Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday Night Twins Game

I went to the Twins game with Sara on Friday night, which was SOOOOO much fun!! I had to wait for her to get off work and it was so busy, so It felt like it took forever to get there, but it didn't, and we survived, we both hate driving to the dome, and we SURVIVED!! WOOT WOOT!!! even though i had a nightmare that we would get there when the star spangle banner played, and guess what happened!! haha!!

we also got the wrong tickets, they gave me Sunday's tickets, so that kinda made me nervous, but everything worked out! our seats were good too, considering we just bought them! It was so crowded, and so loud, which was WONDERFUL! and there were home runs hit all over the place, we destroyed Kansas City!! Everyone was keeping track of the Chicago/Detroit game, so when they won and people cheered, Sara and I were both like "What's going on?" it was funny!

we also had the funniest boys sitting behind us with there Bircle Me Cert signs instead of Circle Me Bert, so that was fun!

after the game ended, and we had won, there was someone that tried to sneak onto the field, and of course he got hog piled by security, so that was funny, i'm just wondering who would do something like that!!

we did mingle around, since it was Sara's last game at the dome, and we also wanted to take our time so traffic would dwindle, which it did because sara and i looked at her duluth pictures, and then it was easy driving, and we stopped at perkins in monticello, and this is when we got drunk on laughter, it was crazy! i don't even remember what we laughed about, but we both just about died, and so that was SUPER fun! we didn't get home until super late, and then we decided to watch a replay of the game we were just at! haha!! it was so much fun! more details on my next game later!! :)

1 comment:

jackie lea said...

I love you, seestor!