Monday, June 29, 2009

wow, its been a week, sorry about that!

although nobody reads this, but i still like writing in it and reading it later on down the road, plus i don't do much of anything, except look for a job!!!

so i spent most of my time at my parents last week, at the pool, which was FABULOUS! then i went home and went to DQ with jill and then we went to her place and hung out and talked and now we are planning to go to Mille Lacs Lake for the 4th, there's going to be a parade, and a park we can walk around, i think it will be fun!

then i went scrapbooking with jill and lisa, and it was so much fun! when we needed a break we went to applebee's to get hamburgers for twins ticket discounts, YAH!!!

i got so much done, but i still have a lot to do in my book!

then the next day i went home, since we had an outdoor service, sermon on the mound, literally on the kimball express baseball field, which was great. we sang some old hymns, which i love, and the sermon was great, and then there was a picnic back at the church which was so much fun, to catch up with everyone!!

then we went back to the house, since we were celebrating dad's b-day and father's day, and we all took naps, and then i read out by the pool, but it wasn't a very good swim day.

then we played card games, we played one called mugins, which my great grandfather taught my dad, and my dad either got last or second to last, which was funny! i even won twice! every once in awhile we would break out into songs, we sang sound of music, backstreet boys, and the hymns we sang at church, which was great! we don't sound good, but its fun to sing!

then we drove to st. cloud and took the fam out to Bonanza, which is YUMMY!!! it was fun, i also found out we are going to meet kevy's (girl!!!!) friend, so we went around the table to say something nice about dad, and a story we can tell Sam (the girl) about kevin, which was great!

then afterward jackie came back to my place and we hung out for a bit, it was just a fun day with my fam, and i got some sun too, which is a good thing! (even though it was just on my arm, weird huh?)

then today i slept in, which was FABULOUS, and then sara came over later. we went shopping, and got ice cream at DQ, which was yummy, and then came back to watch the twinkies lose, way sad!

but things have been good lately, i am just going to focus on getting a job!!! PRAYERS needed!!

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