Friday, February 6, 2009

Today was FABULOUS!!!!

so i did stay up all night, and made it to the employee sale, which was so much fun! i ended up watching rudolph last night to stay away, and then i left at 6:00 for the sale, and was almost late since it was still dark out, but i made it, and it was so much fun! i got a lot of great stuff, and i'm glad i text jill, because she feel asleep, but she showed up, and its so much fun to shop with her, she was going through everything and was like "Get this, get that!" i ended up spending $20 and she was like "WHAT?" by this time she already collected probably 4 or 5 boxes! haha! :)

after the sale i went to the bank to get some money, and the lady was like "Good morning!" which is odd, since i am never up in the morning, then i went home chilled a bit and watched some early morning TV, then i decided to get some shopping done, so i went to fashion bug and got a super cute HSM t-shirt for Florida, DUH! then i went to the library and got some books for the trip, and i also got some pizza, so then i came back chilled a bit, and finally took a nap! now i am feeling so screwed up, but when i woke up i ate and started to read, and just had a quiet day, its been so relaxing! i bought a new CM jacket at the sale, which is brown, and its so comfy, and then sara called, and we chatted for awhile, which was fun since i haven't talked to her for awhile, and then right after that, dad called and i am planning to go home to make some trip plans, which i am so excited about! WHOO HOO!!! :)

now i just have 4 more days of work, which i am hoping i can get through! but tomorrow i am hoping to get up early, do some more shopping, and then skating is on in the afternoon, woot woot, and then i think i might go to the night service at crossroads, since i am not sure how it would be getting up early sunday morning, but we shall see! because i do not want to make the same mistake as last sunday, so i am thinking it might be best to go on saturday! so basically i am chillin, and defintely needed it!

have a great weekend everyone, now you can celebrate the weekend! haha! :)

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