Thursday, April 9, 2009

rough day, but in a good way! (if that made sense!)

it started out great, i went over to Sara's this afternoon for a walk we are starting before she works her afternoon shift, which is every other week, and that was really fun, cold but fun!

after that i came home and chilled, which has been nice, but i know i have to find a job soon!

then the rough part, i went to my church tonight because they were showing Passion of the Christ, which i had not seen since it first came out, and its so good, but so hard to watch. i was crying right away, boy was i glad i brought some kleenex with me. that movie just tugs at my heart, and i really hope that i can do what Jesus wants me to do by reaching out to others about my faith, boy is that hard!! PRAYERS needed, but it did help to realize, "stop complaining about not having a job, a lot more people are worse off than you are, and don't have a great family and friend support system!"

keep reminding me people!!

Twins won tonight though, even though i missed it, i was very glad that they did!!! WOOT WOOT!!! tomorrow they have an afternoon game, so i will let you know the turnout later on.

well i have NOTHING going on tomorrow, which is exciting! just relaxing, and maybe hit the library, and start job hunting, but i at least want to wait until next week when i have to report at least 2 jobs i've applied for, so that is why i am waiting until next week, don't worry, i know i need a job! haha!

well have a great week, keep chugging along, and see that movie ASAP, especially with Easter coming up, that reminds me i figured out why easter isn't my favorite holiday, because its so hard to think of the sacrifice that Jesus gave up for the world! ponder that, hmmm.......


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