Saturday, May 2, 2009

what a day!

first of all i slept way to late, as always! then it was time to get ready for church, church was so good tonight. it was about not being judgement in a rude way, but being a good friend and letting people know, in a Christ way, of when you think they are not doing something good, or should be quiting the bad stuff, which is hard, because i don't wanna go up to my best friend and be like "you are such a jerk, and you did this and this; how could you" when i've probably done the same thing, i should try saying "i can't believe that happened, is there anything i can do to help you? this is something i tried when this situation happened, maybe it will help you!" ya know, i hope that made sense, and then one of the singers was saying stuff about this past easter and how great it was, and it really was, watching the Passion of the Christ was so great!!!! great worship,
and then i talked to Lisa and she wanted to scrapbook tonight, so that was fun, we were watching the game, and we ended up losing, but it was still fun. did my first page in my disney album, although i don't really like it, but oh well!!!

now tomorrow i am hanging out with sara and then i plan to do some shopping and maybe go home, we shall see! have a great rest of the weekend!

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