Saturday, March 7, 2009

i'm sorry i haven't posted in three days!

my bad!

let me catch u up: I still have a job, so thats exciting! sounds like we won't know about possible layoffs for another month, but it doesn't sound as horrible as i originally thought! yah!

friday went quickly, actually went to bed pretty much when i got home! then on saturday lisa came over and we waited for like an hour just to try and get twins tickets, then found out that they had something going on at the dome today for selling tickets, but we finally got tickets later on, when she had left! so annoyed that it took that long, but we finally got tickets for the last game at the dome, HOORAY! i'm not sure how great they are, but i am pretty sure it will be sold out soon! ahhhhh! i'm kinda sad they are leaving the dome, since that was like our secret weapon, and plus we are in MN, so its not like we have nice weather in april, when the season starts, and nothing covering us, HELLO people!! oh well, it will be nice in the summer months to go!

anywho, after that i went to the library, its supposed to snow tomorrow, so i figured i would be prepared, then i went to church, very good! i really like going saturday night, and we had a different pastor today and his sermon really hit home about some people being flashy witnessers like "look at me" persona, and some quieter, like me, and that no matter what we need to witness, no excuses! even though i am not good at it, or even good at chatting it up with new people, i need to do it! AHHHH! its so scary, i feel like i am still in high school sometimes, because i want people to like me, but its hard, but next weekend when i scrapbook with jill, i am going to invite her to church, and i hope that she comes! PRAY!

then i went home, i called my mom and asked if she would make some spaghetti, so she told me to bring some hamburger, which i forgot, but my dad knowing me, went and got some, haha! he was laughing about it! it was SOOOO good! kevy came home, and we all sat around the table and talked, which was great! we are trying to come up with some family business that we can start up, so we can quit our jobs and be owners and be our own bosses, which i think would be fantabulous, and we had some crazy ideas, like disney in kimball, and some good ideas subway in kimball, or even some kind of hotel in kimball! good ideas, but i think we want to do something more in sports, since the boys know about all boy sports, i know about twins, baseball, and the girl sports, but we aren't sure yet! i would love to start a business with my fam! then after hanging out, i combed through the Sommers General store, meaning my parents let me get what i need for free, which is SOOOO wonderful! THANKS mom and dad! so i got some free toliet paper! whoo hoo!!!

then it was back home, did some grocery shopping, preparing for the snow, although it doesn't sound like its going to be much, thank goodness Sven! so keep your fingers crossed, and have a great rest of your weekend! WOWZA, i guess not posting in a couple days has me scrambling to tell all! hope u enjoyed it, LATER!

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