Monday, December 21, 2009

Opps, I realize Its been awhile!

Well I am still unemployed, so not a lot of news to write! but Christmas is soon! HOORAY! i was just at my friend Jill's house with Lisa, old CM co-workers and we had our Christmas together. We scrapbooked and exchanged gifts. I got a super COMFY pillow from Jill since she has some many comfy pillows!!

we also watched Rudolph, which was fun too!!!

then I went to church on Saturday night and attempted to go to the mall to get some more pictures to scrapbook but it was way too busy, so then I went back to jill's and her toliet overflowed and water got everywhere, which was funny and CRAZY!!! we decided to get out of the apartment after her landlord stopped by and then came back and scrapbooked! It was a crazy day, but really fun! I got home yesterday afternoon after not sleeping to well, and ended up sleeping all night, whoops!

but now i am getting ready to head home, we are supposed to get a lot of snow, so hoping to get home before the storm comes! mom is having knee surgery tomorrow, so I will be taking care of her, and since she is having surgery we cancelled our family christmas, so it will defintely be quiet, but fun! I will post details after Christmas is over!

Have a Merry Christmas and remember the true reason for the season!!!!

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