Monday, May 11, 2009

great day, a lot was accomplished!!

so today i got up for the workshop, but it felt more like a AA meeting, we went around the room and told everyone our story, i felt like saying: "I am an alcoholic, and i need help!" just kidding, but it was good feedback! there was a girl who talked about her fear of interviews, i am totally the same way!! EEEKKK, but i just gotta remember that i've done it before, and i'm 2 for 2, in terms of interviews!

after that i went to walmart and found some resume paper, this is more than i did last week, then i was going to go to the library with my roomate, but she ended up taking a nap, haha!! so i did my dishes that were piling up, and finished my laundry and folded my clothes and put them away, i was on a role, so after that i decided to wait to vacum, i think i need to do it tomorrow, so i just chilled out after all my hard work, went grocery shopping, got some healthy food and then sara called me saying something about her mom needing to go to a meeting, and she was supposed to watch her cousin, and so i went to her house, to relieve her mom, but her mom stayed, and sara showed up a few minutes later. boy is her cousin a cutie pie! he's 2, and adorable! fun times!

after the father came, sara brought up that her uncle finally gave her our graduation ceremony tape from high school, so we watched that, it was TOOOOOO funny!! we tried to guess middle names, and baby pictures, and turns out they accidentially taped over sara accepting her diploma, haha!!

of course after this we looked at her yearbooks, and laughed at what everyone said, and during high school we wrote down all our fun times in her planner, and everytime we look at it, i keep saying that i need a copy, and i never remember, but its so fun to reminisce!!! good times (and great oldies, cool 108!!) u know i had to do that!!!

then we also went for a walk! fun times! well i should get some sleep, i'm tired. prayers needed!

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