Sunday, April 27, 2014

fantastic weekend!!!


so much fun! Hung out with the bestie at EP on Friday night! double YAH!

and then slept in Saturday, which was FABULOUS! and got so much done packing-wise and then went to mom and dad's for the night and went to church this morning in Kimball. It was so great to be in my old stomping grounds! i love the old hymns and my old pastor who I grew up with, was filling in and he was so great! brought back great memories!

then mom and I went to a girl from church's dad's house as he is moving and getting rid of furniture for FREE!! and we found some stuff! YAH!! love free stuff!!! :)

after that I went home and have been packing more stuff (can't wait to move!) and working out! so the usual! I am just so excited! I hope this works out, please be praying that it goes well!!! so nervous, but excited! hey i'm NERVCITED!!! LOL! my word, remember?

Well let's have a great week everyone!!!!!

Be praying for Thursday! would love to get everything moved that day, although most of my big stuff might have to wait until the weekend! AHHH!!!

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