Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today was FABULOUS!! nice, lazy Saturday!

i SLEPT in, and by slept, I mean really slept, which was SOOOO needed. I felt like I needed it to recharge my batteries. After that, some skating was on TV, so that's always nice, and then it was church time. Church was so great tonight, it was basically an open mike testimony time, to which I always think "I'm not going up there" and "stop crying all the time" well I didn't go up, but I bawled like a baby, its so great to hear other peoples testimonies! love it!
after church my girlfriend showed up, so that was nice to play catch up, and feel like I have a buddy at church. My friends at church are pretty much my parents friends from my home church, so its nice to be brave enough to connect with someone my age; although she showed up an hour late because she forgot about the service time change! haha!

so it was a good night, and then I got some pizza, and the weather outside was BEAUTIFUL! i am starting to walk a couple times a week, unfortunately because I slept in, I didnt get a chance too today, but I think I am going to go hang out with my parents tomorrow, so it would be nice to make time to go out to the back of the woods. Someone's testimony at church tonight talked about where you feel most connected with the Lord, do you have a certain spot, and I immediately thought of my parents back woods, its so calm and peaceful, I hope I get a chance to get out there tomorrow, it would be nice to take my bible, since I haven't been reading it as much as I used too, since I'm still scared of Revelation, and I hate skipping around in the bible. AHHHH!!! so my goal is to walk tomorrow, and read some bible verses, I'm starting to write down my favorites, so that way I have something to remember to look up, when I need too!

I'll have to post some here too! good reminder!! :)

Well have a good evening (okay morning!) and hopefully tomorrow goes SLOW!!!!!!!!!! :)

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