Thursday, May 7, 2009

so much has happened, sorry i haven't posted!!!

so yesterday was a great day!! i had to get up early for the Creative Job workshop, but it was a very good class! very helpful! i actually ended up meeting someone who got laid off from the CM factory, and she was there 7 years, CRAZINESS!!!

then we had an interview portion which made me so NERVOUS, but it was very good!

after that i kinda had a hard time, lots of thoughts about "I cannot believe how much work goes into finding a new job!" some tears, prayers needed!! i ended up going to the library with one of my roomates Jamie, which was fun! i almost lost her too, that place is huge, but i got some books about job searching, and have my research to start diving into, probably tomorrow!

today was a great day too, i slept in, which was nice! then jamie and i went to see 17 again, which was WONDERFUL! i LOVE zac efron, he is so great, and cute!! the movie was really funny!

then it was off to go home for a home church program, which i had to hurry to since the movie went super late, but i am so glad i went, it was nice to be with my home church and see everyone, lots of encouraging words!! i love being with my fam, and i am so excited to celebrate mom's day this weekend! also when dad and kevy go to the indy race, jackie and i are going to go home and celebrate a girls weekend at the pool, HOORAY! i hope its nice out, its nice to just get away! i never thought my parents house would be my oasis, but it is!!!!

now i am just chillin, planning to get up kinda early tomorrow, and then hanging out with sara!! yah!

prayers needed! thanks!

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