Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mother's day!!

it was a fun day! i went home, and then we left for monticello to meet jackie at perkins! it was yummy, and we had so much fun!! we spent a couple hours just chillin out! fun times!

when we got home i found out the twinkies lost, GRRRR! our bullpen is not doing well, come on guys! they have an off day tomorrow, so hopefully they can gear up for a tough week against those darn tigers, and then heading to the new yankee stadium, hopefully we crush them in it!!

then i just chilled out at home with my parents, and cleared out the place, it was like going to a grocery store!! haha!

then i came home and have been chillin out! i talked to sara today and she said she found out her uncle filmed our high school graduation, so we are going to watch that together tomorrow! YAH! fun times! i'm also going to a support group for those who've lost there jobs, so hopefully that goes well, have a great week everyone! :)

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