Sunday, July 15, 2012

fun weekend!!! twins game in the heat, was fun; but sadly we lost!

on saturday i actually got up early, and got so much stuff done!! YAH!!!

then today i woke up early for the twins game, which was SOOOOO much fun! unfortunately we lost BADLY, but it was still fun! sooooo hot out!!! ugh! i am so sunburnt right now!

and guess what? I totally drove to Target Field, and got there and back safetly!! I am so proud of myself, especially with my new car!

so fun weekend! can't wait for next weekend, more reading at mom and dad's pool!!! :)

prayers needed for this week, thank you!

Let's do our best to have a great week, let's not moan and groan about it (although that is very easy to do, especially for me) let's say we are going to have an AWESOME week!!!!!

Gooooooo team! :)

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