Saturday, November 8, 2008


So where can i start, how about at the beginning SUPER early this morning. Okay, i will! So i got up SUPER early because Kristi Yamaguchi was on the today show promoting her tv show which is airing TOMORROW, HOORAY!

then sara and i got together, and she came over and watched some youtube videos of HSM, and then we did a forward quiz thingy, which was HILARIOUS!

then we started shopping, and i will try to remember all the places we went, but my feet are still sore. We started at the mall, and did some of our "hint hint" shopping! we then went to KFC, and HURRIED to HSM 3, which was FABULOUS once again, and this time i got into singing the songs. there were a bunch of people there, which bugged me, but there was a lady and boy talking during the movie, and they were closer to sara, so she was annoyed by that!

after the movie we did more shopping: Hallmark, Crafts Direct (i got a small Christmas tree, HOORAY!) fashion bug (which i found some cute stuff, but forgot my coupon, so i might go back tomorrow! i'm also thinking of getting my haircut, so we shall see!

then Sunday i am planning on trying out the Jubilee Church, which is SUPER early, but the church i usually go to is meeting somewhere else, so I HAVE to go to Jubilee, and then the pod and i are getting together to scrapbook! HOORAY!

catch Kristi's special on NBC tomorrow afternoon, and see if you can find me! i was in the 4th row! haha!

have a great weekend, now to everyone! :)

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