Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wow, its almost august!

sorry i haven't been writing, things have been busy during the weekends, but during the week, my lack of fun would bore you guys! haha!

but its been a busy july, cousins wedding, family in town (which was SOOOO much fun!) and then this last weekend we had my dad's side of the family over for a day at the pool, which was great, and then this weekend i am scrapbooking, and planning a trip to south dakota with lisa, and then my brother's b-day is monday, so i am going back home to hang out with the family.

so things have been crazy, but i cannot believe the summer is almost over, still not job prospects. i submit resume's all the time, and hear nothing back, so prayers would be appreciated for that.

also this last weekend i started a diet, so far so good, but still nervous. PRAY please!!!! its an online thing, where u record all the foods u eat! PRAYERS!

twins just lost a game, due to a SUPER dumb ump!!! OH MY GOSH, i am still so mad!!! GRRRRRRR!!!! but other than that, the twinkies are still in good shape, and joe mauer is still the love of my life! haha! :)

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