Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great day was had!

So I had a good day, sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I came home and literally went to sleep, that is how tired I was, and I slept like 12 hours!! CRAZINESS!

this morning though I got up early, for me, and laid outside and did my devotion and just spent my extra time with God in the morning, it was nice.

Then I went to work, and it was good, and I got to get out of work early. The plan was for Lisa and I get off together and go to Target and do some shopping for the baby shower, but then Lisa wasn't picked, so I went to Sara's and we went for a walk. Then I went grocery shopping and I had no idea you could get so much healthy food, that actually looks good! HA HA!

I'm still serious about my health food kick, so hopefully it works! Plus the twins won there 7th game, so thats exciting!

But I better go! LOVE YA!

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