Sunday, May 24, 2020

COVID 19 has me crying like a baby ugh!

Ugh I've been so emotional lately, I think I'm just sad because I haven't gotten to meet my sweet baby niece Ms. Rory Roo yet and she'll be two weeks old tomorrow. :( I didn't know I could love a little baby as much as I love her. Pray for auntie Kristin.

I thought it would be fun to play a little word game of words you are sick of hearing during this time in our world, here are my ten:

1. Pandemic
2. Social Distancing
3. Social learning
4. Quarantine
5. ARC (work word Acute Respiratory Clinic)
6. COVID 19
7. Coronavirus
8. Testing
9. Modality (another fancy work term for how the provider wants to do appointment over the phone or a video chat!)
10. Masks and gloves

Please stay healthy and safe everyone!

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