Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WOW! sorry its been so long!

I have been SOOOOOOO uber busy, its not even funny! This weekend is going to be so relaxing!

LAST WEEKEND the retreat was so amazing. I cannot believe I have been so not wanting to go, and then I finally go and its AMAZING!! so wonderful, more details soon! (do you notice that I say this alot?) haha! woops!

and then i am going up to our Grand Rapids office for work next month, for a couple days, which should be fun, and interesting to see how they do things up there. so busy, busy, busy!

and still loosing weight too! I am down almost 30 pounds! HOORAY!!!

and my week usually consists of:

Tuesday=bible study, which is amazing, but sad that its over next week! :(    our teacher Julie is so great, she makes the bible so understandable!
Wednesday=Mall walk with Sara, hoping we can get outside next week!! (fingers crossed)
Thursdays= Weigh-in, and I usually go mall walk before because I get so nervous!! :)  and then Kevy usually comes over because he has a church thing on thursday nights and then class on friday morning, so that's been fun!
Friday=RELAX! and clean at work!!

So crazy, and I am thinking about taking a medical terminology class, so we shall see!!! pics soon of my weight loss! but i better get some sleep, i am SOOOOOO tired!

night! except a long, lengthy, and detailed report this weekend!! :)

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