Saturday, May 23, 2009

Family day, and it was really fun!

jackie woke me up when she got home, of course!! and i forgot how uncomfortable my bed here is!! haha!

we basically chilled all afternoon, and played with the baby kitties, which was so fun! then we decided to watch the phantom and my brother wanted to watch it to before they left, which is funny because he hates sound of music, but i guess "what can you do, right?"

it was just a fun day! mom burnt hamburgers, nothing changes there, and it was fun to hang with the fam. then the boys left, and jackie left later, and mom watched the rest of the phantom with me.

then we cooked a pizza, and i watched the twinkies win, and our new rookie pitcher perform WONDERFULLY! Hooray! plus joe hit another homer, WOOT WOOT!!!

great day was had! now i am tired, so i am off to bed!! NIGHTY NIGHT!

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