Sunday, December 23, 2007

FABULOUS day!!! MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!!!

What a wonderful day! I pretty much watched skating and chilled out in front of the tv. Then when kev got home we went light looking. Which was SO much fun! Dad sat in the back seat with me and Jackie and he is SO weird and SO funny!! Good times!

We took my car and there are only two heat buttons: really, really high, or none at all! nothing in the middle. So someone would yell out "Turn the heat off!" and then literally two minutes later someone would shout: "Turn the heat on!!"

Before we went to see the lights we went caroling to the couple from our church, remember? Which was fun. We didn't really have a song planned, so we decided to come up with one on the doorstep, and then they opened the door, and we sang "We Wish you a Merry Christmas!" It was fun, and I think we have such great voices! (when jackie sings over us, since she has the nicest voice!)

Then we went to see the lights, which were great, as always! Then we went to Mcdonalds, and this was the funny part. We got a new guy doing the drive thru orders, and

dad starts: Merry Christmas. I need 40 chicken nuggets (there's 5 of us!) I got a coupon! Is that okay!"
New guy: "Ummm......"
dad: "Great", before he could answer. "I'm gonna pull up to the winder (window!) now!!! It was SO funny! That's my dad!

(Jackie if I missed anything let me know!)

We always get chicken nuggets at McDonalds. A couple years ago we ordered 20 and dad went to get gas or something, and came back and Kev had eaten ten of them. He was so mad at the time, but he brought it up and was laughing today!

Then we looked at some more lights, went to Cold Stone for ice cream (another Sommers tradition!) Lady screwed up my order, how do you do that with ice cream?!? Oh well! We also sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" to our neighbors, and it was funny because he saw my sister drive us into the ditch in front of our driveway, which really wasn't the ditch, and she was like, "I hope no one saw!". Which was great!!!!!

When we got home, we watched the Vikings loose, which made the males in my family very happy, and then I chilled, and went upstairs and hung out with the roomies upstairs (jackie and kev!) That was fun! Kev tried on his "Christmas" sweater he bought at savors. It is so ugly, but so him!

Traditions tomorrow:
Home Alone movies
Christmas Eve services
Sommersopoly! (Dad comes up with a crazy game each holiday: just Christmas and Easter, and we play them, and it is SUPER fun! Last years Christmas game: "How well do we know dad!" It was fun!
Play with new stuff

Christmas Day:
Try to sleep in, kev will wake us up SUPER early, and open santa presents: I guess we are golden since santa has been coming since I was born!!!
Get ready for Sommers family to come over
white elephant gift CRAZINESS exchange, some scandals happened last year, we shall see if they happen this year too!
Hide out with sister
hang out with imediate family when everyone leaves!
Get ready for work again!! AHHHH!

Well, I should get some sleep tonight! love you all and have a great Christmas! :)


jackie lea said...


I laughed outloud! :-) Dad at McDonalds! HAHAHA! Did he really say "winder"? I didn't hear that! Hilarious!

Love you!

jackie lea said...

Oh, and I laughed at "turn the heat off"/"turn the heat on" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, get a new car! but not a JEEP!!!!