Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oh what a beautiful day!

The day just started out great, and has been ALL day! YAH!

It started out with going to church this morning, and I went to the early service too! church has been going very well lately, I've been making myself take notes which helps me to focus on the message. Then i went to sunday school with Suzie, which was fabulous! I'm going to go back, and it was nice to be with some younger people, my age, mind you! We were talking about witnessing to different world religions, and being supportive of them, but show them Christ. I realized I know not a whole lot on some traditions, so I think that will be good for me to learn.

Then the fam met up with Jackie in Monticello for mom's day, which was SOOO much fun! we always have fun together! kevy was really nice too, which makes it more fun!

Then when we got home, I basically lounged around, because I have to work early tomorrow, and just relaxing! now dad and I are watching the twins game, and we are dominating and its always so fun to watch with my dad! joe's not doing so well, but that's okay! as long as the team gets a win!

Well, tomorrow night i'll be home to watch DWTS, YAH! Super excited and excited about the coming weekend. Sounds like my aunt from NY that is coming to visit will be here Saturday night, so my Saturday looks jam packed, oh well! I like it that way! Here's the plan for next Saturday, I'll let ya know if it changes!

Scrapbooking overtime: 8:00 am (yup!) to 12:00
Prince Caspian movie with Lisa
go to cities with family to see Aunt Jan

and get home super late! Oh well! Have a great week, and please pray for me!

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