Thursday, February 13, 2014

life has been CRAZY busy, but CRAZY exciting!!!

This week alone has had so much going on!!!

On Sunday we celebrated Jackie's birthday! better late than never, right? Which was so fun! Its always interesting trying to get a word in with my family! so fun!

Then on Tuesday night Jackie was reading some excerpts from her book that is soon to be published, look for it in 2015 or 2016 and we went to surprise her, but dad kinda gave it away at her birthday party. Darn it daddy!!!!

it was such a proud moment to see my sister in her element, on stage and reading and then she even did a Q an A! Yes people, she is that important and awesome! i was beaming the whole time!!!! i so wish I had her stage presence and she said she gets nervous too! which I so do not believe!!!

then on Wednesday Sara and I went to EP, which was so fun because we haven't seen each other in awhile and EP is just so darn good! one of my coworkers thought that I was going to Eden Praire!! LOL! i love my coworkers so much!!! (so yes things are going pretty well, just trying to figure it all out, and then on top of that I'm going to the South campus next week to train over there!!!) OYE VAY! i'm exhausted as I write this!!

Then tonight mom, dad, and I went to see an apartment complex in St. Joe, its super nice, but pretty expensive, so I'm just not sure. HMMMMM........... gotta love being an adult, right? we shall see what happens though!

Well there ya go! What's new in your life?

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