Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mission so not accomplished!

I didn't vaccum, the skating wasn't as awesome as it could've been, and my shopping didn't go well! arghhhhhh!!! sometimes I'm so exhausted, and cannot believe that its time for the work week to start up again. Why didn't God create a two day work week, and a 5 day weekend!! WHY??? come on man!!

but i do have quite a few days off around Thanksgiving, which will be nice; like my birthday, so it will be nice to just have down time. I hate even having a one day weekend, argh!!

well here's hoping everyone has a great week, and its almost my birthday. I cannot believe I'm going to be 27, I feel like I should have some wisdom to impart since I feel so old, but I don't! haha! nighty night!

DWTS semi finals tomorrow, EXCITING!! toodles!

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