Thursday, January 16, 2014

work update

I think things are going well! of course I want to know everything right away and stop being a pesty newbie, but I think for the most part things are going well! and most of all I am really happy at SCMG (St. Cloud Medical Group!) it just seems like a really great enviorment and everyone is super nice and very helpful! and keeps telling me I am not a pest! HOORAY! I'm just really excited! I've been in all three family practice areas as a float, which was hard at first, but I like getting to know each area! its defintely really interesting! We even had a group reception meeting last night after work, and it was good to get to know others from the other clinics (we have 4 total!) i haven't been to the South one much, so that was nice! i feel like I'm getting to know others better! YAH!

Things are good though! Still have my Christmas stuff up, are you surprised? its just so hard to take down! I hit my one year mark of being on weight watchers! I'm at almost 85 pounds lost which is SUPER surprising, when I look in the mirror I sometimes forget!! Funny story, whenever Sara wanted to take pictures of us while I was overweight, i would hike up my shirt to help cover up my double chin, and I attempted to do that when we just took a picture and she gave me her "annoyed" look, as she always did and I was like "oh whoops, I forgot!" and proceeded to smile and still take a bad picture! (some things never change!) haha! so it just took me back!

So things are good! hung out with the family last weekend, which is always nice to do! My mom is so good at talking me down when I get overwhelmed with life and finances and being a grown up (doesn't it stink most of the time!) haha! yes my mom was right about something, when i was a kid I forever wished to grow up because adults had so much power and got paid to work, instead of not getting paid to go to school! man I would go back to school in a heartbeat. oh wait, on second thought? maybe not! haha!!!

what else? The olympics are coming up, twinsfest is coming up with Sara, so that's exciting, although sad since Justin Morneau is no longer with the twins! darn it! I even told me him last year at twinsfest he better stay and he said he wanted to! what the heck happened Morneau? HUH?

so yeah, that's about it? getting uber jealous because mom and dad are going to Florida in feb for two weeks! This winter has been down right BRUTAL! and now without so much weight on me, it is so darn cold out there!!!! This is shocking, but I cannot wait for swim suit season which is something I have never said before in my adult life! oh that's it for real!!!! Its almost FRIDAY! WOOT WOOT! maybe that is why Im in such a good mood!!!

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