Sunday, June 22, 2008

FANTASTIC weekend! Sad, that the week is STARTING!

Guess what I did today? Sat out in the sun with a book, watched the Twins win, watched the Gymnastics championships, relaxed, and chilled out! SUPER right!! :)

I'm just bummed that the week is here, eeekkk!! But my week starts where I'm not going to drink pop, and work on not eating so much junk food when I get home from work. Since I have such crazy hours, I usually wake up about noon, go to work, eat something for the first time all day at 6:00 for my lunch break, and then pig out when I get home. I'm going to try waking up early, eating a light lunch, doing some swimming/rollerblading before going to work, eating a smart ones meal, and eating something small when I get home. I've decided to cut out pop for sure. Usually I go to walmart every night, but this week I'm going to try and not get any junk food, I've bought a bunch of 100 calorie treats, so hopefully that will help! I will let you know how it goes, but please pray!! :)

Have a great week everyone! :)

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