Sunday, November 20, 2011

birthday celebrations with the family!!

So much fun!!! my dad was in Chicago for the weekend, and called me and was like "I'm stuck in Chicago, and I'm gonna miss your party!" and I was like "Um, I have caller ID, so I know that you are calling from home!" and he was like "oh!" haha!! gotta love technology!!!

I didn't make it to church this morning, I was still freaking out about the roads, and our driveway wasn't plowed yet!! bummer! :(

It just so fun to hang out with the family, we had pizza and my mom made brownies, but she put applesauce in it, tell me who puts applesauce in brownies, WEIRD!!!

We also played Apples to Apples, which I love that game, and did some disney talkin', great times!!! I just love my family so much! I also got lots of cool stuff, I got money from my aunt, Breaking Dawn (the book) and Rudolph scrubs from my parents, trying to read Breaking Dawn before I go see it next week, and a cool frame with the lyrics of The Sound of Music, with my favorite colors: light pink and chocolate brown!!! My sister had someone make it for me, which I think is so cool!

Anyway, very fun birthday!!! Can't wait for the celebrations to continue!!! Its was fun to read through my baby book too! I love doing that! :)

I can't believe I'm going to be 27! CRAZINESS!

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