Monday, September 29, 2008

Its not even month end, quite yet, but it sure feels that way!


what a day......................

it was pretty bad, just a bunch of calls, all the TIME! Then the stuff i do that takes two minutes, took an hour, AHHHH!!! plus its not even month end, its just... well, a monday! ICKY! i think i should call in sick, just kiddin! i realized i've almost made it a year without calling in sick!!!


i did take a lot of good calls, it was just a long day, then i get stuck with the last call of the day and she was 8 months pregnant, and would not hang up, and i was going over to Lisa's to see her place, and she had to wait! whoopsie! i better not get the last call tomorrow!

but lisa's house is HUGE, she shares it with two of her sisters, and a friend, and they have a huge wrap around deck, SUPER cool! her sister has a SUPER walk in closet too!

now the not so good news, the tigers didn't beat the white sox, so now we have to play them in Chicago tomorrow, this is getting ridiculous, we better beat them, thats all i gotta say, as well as "if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself, i guess!"

well pray for me to get through this week, and i hope to have good news about the twins being the central division champs!

also, one more thing, my parents bought a family of cats, and they did it after i move out, now i love cats, and hate dogs, and we have a dog FOREVER, and cats when i move out, how did that work?

oh well, now i can't wait to go home and play with them!

plus another bad way to start out my day, i forgot to record my soap, i got the last 10 minutes, GRRRR!!!

wow, this is quite a pile! hopefully tomorrow goes a lot better!

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