Monday, June 18, 2007

Fabulous Weekend!!

I had a very good weekend, despite working yesterday!!

Let's see where I last left off!!!

Work Saturday was fine, nothing too exciting!! The Twins lost on Saturday night, which sucked! Grandma is still around, so been trying to spend time with her, since she leaves tomorrow morning.

Didn't sleep much last night, but got up in time for early service at church, which is good for me!! Good service this morning, sang a couple songs that mom and I love!!! Some adventures during the singing, ask my mom if you are curious!!

The plan was to sit out in the sun with a good book, and try to tan, didn't happen though. Really exciting and nerve wracking Twins game, that I couldn't tear myself from. Joe was AMAZING today! yah!! so, now going to work won't be so bad because I brag to my boss about how great joe was!

Grandma leaves tomorrow, so she took us out to eat tonight, to that Kimball "high school lunches" restuaraunt!! (spelling?!?!)

It was actually pretty good though!!

Now for the week coming up, I'll be training others and listening to Twins games. I'll give you updates on how things go!! Love ya!!

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