is into baking cookies, which is so fun to watch!! :)

and today I got up earlier, went shopping, went for a walk (it was so nice out today!) watched DWTS, which was AWESOME!!! its so nice when you know you got things done! oh and read the bible!! Great weekend! so sad that its almost over, but it will be nice to have a short week this week!

Hope everyone else had an awesome monday too! haha!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Todays been a great day!

Which was needed because this week has been SOOOOO long!! UGH!!! but very happy that its almost the weekend!!! exciting plans, scrapbooking in kimball, going to see Titanic with Sara, and just chillin'. Very excited about what's coming up in my life, i don't have anything set yet, but I've got hope, and that's what keeps me going. Sure things don't go according to my plan, but I know God has very exciting things coming up!!!

The TWINS ARE ON A ROLL!! if they beat the Yankees tomorrow, then we will have won a series in the bronx!!! EEEKKK!! morneau is back, and awesome!! LOVE my twinkies!!! :)

Well have a great week everyone, its almost the weekend! and I have a three day weekend!! BOOYAH!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

terrible monday, but ended well!!!

The TWINS BEAT THE SKANKEE YANKEES!!! WOOT WOOT!! so happy!!!! hopefully they can keep it going!!

Dancing with the stars was awesome too!!! now just ready for it to be the weekend, and I have a 3 day weekend!!! WOOT WOOT!!! :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

what a nice and relaxing day off! and the Twins win, and happy anniversary mom and dad, summer skating starts!!!!

It's my parents 32nd wedding anniversary, wowza!! see hollywood it can happen!!!! I love my parents so much, they are so amazingly wonderful! i asked dad what he got mom for there anniversary and he said "a candy bar!" and i asked mom the same thing and she said "nothing!" haha!!! they are just so awesome!!! no big deal! they make me believe in love, sometimes I don't think it will happen for me, but sometimes i think it will, and i sure hope we last as long as my parents have. They are such wonderful parents!!!! Thank you God!!

The Twins finally got a win, YAH!!!! WOOT WOOT!! FINALLY, on the 5th game of the season we get the win!!!

had a great day off, basically did nothing!! i started my annual skating tape watching, which takes me back to so long ago!! nice to have a day off, but then I have to work Saturday!! YUCKY POO!!! oh well!!! just glad I have a job!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He has Risen, He has Risen Indeed!!

YAH its Ressurrection Sunday!! Loved that he AROSE (sp?) today all those years ago!!!! What a great day today was, nice and relaxing!!!

I'm worried about the twins, I'm not sure what is happening, but I hope its not what happened last year. Ugh!! they just lost 3 games in Baltimore, to the stinkin Orioles!!!! ICK!!!! they stink! oh boy!! Hoping we can turn things around at home!!! Tomorrow is the home opener!!

Here is a part of The Promise (a musical about Jesus' life) that my family and I love:


Happy Easter!!!

So thankful for what Jesus did for me!!! Thank you daddy!!!!

We actually celebrated Easter today which was alot of fun! We watched our passion play "The Promise" which we all love, especially with the Brooks Brothers!!! We love the music and we are thinking of going to see the show in Glen Rose Texas sometime, that would be so awesome! :)

We then got Easter presents, Gas gift cards! AWESOME, especially with the price of gas going up! and I found some ADORABLE pictures of me and Jackie when we were little, can't wait to post!!! LOVE!!

Went to church tonight and it was AWESOME, amazing worship and so moving!! and tomorrow is Ressurection Sunday, YAH! Thank you Jesus!!!! Hope you have an awesome holiday with your loved ones! :)

Love this song, it pretty much sums it up for me!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wow this week has been so crazy!

and its only Wednesday!! still not sure what I'm gonna do about the townhouse!! ACK!!!! but very much looking forward to relaxing with the family this weekend for Easter!! YAH!!! Almost Friday! and then the Twins season starts, I have a very good feeling that this year will be a "worst to first" kinda year! YAH!! go twinkies! although I'm gonna miss cuddy!!! way sad! Oh well!

Monday, April 2, 2012

So much has been going on!!!

AHH!! weekend was FABULOUS!!! hung out with Sara on Friday night, which was so much fun!!! Good times with the bestie!!

Then I slept in on Saturday, which was GRAND!!! really slept in, like embarassed to say till how late, and then I went to church and Sam and Kev were there. I love when they come!!!

Then yesterday I went to the parents house and hung out with the family, which is always fun and interesting!!! There was a HUGE snapping turtle in the yard!! IT WAS HUMUNGOUS!!!! so creepy!!! eeekkk!!!

And then even crazier news, I am looking at a townhouse tonight, which is so exciting! its super cheap, so we shall see what I think of it!! And Sam wants to possibly be my roomate, which would be AWESOME!! can't wait!

Details Later!